EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>Nothing in Tampa Bay...perhaps tomorrow...</p>

<p>So this is what it's like to wait for mail when it's not in state....</p>

<p>EDIT: Never mind, just saw DinDune's post.</p>

<p>I think the people who heard are in Florida, judging from previous posts. And looking back at prior year posts, it is usual to receive notice of merit aid with the admission notification. Well, I guess those out of state will be hearing by Saturday, at least. Please post your stats if you are accepted to help out next year's class.</p>

<p>I live in South Florida so I guess that's why i received it so early. Good luck to you guys that are still waiting. My messages on myum didn't change so I guess they haven't posted anything yet. I had a 33 act and in top 2%</p>

<p>ack..I didn't get anything...and I'm in state!</p>

<p>Most colleges send out merit scholarship information with the acceptance actually...</p>

<p>Well at least I said should get my letter eventually, unless it gots lost in the mail of course(which has happened before). Congrats to those accepted. So it seems like they haven't done any messages online, which is kind of a bummer. Do you think that they will post online Feb 1 or just not all?</p>

<p>Do you think those that do not get in will also receive notice? I don't know since my son got accepted when he applied. The wait for my youngest son now is just killing us! I don't remember it being like this before...oh well, patience everyone! We have no choice and Congrats to those who did get in!
Great work....</p>

<p>Nothing yet in New Jersey. My son is cool as a cucumber. I, on the other hand . . .</p>

<p>Same for us...my son is cool about it since he has other acceptances....but, deep in his heart and ours, UM is #1. When my other son went there, we were so pleased and he is still a very very active alumni! Go Canes and let's hear soon....</p>

<p>"Congratulations! You have been admitted to the University of Miami under the Early Action program for the fall 2009 semester to begin your studies in Ecosystem Science and Policy in the College of Arts and Sciences."</p>

<p>Just got my package in the mail today!!! I was quite surprised to hear back already!</p>

<p>75% Scholarship and I was invited to the Singer Scholarship weekend!</p>

<p>DBicknell...congrats! Stats please!</p>

<p>yeah...congrats to all those accepted! Miami is a fantastic school!. Just wondering...when is Singer Scholarship weekend scheduled?</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

* SAT I (breakdown): 2040
* ACT: 33
* SAT II: Bio E 730 Math 2 720 Bio M 660
* Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9808
* Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/565
* AP (place score in parenthesis): Bio (5), Environmental (5), Human Geography(5) World History(4), Art History(4), Calc AB(4), Stats(4), Psychology(4) - Didn't report: English Lit (3) US History (3) Physics B (2)
* Senior Year Course Load:
AP Calc BC
AP European History
AP Physics E&M
AP English Lit
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Gov
* Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Harvard Book Award for Academic Excellence, AP Scholar with Distinctions, First Place at Student Council States x3</p>

* Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Student Council (President), Interact (Co-founding co-President), Boca Alliance for Student Excellence (President), Math Honor Society, National Honor Society (Treasurer, Community Director), Student Government (Treasurer 9,10,11), Recycling Program (Founding Coordinator), Students for a Better Tomorrow, Varsity Volleyball (4 years)
* Job/Work Experience: State Farm (Office assistant), Tennis Learning Center (Tennis Store Clerk), USSF Referee (7 years), Academic Tutor (Math)
* Volunteer/Community service: Intern Barack Obama Campaign, Habitat for Humanity
* Essays: very good
* Teacher Recommendation: very good
* Counselor Rec: AMAZING
* Additional Rec: Exceptional</p>

* State (if domestic applicant): South East Florida
* School Type: Large Public
* Ethnicity: Mexican American
* Gender: Male</p>

<p>Thanks DinDune!! </p>

<p>The Singer weekend event is February 27-28</p>

<p>Thanks...My stats are almost the same...when is the Singer weekend?</p>

<p>I'll cross my fingers for tomorrow's mail!</p>

<p>Congrats to all those accepted. Keep those stats coming for the "future generations" of UM applicants. So far, everyone accepted seems to have fantastic stats at the upper end of the student profile.</p>

<p>oh ok thanks! I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed...hopefully the letter will come tomorrow!</p>

<p>congrats to everyone that got in : )
my stats aren't quite as high... but I am a double legacy so I'm hoping that might help...?
anyone else from NY?</p>