Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Applied EA and got in Dec 2nd. California private school student. Weight gpa: 3.57. Going!</p>

<p>And 1970 sat</p>

<p>Someone applying for an ROTC scholarship has not yet served the country in the military. ROTC students will get financial benefits for future promises to serve. Most who serve don’t get this added benefit. It is a great way to finance an education if you want to join the military after college instead of before and using GI Bill benefits.</p>

<p>Student from CT, only a 3.4 UW gpa (all honors and ap courses though) but a 2020 SAT, lots of ECs and head injuries which acount for my low gpa. 4’s and 5’s on the APs. Will i get in?</p>

<p>You have a chance in that mid-range around 50-50.</p>

<p>Postponed on 1/1, applied late october
4.78 weighted, 4.05 unweighted, 28 ACT, OOS from IL
all AP classes, many awards in school
lots of ECs: student council pres., senior council, xc 4 years captain, track 4 years, peer leadership, etc.
good essays, strong recommendations</p>

<p>any tips on what i should do during the postponed period? Madison has been my top choice since junior year (didn’t really specify this in essays) so i really hope i can do whatever i can to get accepted. i was told to send an e-mail to my admissions counselor so i was wondering that types of things i could include in this letter</p>

<p>Thanks WI 75</p>

<p>I guess I didn’t research ROTC…I knew it was military, but wasn’t aware it was before serving.</p>

<p>It’s still nice that mgguy 2 is willing to serve our country.</p>

<p>Hopefully you did well in the Fall term(s). That is #1. Second would be any awards and a sincere letter of interest and why UW.</p>

Got the email last night at 8:08 I was so happy I cried
It seems all the PA ppl (at least from my area) all heard despite when they submitted their application, however NJ ppl with the same counselor have not heard so I’m sure today or very very soon they will</p>

<p>Erica’s stats (hannah will post hers later, she got in as well!!!)
State: PA
Ethnicity: white/jewish
School: public
Counselor: Martinez White
Submitted App: Oct 15, completed on Oct 17
GPA: unweighted 3.902/weighted 4.527 (not including my first quarter grades which will bring it up) haven’t gotten a b since 9th grade and never got lower than a b (in an honors class, so its weighted) ever
ACT: 28
APs: Junior year- Psychology (3) senior year- spanish language and statistics
Senior Year Courses (my school has block scheduling)
English 12H: Modern lit
Dual Enrollment H (I took a college course and I got an A, 3 credits)
AP Spanish
Economics H
AP Stat
Gov H
Forensic science
Writing fellows H</p>

<p>Sent in 3 teacher recs. (Haven’t read them so I can’t say how good they were)
No alumni</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!!! This thread has been great to compare stats and see what states have heard back and everything love you all lol</p>

<p>**other schools: got into penn state, tulane (merit schloarship) and pitt</p>

<p>Ppd with 3 25 uw, 3 9 w, 2200, great ECs, decent essays. 1st semester shouldn’t be far off trend. Any chance?</p>

<p>Hi everyone - has anyone from New York received a decision yet? I applied mid October. I have already been accepted to the University of Chicago and am impatiently waiting for UW so I can decide where I’m going to school. I know the University of Chicago is a great school, but I love the atmosphere of Madison. What can I say, Wisconsin has always held a place in my heart.</p>

<p>rakesgirls: Congratulations to both of you! You have always been supported of everyone on this thread, so happy you both were admitted. Now, are you both going to attend UW?</p>

<p>yo does anyone know what the Academic Advancement Program is?</p>

<p>Just got my notification-
I’ve been postponed. I’ll probably send some more stuff in and call. My grades just went way up this semester and I have a really, really good letter of recommendation that I never sent in. It’d be nice to go to college in my hometown.</p>

<p>@Rousse54 aww thank you so much!!! Umm I debating between uw and tulane I’m gonna visit both and hannah did early decision to syracuse and got in</p>

<p>Here is the fb link for the class of 2016
[url=&lt;a href=“Log into Facebook | Facebook”&gt;Log into Facebook | Facebook]Facebook[/url</a>]</p>

<p>@rakesgirls congrats on your acceptances! For Hannah and anyone else who got into their ED school… PLEASE withdraw your other apps to make room for those who are postponed/deferred or who haven’t heard. Thanks!</p>


[University</a> of Wisconsin Madison - Academic Advancement Program](<a href=“http://www.lssaa.wisc.edu/aap/index.html]University”>http://www.lssaa.wisc.edu/aap/index.html)</p>

<p>The program is intended to support talented students who, for many reasons, come from an academically disadvantaged background.


<p>IIRC, barrons knows much more about this.</p>

<p>Has anyone from Indiana received feedback yet? Son applied in early September! He has stats that would indicate a match: 4.0 unweighted–top of his class–32 ACT or 33 if you superscore (I don’t think they do)- tons of community service and EC’s, including captain of his football team. He has been accepted to U of Michigan. He loved Madison when he visited last April–but I am worried that he may lose interest. Seems like a good fit for him.</p>

<p>computerdad: Your son sounds like a definite admittance to me! My son from California had very similiar stats as your son, and he was admitted like three weeks after he applied. Maybe the counselor for Indiana is slow…I predict good news for your son very soon!</p>