Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Thanks, WiBadgers. Are you in Chicago area, too? Yes, I know others have not heard - just specifically wondered about Chicago area. It’s just that so many neighboring schools to us have heard, but not us. When kids at our school talked to friends at nearby schools who had heard about two weeks ago, we all thought that our news would be next (of course, our mistake!). Somehow it seems to make the wait worse - longer and more fraught with worry!</p>

<p>Just want to know if anyone knows whether there is any hope we will still hear this week/month? I recommend admissions counselors finish up one area of the country before taking a break! :-)</p>

<p>Yes, this is really the only college my son wants to attend, too!</p>

<p>For those of you wondering if decisions are being sent out now, check out this thread from last year at this time. There was a flurry of decisions all through the holidays. Good luck to you all!</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-wisconsin-madison/1010790-fall-2011-applicants-any-decisions-yet-54.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-wisconsin-madison/1010790-fall-2011-applicants-any-decisions-yet-54.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Badgermom, I, and a handful of my classmates found out last friday the 16th of our admissions decisions. It seems that they are sending out all of the decisions for each school at the same time (atleast for early decision). If your son is going to hear back from Madison before the holidays i would say that friday is his last chance.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thanks to all! Now I am a little hopeful. It’s good to hear that last year there were decisions throughout holidays, and that’s true that Friday is a common day to hear. Thanks again! And good luck to all! I’ll keep everyone updated!</p>

<p>I just got in
White Male
Act 27
Unweighted GPA 3.8333 ranked 33/478 Weighted 4.089 ranked 48/478
AP’s Chem, Bio(senior yr.) Poli sci, Psych, Spanish (senior Yr.)
Varisity Tennis
Vice President Class Board
NHS 2 yr.
Head Lifeguard worked at pool since 08
I would say I wrote good essays
I hade 2 recs</p>

<p>what state are you from @wmcg0859?</p>

<p>@badgers33 im from Illinois</p>

<p>Hi Badger Mom.</p>

<p>We are from Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I don’t know about you guys…maybe it is because we live in-state. We seem to hear alot of stories about UW Madison…some good…some not so good.</p>

<p>It’s nice to have this site and read what is actually happening…rather than what happened to a son of a cousin, etc.</p>

<p>As a parent who has a son that went though the admission process last year I can tell you that the school’s academics is great and its admission process relative to other schools is not so good. I am sure that when a colleges make admission decisions they are doing it by HS. The problem with the admission process is that the middle 50% of students which should gain acceptance almost immediately are made to wait a very long time while other schools admit immediately. As an example University of Maryland tells its applicants that those who apply early get preference. They assume that those who apply early want to attend (maybe). Our HS is one of the top 100 in the US and UW doesn’t visit while most of the top schools do take the time to introduce their programs. As an example the Director of admission from MIT was at our HS at least three times. I believe the University of Michigan does a much better job recruiting students from our HS then UW. Students like my son were deferred to UW and accepted to schools like Michigan and Maryland very quickly. The top students are accepted to UW at a much rapid pace, but they don’t attend (at least from our HS). 28,000 students applied to UW last year and they have about 10 admission officers, they must have very sophisticated software to quickly screen. The real work is among the middle 50% and UW gets a failing grade.</p>

<p>Thought I had posted but not sure
D accepted on 12/9 she applied in Oct.
From Texas (not sure who the admis. person is)</p>

<p>GPA- 3.8something
ACT 31
SAT 1980
Class Rank- Top 7%
2 Recomendations
Pre/AP Classes
Lots of EC’s Dance, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, etc</p>

<p>Thanks Just Waiting 1</p>

<p>Some people are telling me being in-state and having a lower tuition rate (less income for the college) has something to do with it. Not sure if that is accurate or not.</p>

<p>I also wonder if all the people they accepted attend UW Madison, wouldn’t they be overcrowded? Maybe the waiting is a natural way to allow students find different options while waiting.</p>

<p>Unlike UM and some others until very recently UW did relatively out of state recruiting. It relied on certain longtime feeder areas that sent students to UW for generations and that was enough as UW was never as determined to be an elite admissions school as that does not sit well with the values of the state. The new AD has started to change that but with tight budgets getting lots of extra staff and travel money is not easy these days. The admissions review staff is just under 30. Not 10. But they really read all of every app and try to give each fair consideration individually. That takes more time.</p>

<p>[UW-Madison</a> steps up sales pitch to recruit new students](<a href=“http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/uw-madison-steps-up-sales-pitch-to-recruit-new-students/article_89056e82-148e-11e1-9ace-001cc4c03286.html]UW-Madison”>http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/uw-madison-steps-up-sales-pitch-to-recruit-new-students/article_89056e82-148e-11e1-9ace-001cc4c03286.html)</p>

<p>Thanks Barrons.</p>

<p>Anyone with Sheri Lunde hear anything yet?</p>

<p>Accepted! Received the e mail yesterday. Applied Oct 21
GPA UW: 3.8 W:4.1
Two good rec letters
ECs: Band, Debate, Forensics, Eagle Scout
Okay essays
Good luck to everyone!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using CC App</p>

<p>We live in California and you guys have nothing to complain about in Wisconsin. Schools like Berkeley and UCLA typically get like 50,000 to 60,000 applications per year. The applications are only accepted for a one month period from November 1-30th. And they do not release admission decisions until mid to late March…Now that is a LONG wait! My son applied to UW on October 19th and got a decision (accepted) about 18 days later. Now that is fast! Good luck to everyone who is still waiting!</p>

<p>My son applied on Nov 14, and paperwork was received from his HS around Nov 24. So a very fast 4 week turnaround. SAT was not stellar and I was amazed he got accepted. Son is quite a writer so I’m guessing something caught their eye on the essays.</p>

<p>From: Southern California
Ethnic: Asian/White
Private School</p>

<p>Major: Economics</p>

<p>SAT 1750
CR 610
W 620
M 520</p>

<p>GPA UW 3.7 W 3.9
Full load of AP and Honors
Top 10%</p>

<p>EC’s: Very good (Musician, Black Belt Tae Kwon Do, …) but only 1 leadership (Yearbook Editor)</p>

<p>First acceptance. Several deferrals from EA.</p>

<p>I’ll bet UW admits OOS students who have good stats and show interest in their good essays et al knowing many won’t come. They are postponing students until they know how much room they will have. One year recently they overadmitted and had too many of those students attend UW, making it harder to get classes and dorm space for the students. I personally am glad they don’t discriminate against students who get their act together later in the fall. I know we had to nag our son to do his applications, I’m sure there are others like him. I see no reason to give first come first serve admissions just because some other schools do. Perhaps they should follow the Wisconsin example and get the best students instead of the most eager. It could be a lot worse with no idea of where you stand until mid March.</p>

<p>I’m an international student and I applied on December 15th, when would I be notified? Also why does it say [College</a> Search - University of Wisconsin-Madison - Deadlines](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board) that the regular decision deadline is February 1st?</p>