Earliest to Receive Admission Decision: ED?

<p>Ashnagovil; I’m sorry to hear. :frowning: If you retake your standardized tests (after studying and taking practice tests), you’ll have a chance! Also, one cannot apply ED and RD both. Here’s how it works; if you apply ED and are deferred, they automatically look at your application again with the RD pool. There’s no need to reapply. :slight_smile: Either way, call the office of admission on a weekday (before 5:30) and explain your situation to them. However, I wouldn’t do this until I got my letter; you never know! May I ask your stats?</p>

<p>44skier: when I went on CaneLink, there was a green check mark. After I paid my enrollment deposit, the check turned into a circle</p>

<p>@Narissa: They said they would review my application in April. I suppose they actually mean March then? There also isn’t a January ACT, only February. So it’s either take them again or just hope you get accepted in the regular decision pool… </p>

<p>Also, having spoken to my counselor whose good friends with the head of admissions at UM, there isn’t much to worry if you are one of the stronger SAT/GPA people. They basically deferred almost all of their applications (except for some of the lucky few here) due to not having enough time to review everyone’s applications (Common App technicalities, etc). So there wasn’t much consideration and plus a lot of people didn’t even make the deferral pool and simply got rejected. So I don’ think there is much to worry about and UM is one of those weird school where RD is better than ED. So cheers to all my deferred friends, yes?</p>

<p>Oh then I was probably wrong about March; it probably is April if that’s what the letter said! That means you can definitely take the February ACT then! Ah that’s great! :slight_smile: But I guess I got lucky in the sense that all my supporting documents were available when they were ready to read them. I’m certain that you’ll be accepted, though! Just pleaaase take timed practice tests if you’re retaking the SAT/ACT; it’s the only thing that really helped me :). Good luck!</p>

<p>Also, I never knew it was possible to get rejected ED; I went to an info session on campus and the admission counselor told us that they only defer ED…</p>

<p>Yeah unfortunately I got deferred too but my guidance counselor told me to call/email your rep like a week after (so all calls and what not calm down) and just try hard for second quarter. </p>

<p>I mean I’m not retaking my ACTs because I don’t think I can really do better (personally) cause it’s been a while but we’ll see what happens!</p>

<p>I didn’t officially get deferred but I’m pretty sure I will be. I have 1360 SATs but a low gpa. I got all A’s and 2 B+'s first quarter and am on track for the same thing second quarter. There’s not much to do at this point (I don’t need to retake SATs) so I will probably wind up going to Tulane since I already got in…</p>

<p>Thank you NarissaBabie! I didn’t officially get my letter yet so we’ll see what happens. I got a super score of 25 on my ACT and a 3.9 GPA Weighted. I hope i get in though later. & I’m definitely going to transfer</p>

<p>I mean I got into Tulane also but I’m still hoping for Miami. Tulane is my second choice. But my superscored act is a 34 and I got straight A’s first quarter so hopefully I still have a shot!</p>

<p>Stacyrobo11- did you only have the green circle and the letter said you were deferred?</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone! :)</p>

<p>I still don’t think my canelink is updated because I don’t see any circle? I got a letter</p>

<p>Did you get deferred, Stacy?</p>

<p>Yeahh I did! But hopefully I get in RD just have to wait</p>

<p>Mine just says application Complete in green? What does that mean?</p>

<p>It means they have everything they need to review your application.</p>

<p>Stacy, I cannot believe they deferred you! A 34 on the ACT is 99th percentile, after all! You’ll definitely get in regular, I’m sure of it! Good luck :)</p>

<p>It’s not a great idea to tell people they will definitely get in. No one here is on the admissions committee. It is not always about the stats. Many schools prefer to take a holistic view of the applicants and some are also trying to gauge how likely an applicant is going to accept an offer of admission. Thus students with lower stats and gpas may get in over kids with better scores. Encouragement is one thing but false or unfounded “you’re a sure admit” is another no matter how well intentioned.</p>

<p>Well, it was merely a friendly gesture. But fair enough. ;)</p>

<p>And I have never heard of someone with lower stats getting in over someone with higher stats, unless, of course, the one was lower stats was a URM. It just doesn’t seem logical. Unless you’d like to elaborate :)</p>