Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Thank you for the good luck wishes! Congrats to those from NJ who have received their acceptance! how exciting! Nova- sorry to hear about your son! I can only imagine his heartbreak right now. Best wishes as he will do wonderful wherever he may end up!:)</p>

<p>Just got accepted!
34 Act and 3.98 gpa from NJ
congrats to all of those who have been accepted and good luck to those still waiting!</p>

<p>Is your gpa un or weighted?? And congrats yayayayyaya</p>

<p>All, Thanks for your well wishes for my S. He has been accepted at 2 schools already, with 5 more decisions expected this month. He will have choices, even if they are not the ones he had expected to have.
basic stats: OOS, white, 3.7 (and rising with current quarter grades), 1200, doesn’t rank ~top 15%, 14 AP/Honors classes, honor roll, class pres 2 years, state qualified debater, key club, JSA, black belt, two sports (in and out of school), job(s), great recs, strong essays…no “hooks”.
Clearly, he will be fine somewhere :slight_smile:
Best of luck to all.</p>

<p>barrons–small world! Yes, we do live in a beautiful part of the state. Does North feed more kids to UW successfully than their local rivals? Maybe S2 should go to North! HA! :o) Thanks for the well wishes.</p>

<p>its weighted. Also, i am a boy from south jersey. Extracurriculars- football for 4 years, part time job, school plays, debate team.</p>

<p>I assume he goes to our former arch-rival–Central. I’m not that up on how many from NHRHS go. I do know the son of our US Representative (Leonard Lance) went there.
[The</a> Arena: - Leonard Lance Bio](<a href=“Politics, Policy, Political News - POLITICO”>Politics, Policy, Political News - POLITICO)</p>

<p>I’m from near a small village northeast of Clinton</p>

<p>My son just found out he got accepted! We are OOS in northern Chicago suburbs. He has a 3.997 UW and 30 ACT. Many ECs, Football, and leadership positions. His school doesn’t rank students, but he is in approx. top 4% at a private college prep school. He is absolutely stoked as it is his first choice. It ended up taking ~40 days for a decision.</p>

<p>Just got accepted! I applied on November 18 and just found out tonight, so happy!</p>

<p>congrats both of you!! who were your admissions counselors?</p>

<p>My son got accepted this evening!! He’s going for Engineering. He applied in late Sept so it sure took a long time. I got worried because he applied to 6 schools and somehow missed that a letter of recommendation is “highly recommended” for UW Madison. We didn’t send a letter in until Thanksgiving. Not sure where he really wants to go but it’s nice to have options. Congrats to others who have been accepted and good luck to those who haven’t heard yet!</p>

<p>52 long days and counting since my application was completed – and over a week since I received an email from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences informing me of scholarship opportunities…still no decision.</p>

<p>@camcoop3r. My son’s counselor is Jennifer B.</p>

<p>Congrats all!
@blh764 please share your stats/state/counselor</p>

<p>o.k.—now I’m wondering about son…web site for school had said inform in mid-jan. and now I am reading that people have been getting acceptance letters. we had everything in be end on sept. but was told madison was having “computer problems” at that time and was not offically entered till 10/10. others of that date are just now getting notices. I wonder if they work the weekend?</p>

<p>mgguy - UW has rolling admissions. They commit to let you know by the end of January, but they don’t necessarily wait until then (it’s not like UIUC where everyone hears on 12/16). It isn’t first in, first out though. When you get a decision isn’t necessarily tied to when your application and supporting materials were submitted.</p>

<p>accepted yesterday!
3.8 GPA
32 ACT
applied in early October!
from the twin cities!
couldn’t be happier! :)</p>

<p>My stats:
-Applied Nov. 18 / Accepted Dec. 2
-3.9 UW GPA
-33 ACT
-AP Gov / AP Chem / AP Bio / AP Physics C / AP Calc
-Top 5% of grade
-Many ECs</p>

<p>Anyone with Alec Widerski as their counselor hear back yet?</p>

<p>incredibad -we are also from the twin cities and it’s interesting that we got accepted at nearly the same time. Not sure if there’s a method to the madness, if it’s just random, or if it largely depends the how the admissions counselor works through his/her stack of applications?</p>