EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>I didn't say bad, I said odd.</p>

<p>Oh, mah bad. Yeah, pretty odd, but so is finding such a beautiful campus so close to a major city...</p>

<p>Lamorda--I think it's a joke...but I'm not sure.</p>

<p>What do you mean?</p>

<p>no letter again today
: (</p>

<p>are u in Florida? my D's friend is also waiting for the result! yesterday she got nothing( she lived in Miami) and today i don't know yet... the mail here comes at 5pm! as soon as she know she'll tell my D. I 'll let u know!</p>

<p>Well, the mail just arrived here in CT and....nothing!!</p>

<p>I'm in NY so i might not even get a response until sometime next week
this wait is awful</p>

<p>Package arrived in Texas. University Scholarship 24K per year, plus an invite to the Singer weekend!!!!</p>

<p>In Orlando still Nothing! Hope it's random. What do you think?</p>

<p>I'm starting to think they only sent out the packets to those who were given University Scholars/Singer Weekend invites. Did anyone receive a packet so far who didn't get at least a 24K scholarship?</p>

<p>I just got my letter (live in the Keys) and got Accepted with a $16,000 annual scholarship. I'm excited :D Without the scholarship, I would have picked UCF over miami... but this puts Miami up there with UF. Wonder where I'll go...</p>

<p>if anyone cares:</p>

<p>SAT: 1980 (670M,R 640W)
ACT: 27
GPA: 3.8</p>

<p>Have taken 20 academic classes over my four years, and 21 classes total; taken 3 college courses at Stanford. No APs, no honors courses, but my school is a pretty good school and only offers them to very few people.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!

<p>my D's friend got in! package received today at noon.... with the Dean's scholarship( $16000/year) what i don't understand is that she got 27 act and 1270 sat and to be awarded any scholarship at UM you need 1350 sat and 31 act... do you think they could have made a mistake?</p>

<p>LaVieEnChocolat-Did your D's friend have extremely high GPA and class rank--like number 1 or 2? Maybe that could have made up for lower test scores. Congrats to all accepted today. I hope my S gets his package tomorrow. High anxiety!</p>

<p>3.8 weighted or not weighted?</p>

<p>interesting....last year it appeared that anything below 1300/28 wasn't even an automatic acceptance.....</p>

<p>Which is very interesting, because their acceptance rate appears to have gone down. According to the letter there are 22,000 total applicants and 2000 will end up being accepted.</p>

<p>But that GPA is weighted and unweighted. Like I said, my school doesn't offer AP or honors courses to anyone but seniors... and even then, they don't weight grades.</p>

<p>You are mistaken. 22,000+ plus apply, and around 2,000 enroll, but the acceptance rate is much higher than the enrollment (somewhere around 8,000-9,000).</p>

<p>Rushed home to a mailbox devoid of a letter here in CT... :(</p>

<p>my D's friend has an 3.6 unwgpa , i 'm not sure for wpga maybe 4.7 and she is in the top 25% of the class!! i'm happy for her but it doesn't match what they say on the website... congrats to all accepted students!! so far no rejects!!</p>

<p>Yesssss, finally got my acceptance form! Stats are 2090 on the SATs, 3.7 GPA UW (4.8 W), a plethora of extra curriculars and other stuff. I got the University scholarship! So relieved and happy!</p>