Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>@rakesgirls im from MA</p>

<p>Wiscogene: no need to be concerned, you will get the dorm info. Im a freshman at the university and we get first pick of the dorms we get (if we want to stay in the dorms). I haven’t even received that information yet, so admitted students will most likely not be notified of this until much later.</p>

<p>What time do you get these emails that say your decision?</p>

<p>Hey everyone! This is my first CC post.
I am currently a senior from Chicago, IL and UW-Madison is my top choice. My application was processed on October 28th and I’m getting really anxious for a response :/</p>

<p>hey jayybee, my date was 10/10 and still havent heard-maybe its no news is good news</p>

<p>On my “Materials Received” page on myuw, there is a button that says “notify”. When I click on it it says I don’t have permission to access it. Does anyone know what it is for?</p>

<p>My notification link shows a copy of the e-mail I received titled “Application Acknowledgement” from Admissions. I don’t know anything about why you don’t have access to yours.</p>

<p>my first time to cc! do we know if anyone has heard from PA? i have a friend who was admitted 2 weeks after applying from Florida with a 3.9UW and a 30ACTS. just thought i’d share that if it was of value to anyone</p>

<p>welcome to the fam!!! yeah no one from PA has heard and its really an issue</p>

<p>Has anyone from the NE area had any contact with our representative, Alec Widerski?</p>

<p>@hjhrhi Alec Widerski is the representative for my area and he was not very helpful at all. But after 2 months of waiting, a bunch my friends and I heard back Friday night. I was postponed.</p>

<p>Has anybody gotten accepted with an ACT below 28 yet?
I got a 26… and I’m nervous
I have a 3.8 UW, and I’ve been working 3 jobs that I listed and did quite a bit of community service and a lot of extra groups I’m in. Plus I’ve taught dance for 4 years and been in a dance company my whole life… So I’m definitely hoping they look at all of that along with my essay but so far I haven’t seen a single person with below a 28 get accepted ;/</p>

<p>since when did a “competitive process here” mean a admissions officer does not have to be helpful and when did manners go out the window and rudeness enter? Behave!! We are all here for info from each other on admissions and to help each other.</p>

<p>Play nice now. You don’t know each other well enough to be mean.</p>

<p>I hate to burst the bubble for students who think they have exceptional resumes due to many extracurriculars, but- there are many, many students who also do a lot outside of the classroom. So much that I see posted seems typical for students who also get the top grades. Remember, no amount of work outside the classroom will substitute for high grades and test scores. Given a choice, drop the EC and get better grades (although by senior year it is too late).</p>

<p>Has anyone with Martinez White heard back yet? I feel like no one here in PA has been informed</p>

<p>No one from PA has heard!!!</p>

<p>jgs4854 do you mind sharing your stats? good luck!</p>

<p>@badgers33 I think i posted them before, but just in case:</p>

<p>They had all my materials October 17th, heard back this past Friday (December 9th)
Decision: Postponed (engineering)
GPA: 3.1 UW, 4.0 W (terrible)
Rank: 68/519 (top 13%)
SAT: 2040 (740 math, 610 reading, 690 writing)
SAT II: 800 (Math Level 2)
ACT: 31 (32 superscored. best sections: math 33, science 29, reading 33, english 31)
State: Connecticut
EC: Math Team (captain), Mock Trial (head witness), Jewish organization (treasurer), tutor, work</p>

<p>Wisconsin is my top choice because there is no way I’m going to get into Michigan.</p>

<p>A friend of mine from the same school with similar stats as mine was postponed about a month ago. Both of our applications were complete around 10/18, but I still haven’t heard anything. Do you think it’s better to be postponed at this point or to still be awaiting a decision?</p>