Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>@NJSenior94 I would much rather be waiting. It all depends on how long your admissions counselor goes through his/her pile of applications. I don’t know your stats but there is chance that you are accepted since you haven’t gotten a decision, and that is better than getting postponed.</p>

I hope you’re right!</p>

<p>for anyone worried a lot about when they applied and why they haven’t heard, coming from a current freshman none of that matters. decisions come in waves depending on the counselor for your area. for those who were postponed, don’t give up hope, i got in after being postponed along with many kids from my high school, I have even met a couple kids who got in after being wait listed. I was eventually accepted as an in state 3.4 UW 30 ACT with an extremely difficult schedule and many EC’s. however, what puts those who get postponed over the top are people who write a second essay about why they really want to go to madison, and send that in. work with your high school counselor on that, it is a big help. good luck to all, I love it here</p>

<p>Hi Big 10 Badgers.</p>

<p>Just wondering if you were placed in a dorm you had selected? Also interested in how difficult it was to register for the classes you needed.</p>


<p>does anyone know how the notifacation process works? I know you get a email and they you check-but is it in real time? is the email sent at the same time your status changes-meaning is it worthwhile to check your status if you have not received a email-thanks all-its a little nervewracking as they have had everything since 10/10</p>

<p>has anyone from Virginia or the DC area heard back yet?</p>

<p>how long after getting the email and seeing the acceptance on my uw should we expect the packet in the mail?</p>

<p>What time was the email decision sent out for everyone?</p>

<p>no WIBadgers no problems at all. dorm and class registration starts in June and those who are accepted know by March, unless they end up getting in off a waitlist, which could hurt your chances for housing but probably not for classes, not sure on waitlist though.</p>

<p>Thanks Big 10 Badger!</p>

<p>Go Badgers!!</p>

<p>Remember- UW does NOT superscore ACT or SAT scores.</p>

ACT- 30
gpa- 3.85
essays were decent
strong ECs and LORs</p>

<p>received my decision at 8pm today, everything was complete on November 2nd</p>

<p>Accepted tonight around 7:15 pm (:</p>

<p>3.884 UW GPA
28 ACT
SUPER involved in ECs, volunteering, etc.
3 AP Classes (AP English - 3, awaiting AP Calc AB, APUSH)</p>

<p>GO BADGERS!!! (:</p>

<p>Oh & I’m in state with David O’Connor as my admissions counselor!</p>

<p>Congrats!!! Shannon what state are you from?</p>

<p>Northern Virginia :)</p>

<p>I know that being from Wisconsin gives you an advantage in the admissions process, but I was wondering if anyone knew how they viewed Minnesotan applicants. To them, is a Minnesotan applicant out of state, or do they give them some special considerations like they do the Wisconsin residents?</p>

<p>**also, for those who are posting your stats here, could you also post them in the “admissions decisions as of now” thread. it will just make it easier for people to check in and see who is getting accepted/denied/postponed. thank you.</p>

<p>Hi Woody04</p>

<p>Maybe this site will help.</p>

<p>[UW-Madison</a> admissions myths: Applicants from outside Wisconsin are taking up spots that could go to state residents.](<a href=“http://www.news.wisc.edu/admissions/myth12.html]UW-Madison”>http://www.news.wisc.edu/admissions/myth12.html)</p>

In San Diego
Gpa: 3.85 unweighted
Act: 27
EC: 4 jobs, unquie volenteering projects
Business major</p>

<p>Postponed 5 minutes ago.
30 ACT, 4.03 WGPA. Not surprised because they postponed almost everyone that applied from my school. Not to make excuses, but it was expected!</p>