EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>Has anyone actually talked to the UM admission people who said that decisions were sent on monday. It seems strange that no one has recieved anything if they were sent on monday.</p>

<p>who said they would be sent out on monday?</p>

<p>A few people did from early on in the forum. They said they talked to admission people and the such.</p>

<p>Well, it is only Tuesday. Maybe we should give it a little bit more time. We won't start rioting until Thursday. ;)</p>

<p>when I talked to admissions they said they would be sent out early this week...</p>

<p>Can we start rioting on Wedenesday? Please?</p>

<p>i feel like the popups will probably be on the first, because if they sent out the packets early this week and they expect that they will be received by thursday, friday or saturday, than everyone will hear formally before the informal internet pop up...
...but that isn't going to stop me from checking myUM every 12.7 minutes though...</p>

<p>nothing in the mail on Wednesday. sigh.</p>

<p>****. Nothing in the mail here, no pop up...</p>

<p>Who wants to riot with me?</p>

<p>heyy im new to this group,
Miami is my first choice, I can't see myself anywhere but there.
I talked to the director of addmissions and he told me that nothing would be posted online cause colleges are deciding to send everything by mail now, but idk.
It says the date we find out is the 1st which is a sunday no mail : (, so I'm guessing the letter might come on saterday or monday?
im DYING to find out already!!</p>

<p>Yes I'm ready to riot with you. If they have made our decisions already why don't they release them. This isn't that hard of a complex. Has anyone in Miami gotten their mail yet? They have to got to be there by no or they weren't sent out on monday.</p>

<p>Hey. schindlr88 and everyone, I live 2 blocks from UM We're so close we hear the band practicing on Thursdays from our house. My D also applied EA and we haven't received an answer. Just hung up with UM Admissions & they said we should have an answer by next week. This has been one of 4 different answers I've received...</p>

<p>hey I live in South FloridA too and nothing came in the mail from miami today:-9</p>

<p>Nothing in Tampa Bay, either! Grrrrr....</p>

<p>Next week...?</p>

<p>Blah, I'm done saying tomorrow. I guess they finally want to get it to the applicants on Feb 1st or after for the first time in who knows how long. Just our luck, eh guys : p?</p>

<p>Well, while we're still waiting, what do you say we have some informal introductions. I'm an Indian-American (not American-Indian) living some 50 miles from the UM campus, my sister goes there, and I just want to have the satisfaction of being accepted somewhere already. Pre-med is most likely going to be the path I take.</p>

<p>Feb 1st is a sunday so how can they expect to get decisions to us on the first? Don't the admission people know when they were sent out, if at all? It seems ridiculous that they release decisions after the specified date. If they still haven't arrived in Florida I won't get mine until friday at the earliest. Why is there so much secrecy involved, can't they just say what is going on?
I am Jordan by the way and I live in tucson Arizona. I definately want to study business. Not sure if I want to go to UM, just want to know if I got in already.</p>

<p>my turn</p>

<p>Jewish-American in ATL, GA. UM is in my top3 which changes pretty much daily (UF, UM, Penn). Lookin' at a career in TV News.</p>

<p>Last year the decisions arrived around Jan. 23/24, the year before that it was even earlier, around Jan.15. However, back in 2006 the decisions didn't come out until after Feb.1, some as late as Feb.10. Seems like UM's back in that mode. It's ridiculous that admissions can't give a straight answer as to whether packets have been sent out.</p>