Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>I have a friend who was directly admitted. She is in-state, and told me that more than 1000 applicants indicated Business School, 60 were invited to apply for direct admit by invitation with additional essays & questions, and 20 were direct admits as a result.</p>

<p>IL Maggie – </p>

<p>Thanks for that info. Terrified me, as it briefly said that the app was being reviewed for a decision and would notify, only then switched to the longer status about notice if anything else needed. Was afraid he would get rejected before he even visits . . .</p>

<p>thanks for the info guys, because i am deciding whether it is worth it to go to wisco and not be directly admitted as opposed to possibly going to u maryland or penn state if i was directly admitted to either smeal or smith…thoughts? by the way i am from NY so everything would be out of state</p>

<p>^^ I have the bird in the hand philosophy. If all other things are equal or close to equal, go to the school that will give you the direct admit to business. If not, it’s a much tougher decision. There are stats on the Wisconsin website showing the percentage of applicants that get into business as sophomores - it’s over 50% (maybe over 60%, I don’t remember). However, since they had junior admissions as well up until recently, there’s not a lot of history for the sophomore admissions.</p>

<p>they had all my materials on october 17th.
decision: postponed (engineering)
gpa: 3.1 uw, 4.0 W
rank: 68/519 (top 13%)
sat: 2040
act: 31
sat 2: 800 math II
out of state from CT
EC: math team (captain), mock trial (head witness), jewish organization (treasurer), tutor</p>

<p>Katho, i certainly agree, but then the fact remains is going to wisco as opposed to going to maryland really “equal” because i was under the impression that for business and overall that wisconsin is a better university</p>

<p>Postponed today! Not too upset though because I’ve already gotten into one of my top schools and because there’s still a chance I could get in</p>

<p>SAT: 2070 (650 CR, 740 W, 680 M)
ACT: 29
GPA: 3.25 UW, 3.8 W
No APs before this year (I’m taking two now), two good teacher recs and a good counselor rec, my essay was good (I think!), one job for a bit and a lot of babysitting, varsity dance team for three years and dance outside of school as well, temple community service, athletes serving the community, took some pictures for the school newspaper</p>

<p>@tothemoonandback what state are you from??</p>

<p>My son was in a similar situation last year except he wasn’t admitted directly into smith. If you consider the power of this country in DC then smith isn’t a bad choice. My son was also admitted directly in many other very good business schools including Smeal, but we chose UW because the atmosphere is much better and if you can’t get into the business school as a sophomore then your grades aren’t good enough to get into a great graduate program. Good luck</p>

<p>Applied September 30th and still waiting! Hope I get to hear by Christmas…</p>

<p>@Justwaiting1, thanks a lot for the advice and i have not heard from many of the other universities i am just thinking about and evaluating my possible future situation. You make a great point about the grades and getting into law school. Also, U wisconsin if im correct is about 5 thousand less than penn state, maryland and other private schools before any scholarships/aid, so yea, but regardless it will propose a tough decision, but i am at least happy to be admitted to U wisconsin!!!</p>

<p>Hi ILMaggie.</p>

<p>What kind of stats did your friend have (the one who was directly admitted to the Business College)?</p>



<p>I knew her thru summer sports league, so not close enough to her to ask those questions. I know she was in-state, small high school, took a ton of ap, even some classes at a local college for both high school, and college credit. She played mutliple sports, etc. I think she was top 5 in her class.</p>

<p>Thanks ILMaggie!</p>

<p>Anyone from SoCal with Roxanne A. Allison as admissions heard back?</p>

<p>You should hear back soon! I applied later than you and just heard back; but then again, for Minnesota I applied in August and still nothing - so it always depends. Good luck!</p>

<p>Ugh. You guys, I was admitted about a month ago and I still haven’t paid my deposit because the server timed out this first time I tried. Now, I’m accepted but there’s no way for me to go back to the page where I pay the deposit. </p>

<p>Well, that whole debacle was two weeks ago. The other day, my mom and I called admissions in two separate phone calls and they didn’t really give us a solution. They said we aren’t supposed to use safari as a browser but that it would reset itself upon noticing that my credit card info wasn’t submitted–even though this occured two weeks ago…I mean, how long do I have to wait?</p>

<p>I was really hoping to get a jump start on dorms, scholarships, FAFSA etc. but I’m confused about how I should go about doing that considering the fact that my spot isn’t even being held because the site won’t reset. </p>

<p>What should I do? :(</p>

<p>I believe you can pay the deposit through mail. Either way your ability to start with the dorms, scholarships, and FAFSA are not at all affected by the time you pay the deposit fee. Your spot is already held if you have the acceptance letter, they cannot “decline” you after you have been accepted unless it is for bad grades/senoritis. Some people wait very long until they enter their slip (especially if they are still waiting to hear from Ivy League schools which don’t notify until April or something). But you can still enter for FAFSA (after Jan 1st), scholarships (visit the student center and go to Scholarship applications), and dorms (they should send you a letter for securing your spot, they do this for people even if they havent sent in their deposit as well)</p>

<p>^Yes, but I have not received dorm info yet. It’s been a month so naturally I’m a little concerned.</p>

3.88 UW
4.67 W
SAT 2140
OOS From Southern California</p>