Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Can someone tell me where they think I might fall in the applicant pool?
I applied a week or so before the nov.1 deadline and have not heard yet. I think I fall into middle status along with plenty of others but I’m getting really stressed out reading about all these people getting rejected and postponed. Even though I already got accepted into my safeties (CU boulder and Indiana) Madison is my #1 and I would do anything to go there.
Here are my stats:
Public School in Colorado
ACT 28
GPA 3.78w 3.58uw
8 AP classes taken at school that offers 18 total AP’s and a few Honors classes but no real blow off classes
Very good essays (in my opinion)
3 Letters of rec ( 2 from teachers I had AP classes with and 1 from Counselor who I know well so letters should be good)
EC’s: Played Football 9 and 10th grade with a Varsity letter, Spanish Honor Society Officer and Historian, Local Teen Court Member(what I wrote one of my essay on), Lots of volunteer hours, and other small clubs at school. Various other academic awards ( 2 academic letters) </p>

<p>I realize none of you are probably admission counselors but any feedback (positive or negative) would be greatly appreciated.

<p>D was postponed :frowning: . Received notification Jan 11th. Stats:
Applied Nov.1
Ohio parochial school
3.8 GPA
27 ACT
Lots of ECs and leadship roles. Golf Captain 2 years, NHS, Summer job, volunteer work and mentor program.
Will pursue all avenues to get that letter of admission. Wisconsin is first choice.
Counselor was Martinez White</p>

<p>Oh…also great rec letters and took all AP and honors courses available at her school.</p>

<p>I applied in late October and still have not heard back yet. Do they ever send decisions over the weekend?</p>

<p>They definitely send decisions over the weekend. I got my e-mail after 8 pm on a Saturday night (over winter break, no less).</p>

Applied on Halloween.
3.95 W
34 ACT
2140 SAT
Female, OOS</p>

<p>SO EXCITED!!!</p>

<p>Son just received acceptance. He is very happy- now he will decide between Wisconsin, U of Michigan, and Wash U in St. Louis. He looks best in red and black.</p>

<p>does being considered for that program increase my chances of being admitted?</p>

<p>Told you computerDad! Congratulations to your son!</p>

4.752 gpa
33 act
i’m pumped :)</p>

<p>Those of you who have received your decisions already, could you share info on the electronic process? For those of us who check the application status daily (or more), does the decision get posted before the email telling you to check? Or is the email always first indication a decision has been made? Any “tell-tale” signs of an imminent decision (for instance, at MN, the status changes to “application being carefully considered” and then you know a decision out (by mail first, then on-line) within a week. </p>

<p>Thank you, and congrats to all who have been admitted.</p>

<p>My son first got notification via email that a decision had been made. Then he checked his UW account and found out he was admitted. He had not been checking his account so I have no idea what it was saying the whole time. He applied and got his decision in 18 days so it was very quick. Good luck!</p>


4.68 w gpa
29 act
5 honors societies (officer in most), captain of tennis and golf, several clubs (officer in most)</p>

<p>Just got my email - ADMITTED!!!
OOS (New Jersey)
4.24 weighted GPA
1950 superscored SAT (610 math 620 reading 720 writing)
Bunch of extracurriculars
Journalism major
Not sure if I’m going to go there, but it’s definitely an option! So excited</p>

<p>Admitted!!! By email today at 8:20 live in New York
I submitted my application Nov. 1
3.95 GPA unweighted
AP Calc -5, AP US -5, AP Lang -4, AP Lit -4, AP Enviro -5, AP Psych -5
33 ACT
Bunch of extracurriculars, clubs, volunteering, honor society, varsity sports
Good essays
I was also accepted to the University of Chicago so I have a big decission to make!</p>

3.52uw 4.68w-will have gone up this semester and get NHS. just did finals this week.
4 yrs football and wrestling, 2 yrs. track-Eagle scout and lots of awards both school and community. Lifeguard 2 yrs. Oh well…will go to one of the 6 that accepted me.</p>

<p>Postponed tonight.
In state.
27 act
3.7 uw
4.66 w
3 letters of rec, etc.
Really disappointed.</p>

<p>thanks for being a positive vibe on this forum Rouse54. we need more people like you.</p>

<p>I think it happens quickly. I checked sadly every day. the email appeared about the same time as the status changed in the case of my son’s notification.</p>

<p>Sorry to read about the decisions mgguy2 and maggiemae1.</p>

<p>It’s not a denial…you still may get good news down the road.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>