Earliest to Receive Admission Decision: ED?

<p>Last year, some people found out on December 12th for early decision. This year, however, the website says that we will find out around December 20th. A week and a day is a long time! Any ideas/anticipations?</p>

<p>Common app issues</p>

<p>I could never understand why people get so uptight about these dates. (Nothing personal. A lot of people get caught up.) I’m sure that you are checking your canelink EVERYDAY! When the decision comes, it comes. If you check every single second of everyday, you will drive yourself crazy. Do yoga, meditate, take a chill pill, RELAX. You will either be accepted, or rejected, before you know it. I have applied to a few colleges EA (including UM, which may be my #1). I am going to get a great christmas present. …but then again, I have already been accepted into 2 schools. …Let’s get together for a soft drink next August at Eaton.;)</p>

<p>Haha you’re absolutely right! I just really love that school and the suspense is killing me! But yes, if we both get in, I’ll definitely meet up with you! May I ask your stats?</p>

<p>Briefly: I attend the best public H.S. in Utah. My unweighted GPA is ~3.7. I have taken 12 AP classes. My weighted GPS is over 4.0. I have never received less than a B in any class, and I have never received more than 2 Bs during any marking period. I have taken the SAT 1x (670 CR, 660 M, 630 Writing). For the past 4 years, I have constantly volunteered with mentally/physically and/or financially challenged children, thru my church, the local art non-profit (Kimball Arts Center), and The National Ability Center, which is a phenomenal, and very well respected non-profit. Also, during the winter months of the past four years, I have worked as a ski instructor/instructor’s assistant at Snowbird and Deer Valley. I am an AP Scholar, a National Merit Scholar, fluent in German (no formal training, other than summer studies in Berlin) and conversational in Spanish (AP Spanish). I think that I will be accepted at the U. I hope so, anyway. Miami is a very exciting city, and the U. has everything that I want in a college.</p>

<p>That’s impressive! There’s no reason they wouldn’t accept you! Good luck, and please do let me know how things go :)</p>

<p>Great attitude, skier! My DS was equally chill about notifications. I would want him to log on to his accounts as soon as I knew from cc that decisions were up. He was fine to look that day, the next whenever. “The decision will be the same.” </p>

<p>He was quite excited when he got into the U!</p>

<p>If you check canelink they might have put up your admissions decision because I just got mine and paid my deposit(:</p>

<p>CONGRATULATIONS Ms.Lipnick. Today, I am bummed that I applied EA, and have to wait another month and 1/2.</p>

<p>Thanks wasatchsk1er(: and aww well I’m sure you will get in! Good luck! It was the most surprising thing since it was just said undergrad admissions decision and then accept admissions decision and pay deposit haha</p>


<p>Congrats, were you ED or EA?
Which screen did you first realize that a decision was in?
Was is the Application Status page?</p>


thanks(: I was ED and i saw it on the right side of the student center page on the communications center menu and there was a communication that said undergraduate decision letter. Then i went to the self service menu and there is a tab that says student admission and accept UM admission which is where i could accept the admission and make the $300 deposit. Good Luck!</p>

<p>My daughter too. I am so confused! That means they are in right?</p>

<p>Ah I got in as well!! If only they’d tell me how much I got in scholarship money</p>

<p>Congrats to all. The scholarship money should appear in the Admission Letter, but for some reason the link is not working. Last year that letter pop out when my son login CaneLink.</p>

<p>I’m assuming it means acceptance because how else could the deposit be paid? Congrats Narissa Babie!</p>

<p>Thank you so much!!</p>

<p>Congrats to you too, missylipnick!! <3</p>

<p>But isn’t it a bit strange that we (or at least I) never received an email stating that we were accepted?</p>

<p>I assume there is a glitch in the system and that for some reason they were suppose to send all this next week together with the email. Do you know of anyone that applied and did not get in? I do not know of any other ED applicant in my area.</p>