Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>i recieved an e-mail saying my decision was avaliable to be viewed, but i’ve been trying for hours (days, now!) and no matter what i try i can’t get in. they tell me that my campus ID, which i need to activate my NetID (which i need to see my decision) was sent to me after my application was completed, but i have checked every nook and cranny of my email and it’s no where to be found.</p>

<p>does anyone know if they send a letter as well as an online decision? i’ve already been accepted to an early decision program at another univeristy, but if things go very south, i’d love to know madison’s a fallback. the help lines are down, so i’m waiting for at least two more days and that in itself is a daunting task.</p>

<p>congrats to all that have been accepted, i hope my fortune’s as good as yours! thanks!</p>

<p>pjs8sam, When I was accepted I looked first on my net ID and then received a mailed letter also informing me of my acceptance. Be patient and you should reveive a letter shortly.</p>

<p>pjs8sam would you mind sharing which school you got accepted to ed? Good luck with your netID and I hope you get accepted!
Everyone else, happy new year and we will hear within the next 28 days!! Woo</p>

<p>I’m in!!!</p>

<p>Detailed stats posted on the other thread for Decisions.</p>

<p>Sincere thank-you to all the contributors on CC, especially the Wisconsin alums and current students who share their wisdom, knowledge, and experience with us!</p>

<p>That’s awesome IL Maggie!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Have fun at Madison…it is only 8 months away!!</p>

<p>Is there anyone who thinks they are a reasonable candidate that hasn’t gotten anything back yet? I believe I am somewhere in the middle of applicants. I applied around the last week of October and am getting nervous that it is now January and I haven’t received anything. Not even a notice of postponement. Is there anyone in the same boat as I am?</p>

<p>What’s a reasonable candidate?</p>

<p>I think the admissions department is just cutting the pool down to “reasonable” applicants right now. From what I can see (although there are exceptions of certain counselors being behind), they are cutting the “unreasonable” applicants and accepting the no-brainer applicants and progressively moving towards the middle of the road applicants, probably so they can see where the middle applicants rank up next to the accepted and unaccepted.</p>

<p>Maggie: any chance you’ll identify your high school? please?</p>

<p>A true early decision is legally binding unless financial aid falls through. Keep this in mind.</p>


Well, just maybe, but not enforceable. In all the threads I have visited on this subject on CC, I have never encountered a thread that said, “I tried to break my ED, and I got sued.” I am willing to bet that there are many people out there who simply never paid their deposit to their ED school and simply went elsewhere and were never found out. I am not a lawyer, but I would think that although the ED agreement is in fact a contract, it is of the type that is not legally enforceable. We’ll just have to wait for Judge Judy!</p>

<p>I got my confirmation November 8th when do you think I’ll hear?</p>

<p>Jakemweiss: I applied last week of September/first week of October and still no decision.
You’re not alone.
I am also a Wisconsin resident</p>

<p>^^^ ED is an honor system agreement with possible consequences, not a contract (no damages are specified). No one is forced to attend; schools don’t want someone who doesn’t want to be there.</p>

<p>Third and last child was accepted into their first choice university. Will say all three were reaches but this last one was probably the longest reach after reading this thread for the past couple months. Daughter had low ACT score(27) very few EC’S , one AP test (3). Things that helped, her brother graduated 2 years ago from UW, and very good GPA. She is out of state from decent northwest suburban Chicago school. I do have a question though and that is if anyone knows how UW determines if you qualify for the BANNER low income grant ? Thanks in advance and Go Badgers.</p>

<p>Bruce, a 27 ACT is not a low score…it is like the 88th percentile nationally, and within the range of admitted students at Madison.</p>

<p>Has anyone from Michigan gotten accepted? particularly the west-side of the state?</p>

<p>I sent my application in on November 1 and I havent heard back</p>

<p>GPA 3.631 UW (although there are very little points awarded for honors classes)
Also, my school is on a 7 pt scale for GPA not 10. will they take that in to account?</p>

EC Not very many sports, but i set up a volunteer project and have a lot of hours </p>

<p>Do I have a good chance?</p>


<p>I am not a lawyer, either, but I, too, am certain ED agreements are not legally binding. As you say no school ever pursues in court an ED admittee who has spurned an offer nor forced a family to prove that financial hardship was the reason for turning an offer down. Moreover signatories to ED agreements are usually 17 and, thus, are minors who cannot be party to a legally enforceable contract.</p>

<p>(Think of this scenario: your child applies to school X ED, signing the ED agreement, without your knowledge. Child is then admitted to X - certainly X cannot expect your child to pay the tens of thousands in COA. Are you then obligated to pay based on your child’s whim if you could afford to do so? Certainly not!)</p>

<p>Thus, so far as I can tell, abiding by ED agreements depends mostly on honor, although it is possible that other schools could (rightfully) blackball an applicant who reneges unjustifiably on an ED agreement. Insofar as I know, however, names of renegers are not generally circulated among schools and I have not heard of anyone ever being denied admission elsewhere for unjustifiably reneging. (If anyone does know of such a case it would be interesting to hear of it). Still, yields among ED admits are usually over 95% among schools that practice this policy.</p>

<p>Accepted!! Now i just have to audition for the school of music!</p>

Nationality: Indian, Female
OOS: Rhode Island
G.P.A: 3.6 W(However, it went up first quarter senior year)
All honors/AP classes. I have about 4 AP classes (UHISTORY, BIO, MICRO, and MACRO) on my resume, rest are all honors)
SAT: 1650 SuperScored (Did not send)
ACT: 26
Lots of ECCs, part-time job, 20+ hours a week
Essays were very good, had numerous teachers look it over. Reccomendations were very good as well, I had a teacher who is alumni, write me a reccomendation.
I’ve been deferred from a ton of schools and I’ve applied so many places, at this point it just makes the list shorter. I’m glad I didn’t recieve the decision earlier, otherwise I would have been pretty ****ed. It’s their loss. At one point, UWisc had been my first choice. It’s their loss. My stats put me at the lower end of the spectrum. I feel like applying EA put me at an disadvantage. I did however, expect, to be postponed rather than denied. Oh well. I am just worried that I won’t get into UMiami (top choice). My chances of getting into UMiami were around my chances of getting into UWisconsin-Madison. It’s weird because I thought I would get rejected from Tulane but I ended up getting deferred and Tulane’s a harder school to get into than University of Wisconsin.</p>