EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>I checked MyUM twice at school and again when I got home.....nothing! I got super excited when the mailman came early today....still nothing. Hopefully tomorrow......</p>

<p>Why can't they just say whether or not they will post online or not. That would sure save everyone a lot of time instead of checking my UM. Oh well, I guess that's part of the experience.</p>

<p>when I called admissions they said decisions would eventually be both posted online and mailed</p>

<p>^ I don't like the word "eventually" XP</p>

<p>It's Tuesdayyyy. Today's the day. I can feel it!</p>

<p>I've been checking myUM so many times a day (realistically, so many times a hour) that it doesn't even ask me to log in anymore...
Ahh the wait is killing me!!</p>

<p>What schools did you guys apply to within the U?</p>

<p>business school</p>

<p>The College of Arts and Sciences (whatever the regular one is, hah)</p>

<p>why do you guys want miami so bad?</p>

<p>It is 29 degrees here right now. The ground is covered in snow and they are predicting 3"-5" for tomorrow. that is why.</p>

<p>School of Communications</p>

<p>No mail today....Tampa Bay...no popup either!</p>

<p>It is 100 degrees here year round and I'm surrounded by cactus. That is why.</p>

<p>No luck at 5pm eastern</p>

<p>If they started sending out the packets yesterday I would have thought at least some people in Florida would have received them by now!</p>

<p>I just want to get into a college already. All regular decisions don't come out until April, and hearing all my friends tell me which colleges they got into makes me a bit nervous. Also, UM is nearby, I'm assured SOME type of scholarship, and my sister already goes there, so it's a pretty nice situation for me. I applied to the CAS, by the way.</p>

<p>I live in the keys, a two hour drive from the University. It never takes more than one day for mail to travel anywhere in southern Florida, and I haven´t gotten one yet. Even though they say they do it randomly, maybe they do it by region; the farther the applicant, the sooner their letter is mailed.</p>

<p>Maybe I'll get mine today... I live in Arizona. But seriously why wouldn't they just send them out all at once? Also it seems like they aren't doing pop-ups this year because some people should have gotten them already.</p>

<p>Nothing here on the west coast........</p>

<p>Hi...we live in "Canes Country" - 2 blocks from UM, and haven't received anything.</p>