Early Action -- New Thread for 2011

<p>does anybody else get <a href=“Sign In”>Sign In; as the url of the second-to-last page (the page before it says your app is under review) on myum?</p>

<p>You mean the URL saying “acceptance” in it? Mine says that too. I don’t know if it means anything.</p>

<p>Mine says acceptance in it too</p>

<p>Mine says it too.</p>

<p>mine says that too.</p>

<p>So I’m guessing it doesn’t mean much? haha</p>

<p>i think it actually means you’re accepted. don’t take my word for it though.</p>

<p>Mine also says acceptance. ALSO, my college counselor was at U Miami this past weekend and spoke to the St. Louis rep who told her decisions will be posted TOMORROW (1/29/11) most likely in the evening! But im praying lorel900 was right. </p>

<p>Lorel900— what makes you think that means your accepted? i want to know if anyones does not say that but i feel rude asking all my friends to check theirs lol</p>

<p>Tomorrow: 1/28/11 im sorry</p>

<p>I just asked my friend to check his…I’ll let you know when he does</p>

<p>i went on google and it said that if it says acceptance that means you’re in. but it totally could be a scam or spam.</p>

<p>Lorel, where online did you see that?</p>

<p><a href=“Redirect Notice”>Redirect Notice;

<p>it’s a totally sketchy website so i dont think what it said was true. it’s better just to wait for the acceptance in the mail i guess…</p>

<p>haha yeah that looks pretty sketchy… crossing my fingers and praying that it comes in the mail today</p>

<p>Yeah mine says the acceptance thing today…hopefully we find out today or tomorrow!</p>

<p>thats what mine says too!! im worried it just says that because of acceptance status…THE WAIT IS AWFUL</p>

<p>stoppp mine says that too! ohmygod that just got my hopes up so bad, I really hope that website is right!</p>

<p>Considering all of ours say “acceptance”, it probably doesn’t have anything to do if we are accepted or not just considering the odds :(</p>

<p>Good luck, everyone! :)</p>

<p>I just called admissions (12:30 pm EST) and they said that they send the letters out in batches. And, when a batch goes out, the My UM account will change for the applicants included in that batch. She also indicated that the first batch will go out today and then go out over the next few days (I’d assume today, Monday and Tuesday). I should have asked whether there was any pattern to who is in first batch (e.g., west coast applicants), but I didn’t think about it at the time. Oh well, new information I wanted to share!</p>