Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Has anyone heard from ohio, wyoming, indiana, utah, south dakota, north dakota, montana or idaho??? please let me know thank you!</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED :slight_smile:
GPA: 4.23 Weighted, not sure about unweighted…
ACT: 30</p>

<p>A lot of Extra Curriculars, and I believe a great essay.</p>

<p>good luck everyone!</p>

<p>loganbentleyW congrats!!! so jealous, where are you from?</p>

<p>Heard back today :)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted - </p>

•SAT (Breakdown + Combined): 700CR, 590M, 640 W (1930)
•SAT IIs (if any): 640 Bio, 630 Lit
•Unweighted GPA: 3.68
•Weighted GPA: unknown
•Rank (if applicable): top 10%</p>

•Essays: Very good - wrote about my connection with wisconsin
•ECs: Sports all 4 years and all 3 seasons, very active in community and clubs, took leadership roles
•Teacher Recs: Very good
•Counselor Rec: Not sure
•Hook (if any): None that I know of</p>

•State or Country: Delaware
•School Type: Public
•Ethnicity: White
•Gender: Female</p>

<p>Other Factors: Full IB, plus 2 APs, most rigorous schedule
General Comments: Also accepted to Northeastern!</p>

<p>Hey, has anyone from PA heard back yet?</p>

<p>Not to my knowledge, no. Really getting annoying.</p>

<p>Badgers33, from IL. The Chicago area!</p>


<p>We are from Chicago area also. Who was your admission counselor</p>

<p>Have a lot of people from New Jersey found out yet? I submitted my application at night on Oct 31, but technically it was Nov 1 since it was after midnight.</p>

<p>im from nj and havent heard anything either… neither have any of my friends who applied</p>

<p>Got accepted at 5 PM today. Hispanic Male OOS, 3.7 UW GPA, 31 ACT. My course rigor was pretty low, but I made up for it with high ACT scores, good essays, and for being Hispanic.</p>

<p>Accepted 3.66 UW GPA 32 ACT OOS from CA</p>

@jmcghee0216 what state??</p>

<p>First, congrats! I’m clearly jealous. I’ll trade my Michigan acceptance for your Wisconsin!</p>

<p>Dude, you’ve got a lot goin on. Between Loyola Marymount, Michigan, & Wisconson you’ve had a 3.7, 3.75, & 3.8 GPA. You were black on Loyola Marymount, and you’re hispanic for Wisconsin.</p>

<p>@ILMaggie Good burn. This character does change his GPA from post to post and you are right, he is black one time and hispanic the other times. Unfortunately, this kind of lying makes these boards less desirable and less informative.</p>

<p>Good discovery IL Maggie. Some of the data shared caused concern. Still wondering if merit is their basis in admitting Madison students in the business college or if there are some other quotas they need to fill. Couldn’t find that data online.</p>

<p>Judging by the data I have seen , the B school is mostly on “merit” but with a bit of affirmative action too.</p>

<p>Thank you Barrons.</p>

<p>It is sometimes tough to determine which is urban legend, sour grapes, exaggerations, misconceptions, and the truth.</p>

<p>Have there truly been any UW-Madison admissions decisions this week (meaning since the weekend)? I was hoping my son would hear before Christmas. Then there didn’t seem to be any posts saying people had heard anything this week, and I was so disappointed thinking we would have to wait until January. Now there are two posts here listing decisions (but questions regarding authenticity on one). Anyone know if admissions office is still working this month, or off for the holidays?</p>

<p>We are in a northern suburb of Chicago, and it seems every other high school here has heard except us! It’s driving me crazy (although I will say my son is handling it much better!)! </p>

<p>Thanks for any information! My first time posting anything here!</p>

<p>Hi Mom.
You are not the only one waiting. My son applied in mid-September and we are still waiting. He’s a NMS, 4.0 unweighted, 33 ACT, does sports, volunteer work, clubs…but still waiting. Makes it difficult when there are other scholarship and college opportunities. UW Madison was initially the only college he applied to…and the only one he wanted to attend.</p>

<p>I think they are pretty bogged down in admissions. Anyway, we will find out sooner than the Ivy League applicants:)</p>