Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Is the student center on myUW closed for everyone right now?</p>

<p>It was periodically for me too, but I tried again in a few hours and it worked. One of my friends just got wait listed today.</p>

<p>Chance me please?
27 act
3.7 UW
4.7 W GPA
In state
Many extra curriculars: student council, senior council, volleyball, freshman counselor, catholic basketball league, earning nursing assistant certification, etc. </p>

<p>Ap biology, ap psychology, ap literature, ap composition, 4 year Spanish, head editor for yearbook, ap anatomy and physiology </p>

<p>Applied sept 30. Still waiting.</p>

<p>Deferred i think</p>

<p>is ap anatomy and physiology new or something? its not on college board…</p>

<p>It’s honors level. 4 college credits if we get higher than a c in the class through a technical college.</p>


<p>You are correct - there is no AP Anatomy and Physiology. But some schools use the designation “AP” when they want to suggest advanced, accelerated, college-prep, or college-credit-awarding courses even if they don’t follow an AP curriculum. They aren’t supposed to because “AP” is trademarked and designated for use on courses in which the curriculum has been reviewed and approved by the College Board.</p>

<p>A searchable database for these authorized courses at all high schools is available here: </p>

<p><a href=“https://apcourseaudit.epiconline.org/ledger/[/url]”>https://apcourseaudit.epiconline.org/ledger/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Note that lack of designation does not prevent anyone from taking an AP exam in a subject in the Spring. Some schools offer courses that deviate from the approved AP curriculum. For example they might choose to emphasize research, writing, or lab work to a degree which requires omitting some parts of the AP curriculum. Nevertheless they might produce students who do well on the AP exams.</p>

<p>Sharpie01 I also have Alec Widerski as my admissions officer and have not yet heard back either.</p>

<p>@Sharipe01 Alec Widerski is mine too and I haven’t received a decision (applied on October 17) and he wasn’t a big help when I e-mailed him.</p>

<p>has anyone from MA or the New England area heard?</p>

<p>hjhrhi i’m from connecticut and still haven’t heard back yet. i’m getting so anxious!</p>

<p>I’m from Massachusetts (Alec Widerski), and I don’t think anyone from my school has heard back yet. And my guess is 20+ applied.</p>

<p>How do you know who your counselor is?</p>

<p>[Meet</a> Your Counselor - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/]Meet”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/)

<p>Has anyone who has David Leszczynski heard back yet? If so, what were your stats?</p>

<p>has anyone heard of anyone hearing back tonight?</p>

<p>Anyone with Martinez White heard back yet?</p>

<p>I recieved a Wisconsin Viewbook today in the mail, is this is a good sign that I’ll be admitted soon? (or just admitted at all)</p>

<p>Yanks4life92- I heard back on NOV 30… I have Martinez White.</p>

<p>asus22, I also recieved a Wisconsin viewbook today in the mail, my guess is that it is sent out to any prospective students, but if it is a sign of admittance or a decision shortly coming, I hope the best.</p>