Earliest to Receive Admission Decision: ED?

<p>One thing I do recommend Stacy is that you show interest. Email the school ( through your counselor or find out who is handling your application) and let them know of your interest. Someone commented that they ran out of time checking all the applications because of the common app problem. If this is true (and in your case it would make sense because you were ED and committed to UM) you do have a good shot at RD. Tell them that even though you received acceptance at other schools you would prefer coming to Miami. Also add any new accomplishment in your senior year. I hope this will help. UM usually likes high stats candidates more than holistic approaches. They are trying to build up the quality of their student body (keeping in mind diversity) and they would not just dismiss a committed A student with a 34 ACT.</p>

<p>i still haven’t got my notification yet and the last day for ED is today right?</p>

<p>When this happens it is attributed to Yield management or Tufts syndrome. You can run a search engine on those terms for discussion. Is it real, who knows, but there are many cases on CC where the higher stat kids got deferred. The general idea is that schools just under the elites will defer the highest stat applicants that have not expressed interest because these kids are likely using the school as a safety, and would lower yield rates if accepted.</p>

<p>yes thank you! I talked to my guidance counselor and we’re planning on emailing the New York representative at the end of next week when the admissions office calms down a little bit. We are just hoping for the best! My freshman year really affected my overall GPA but sophomore, junior, and senior have drastically improved since then. I’m taking three AP’s so hopefully I can just maintain my grades second quarter and hope for the best for RD!</p>

<p>Wow; I never knew about Tuft’s syndrome. Either way, Miami’s yield always tends to be low because of its huge price tag. :/</p>

<p>If you visit the Tulane boards there is a thread that mentions this, but it is actually common at other schools as well. If a school thinks you are using them as a safety (your gpa and scores are higher than their averages) they may pass over you and admit kids they feel are more likely to accept.</p>

<p>That would be true if she had not applied ED. ED is binding unless she cannot get enough FA approval. Most deferrals for high stats happen EA. That is one of the reason so many schools now have ED 1 and ED2. They want committed students not people just shopping around.</p>

<p>did you hear yet?</p>

<p>Yes, we did! :)</p>

<p>if I don’t get my notification today does that mean I didn’t get in or I’m automatically deferred?</p>

<p>Check canelink; go to the student center. If there’s a check mark, you’re in. If there’s a circle, it might mean you’re deferred. :confused: good luck!</p>

<p>How do you know that though for sure?</p>

<p>I think you should call and ask. You applied ED and you should know if you were accepted or not so you can plan accordingly.</p>

<p>I found out yesterday that I was admitted ED!</p>

<p>OMG congratulations!! You should totally join the UMiami Class of 2018 Facebook page! And add me :]</p>

<p>Is the Facebook group a “like” page only or there is another Facebook group just for admitted students? My daughter said that other schools are creating pages that invite admitted students to be part off so others cannot see it.</p>

<p>Still haven’t received a letter from UM…I live in MD, should I expect it within the next few days?</p>

<p>Call them; it should have arrived by now</p>

<p>Admitted ED! So happy to finally call myself CANE!</p>

<p>OMG congrats!!</p>