Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>First of all, I am sorry that you got rejected from Madison. But if you look at your stats you are below the bottom 25% for G.P.A and ACT/SAT scores. If your G.P.A is a 3.6 weighted with 4 AP classes your unweighted is going to be reasonbly lower. The only real hook you had was your nationality. On a positive note, I know a girl from my school who got rejected from Madison and got into Umiami… but like you stated multiple times… “its their loss”.</p>

<p>Still waiting on a decision, app is currently being reviewed. </p>

<p>ACT: 30
GPA: 3.7 weighted: 4.2
6 AP classes
Good EC’s
OOS (IL) applying to the College of Business</p>

<p>re theeastcoaster- being Asian Indian is not any hook and I agree you were below the 25th %ile in both test scores and gpa- not a likely candidate. Applying earlier rather than later made no difference. btw- it is not EA as in “early action” like at some schools, they just promised a decision earlier if you got you app in by a certain date. </p>

<p>otoh- packalldwy has a good chance.</p>


<p>I never said being Asian American was my hook. I know the other poster mentioned it. However, you didn’t read my essays nor did I mention what my essays were about. I didn’t even try to pull the “race” card. Don’t jump to conclusions. As stated by my post, I applied and I knew I was in the lower 25% applying. Secondly, they have a second round applications that’s due Feb. 1st, 2012. Therefore, since the Nov.1st deadline is earlier, wouldn’t it technically referred to as “early action”? The point is…who cares? You don’t have to be so contemptious.</p>

<p>I took a shot applying (it was a reach! Yeah, that’s what reach schools are) and I got rejected. I’ve accepted it. End of story. No need to tell what I already know - yes, my stats are low. I posted my stats up here to add to the statistics so people could get an idea of who gets and who doesn’t in. I will delete my post if people decide to repeat what I already know for the umpteenth ttime.</p>

<p>Theeastcoaster, please don’t delete your posts…the stats of rejected candidates are as helpful as the stats of accepted ones. I know what you mean…it is hard enough to be rejected, and when you have the guts and kindness to post your stats and results here, you should not be in any mood for people to reiterate things you already know.</p>

<p>Btw, an Act of 26 is a fine score…84 th percentile, and will get you into many fine schools. Although my daughter’s score has since gone up to a 28, she was accepted to Purdue, Illinois, Butler, Baylor, Loyola, and others witha 26 ACT. As you noted, it’s their loss. You had a decent shot at Madison, it didn’t work out, so on to the next one. Some schools are more stats driven…Madison seems to be one of those schools. We were proud of her 26 and are proud of her 28…your score is better than the vact majority of scores.</p>

<p>My daughter was also deferred from Tulane…UNC Chapel Hill is her reach school. So if she does not get into UNC and I post her stats, I agree I would not want to see harsh posts about her stats not being average UNC stats. But schools look at all kinds of things besides stats, and that IS the point of a reach school.</p>

<p>Good luck, chin up, and thank you for sharing your decision and stats.</p>

<p>Theeastcoaster, Mrpapageorgio; where in any of these posts is anyone being “harsh” to theeastcoaster? All the comments stated was that she was below the 25th percentile for both G.P.A and ACT scores which is in fact the truth. Theeascoaster, you just seem very mad and even somewhat snobbish. No one here is attacking you or being contemptuous. You are just getting mad because people had a response to your stats that you did not wish to hear. dont post here if all you want people to say is; “Ya that is madison’s loss, you should have totally been accepted!!!, your the only kid in the country who wrote a good essay, i dont know how you didnt get in!”. Also, No one said anything about you pulling the “race” card or anything about your essays. You just need to chill out and stop making a fool out of yourself for not getting into a school that was definatly a reach for you.</p>

<p>My only point was that people could be more empathetic to her, or they should not bother to comment.</p>

<p>I do not think that a 26 ACT is below the 25th percentile at Wisc. The test scores section for UW for my daughter’s application shows that her 28 ACT is a at the 58th percentile for Wisc. I have a hard time believing that a 26 drops one below the 25th percentile. Regardless, even if it is low by UW standards, so what? And TheEast acknowledged in her post, “My stats put me at the lower end of the spectrum.”</p>

<p>If somebody has a wart on his face, and is rejected by a really cute girl, and acknowledges that he didn’t have much of a chance because of the wart, is it really necessary for others to point out after-the-fact that he was rejected because of the wart, simply because it is “true”? I see no point to it, true or not. And it also seems to me that people who have been rejected may be hurt and reluctant to post their stats/decision here, and pointing out the “truth” to those who do (who already acknowledge the negatives of the application) will only make people more reluctant to post their stats after being rejected.</p>

<p>BTW, UW Madison is a great school…probably the second or third best in the Big 10. But it isn’t Harvard or Princeton. I would not say that just because her ACT is a point below average Wisc student and because her grades are not perfect that Wisc. was a “reach.” Certainly no guarantee, but plenty of people with 26 ACT’s get admitted to Wisc.</p>

“Snobbish” seems a bit much to say, considering fact that I admitted I was in the lower percentile and I constantly acknowledged my stats were not very good. How many kids on here, who don’t have the grades to get in, think they’re going to get awesome schools? How many kids on here who do have awesome scores and great grades think they’re going ivies and then get rejected and then flip out? We’ve all been there, done that. Yes, my tone was a bit bitter. There’s a reason why no rejections can be seen on this board. </p>

<p>However, what do you think I’m going to do, go mope and cry because I didn’t get in and admit that I have nothing going for me? I don’t expect sympathy nor I don’t need people constantly repeating themselves. I’m not someone’s rejection scapegoat to ponder all the reasons why I didn’t get in. I know me better than you, so I know the weaknesses of my application. The tone of the previous two posters was not very polite and when people say “hook”, it tends to refer to an essay that brings up a concept that makes you unique or special in your app or schools. Or at least that’s what I was taught. Sorry if I misunderstood. Also, learn how to spell. It’s “yeah” and not “ya”. I hope you’re not applying to schools, because don’t bank on being accepted anywhere if you have the inability to spell or use proper punctuation within your essays or app.
Mr.papaGeorgio puts it well. Thank you. I took a chance and it was a reach school, banking that maybe I could get it in they looked past the semi-low testscores and g.pa. I didn’t. My space can go to a better qualified candidate and one who truly wants to go to Madison - I wasn’t sure how I felt about going to Wisconsin in the first place.</p>

<p>Still waiting-sent it all in Sept. they acknowledged on 10/10<br>
3.52 unweighted-4.68w
27 ACT
Eagle Scout, 4 yrs Football,4 yrs Wrestling, 2yrs Track and Field
100’s of hours service work, plenty of honors and awards. Admitted into 6 other schools with Merit scholarships from all but still waiting on dear old Wis. Might not be the best but you would think by now…something?</p>

<p>Theeastcoaster; I might have used “ya” in a post that took me 45 seconds to post about a girl who got REJECTED from a school she obviously thinks shes too good for… after all, it is their loss isn’t it? By the way, I am no longer applying to schools because I was ACCEPTED to the University of Wisconsin - Madison, but thank you for your concern.</p>

I think you like to jump to conclusions. If you got in Wisconsin, why are you even on this board and why do you care about me not getting in? Creepin’ on who to see your future classmates will be? Good luck in college. I hope you actually take the time to spell in your papers.</p>

<p>@ Mrpapageorgio
A 26 does put you below the 25th percentile for admitted students to the university of wisconsin. In the newly released 2012-2013 Wisconsin viewbook it says the 25th to 75th percentile for ACT scores is a 27 - 31. That being said, there obviously are students who are admitted who have stats below the 25th percentile as well as students who get rejected who have stats obove the 25th percentile. The point is that most of the students who are below the 25th percentile in a certain gatagory have something else to their application, such as a higher G.P.A , a sport, or a hook that seperates them from the rest of the pool of other applicants.</p>

<p>@ Theeastcoaster
I understand that you are angry about not being admitted to the University of Wisconsin and I am sorry if I was being a “jerk” or “rubbing it in”. This wasn’t my intentions. Again, a girl I know from my school got rejected for Uwisc and was accepted to UMiami so the best of luck to you in your admissions decision there!</p>

<p>I think there are quite a few waiting. </p>

<p>It’s frustrating when there are other opportunities and scholarships and you are still waiting for one more response. It does concern me when I read about rejections…especially Farcast a while back. We are still waiting here…but maybe waiting is a good thing…we’ll see.</p>

<p>Wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>Sorry to read about your rejection.</p>

<p>We are still waiting here…and feel a bit vulnerable…especially when I read about rejections.</p>

<p>I hope Miami or Tulane work out for you.</p>

<p>I posted these new 25/75 intervals a couple months ago. Unfortunately much of the info on the UW website on admissions is not quickly updated and lags. Trust your friends here–you will get good and more up to date info.</p>

<p>Well, when you have applied you can go to the student center and look up your submitted test scores with the wisc percentiles. I just looked it up… Her old composite ACT score was a 26 and was in the 31st percentile; her composite score of 28 is at the 58th percentile. I assume that those numbers are accurate. Her high ACT subscore is for English and is a 33, at the 90th percentile for Wisc students, while her low subscore is a 26 for reading at 34th percentile . I just know what the student center says regarding her numbers, and I can’t imagine they are using old stats there.</p>

<p>We have not yet received a decision… She applied back in October, and she is from Illinois.</p>

<p>Hi all, do we have to activate the mynet account in order to receive a decision? Do they notify by emails? I haven’t receive any emails but I just found out I haven’t activated it yet. (thought I did~)
P.s. I met the first notification deadline, barely though…</p>

<p>I don’t know about you guys…but as time goes on and we keep waiting, I unintentionally pay more attention to the negative comments. Maybe it is a way of preparing in case there is a denial. The press about the ethics in their research and information on how they could cut back on the quality of education regarding the budget lapse concerns me more than it used to. Is this happening to anyone else? We were able to ignore some of the doom and gloom we were exposed to earlier…but it seems get harder with time.</p>


<p>gloom and doom while sitting on the fence is not fun-add in waiting to hear from the ROTC scholarship board and it is very hard to stay positive…regardless of how many acceptance letters one has received. Not much to do about it …oh well.</p>

<p>Hope you get the ROTC Scholarship.</p>

<p>I would think if you served the country you should get some kind of advantage…at least I would hope so.</p>

<p>Thanks for serving our country.</p>