Fall 2012 Decisions

My D got her email last night at 8:30. She was very concerned because it seemed everyone else from her school found out in late December.</p>

<p>Congratulations wannabeuwbadger and ilmomwaiting. Our son was accepted also.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son also WiBadgers. Now the hard part - her decision as she has also been admiited to U of Illinois, Purdue, Iowa and direct admit into Butler pharmacy!</p>

<p>Has she toured all the colleges?</p>

<p>That can be the real decision maker. It’s helpful to experience the environment, take a tour, talk to current students about their experiences, and meet with the staff. Sometimes it just gets down to a gut feeling if all the colleges are relatively equal in the advantages.</p>

<p>Good luck deciding.</p>


<p>She has been at all the colleges. I think her top two are Madison and Purdue as should would have to transfer from U of I after two years (they don’y have a pharmacy school in Champaign). We are planning on taking return trips to both. Unforntuately, deciding anything isn’t her strong suit.</p>

<p>IL MOM- Wisconsin’s campus trumps the schools your D is considering, and the academics as well. Wannabe… you have a tough choice- do you go with a dynamite campous or the academics. Partly depends on your major, but I’d probably take Chicago for the academics, especially if grad school is a likely choice. You can find dynamite Honors courses at UW and other academic challenges.</p>

<p>Good luck to all waiting for the final word. March is coming.</p>

<p>Another thing we did was talk to people in the selected profession on which colleges they thought trained the students well. Some colleges definitely stand out more than others.</p>

<p>Heyy ya’ll my camp friend allison got accepted last night and were rooming together :slight_smile: I thought I’d share her stats so all of those who are still anxiously waiting can compare…</p>

<p>State: NJ
Ethnicity: white/jewish
School: public
Counselor: Martinez White
GPA: 3.86 weighted, around a 3.7 unweighted
ACT: 29
SAT: 1960
4 APs
lots of ECs and leadership roles, good essays
sent in 2 teacher recs</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>computerDad: Thanks for the compliment. I was just trying to be encouraging of your son and others like him that eventually, they would get admitted. Is your son definitely going to be attending UW?</p>

31 ACT, 3.6 GPA, 4.5 last semester. Youngest Obama For America Fall Fellow in the State of Illinois. When God closes one door, he always opens up a bigger and better one!</p>

<p>Still no decision :confused:
Everything was received December 2nd</p>


<p>Not sure where he will attend. We are from Indiana. He has an option to play football at Wash U in St. Louis and the U of Chicago. He was also accepted at Michigan. Our home state is Indiana–and he received a top merit to go there–but like many–he prefers to go somewhere new rather than where his parents, uncles, aunts and cousins went to college. He had Wisconsin at the top of his public university list. He will visit Michigan next month. He has been deferred at Harvard. So, it may come down to whether he wants to play football some more. Academics is his top priority though–and he really did like Wisconsin. I say it is 50/50 but I don’t press him. I realize the smart move is to stay home and go to Purdue because of expense–and his major in CS is not quite as good compared to Wisconsin, but it is still really good. But I promised him before high school started, you get the grades, scores, etc–and I will pay. I didn’t count on a recession–but I did give him my word.</p>

<p>I was admitted back in November, but I am still anxiously awaiting other admissions decisions before I make a decision. For anyone who is curious, here are my stats:</p>

4.0 Unweighted
35 ACT
National Merit Semi-Finalist
AP US History- 4; AP Calc BC- 4 (AB Subscore of 5)
Several dual-credit college classes</p>

4 time state qualifier in swimming (co-captain senior year)
4 time varsity starter in soccer
International Club (vice president)
Chemistry Club (co-president)
Recycling Club
National Honor Society
Key Club
Youth Leadership Oshkosh.</p>

<p>I am not trying to brag, but I definitely feel that I am at the upper end of admitted applicants, so don’t get discouraged if you’re still waiting for your decision! Good luck to all! :)</p>

<p>Those are great stats.</p>

<p>Have you applied to the Ivy Leagues?</p>

<p>Thanks, WiBadgers. I did apply to Yale, but with very low expectations…several teachers/friends/my guidance counselor pushed me to try just to see what might happen. Otherwise, I applied to Marquette, Washington University in St. Louis, and Northwestern.</p>

<p>Did you speak to someone from Yale?</p>

<p>If they have a program you would like to pursue and you really want to go there, it may be worth while seeking out an alumni through Yale or your school and have them arrange to have a meeting.</p>

<p>@computerDad For what it is worth I replied to your question about U of Chicago’s computer science department on he Chicago thread. I went to Chicago. My son was contending with a similar issue. He was considering Chicago to play soccer. He was also recruited by a number of Ivy League schools. I would have been delighted if he went to Chicago because of the uniqueness of the institution. In the end, he is “homer” and decided to go to UW Madison. I am not disappointed with his decision. Madison impressed me as an institution in that it offers as good oppotunities in terms of learning and preparation for eventual graduate pursuits as any other institution out there. I looked at the course textbooks in his potential majors and these are books used at graduate schools elsewhere. I was very impressed. So serious students really have a great institution in UW Madison to take advantage of. It is there for the taking.</p>

<p>@computerDad FYI, you and your son might find great interest in this NY Times article:</p>

<p><a href=“At the University of Chicago, Football and Higher Education Mix - The New York Times”>At the University of Chicago, Football and Higher Education Mix - The New York Times;

<p>Onion…- son had similar credentials (worse grades but many and better AP scores et al). He found good Honors math/science sequences and other excellent academics at UW. If Chemistry is your proposed major I can highly recommend it at UW. Do NOT bother with Marquette, both for the academics and campus. Wash U will have all of its students in the upper tiers but many grad programs are better, and hence opportunities for undergrads (eg chemistry courses offered to freshmen- checked when inlaws kids went) at UW. You will find your peer group at UW. Son refused to visit Yale when he did his NE trip (also refused to see Harvard when he saw MIT, saw Princeton and refused to apply). You do need to consider the overall fit. UW has the great liberal atmosphere. Northwestern will have a more conservative atmosphere.</p>

<p>B…dad1- great comp sci at UW. Son did honors math and added comp sci major to it. Between his and my experiences with the Honors program I can definitely attest to opportunities available (similar credentials back in the day). Physics, Calculus, Chemistry, Biocore sequences are excellent. Plus grad level courses taken in math (around top 15 grad program) as an undergrad. Definitely appropriate for the serious student. One of the top public flagships in the country for a good reason.</p>

<p>WiBadgers- from what I have read on here/heard from other sources, Yale will begin contacting applicants to set up alumni interviews in the next few days. I am definitely curious to see what happens with it, but I wouldn’t regard it as my top choice by any means. That said, if I am accepted, I would definitely look more seriously at it.</p>

<p>wis75- Thank you very much for your input. I do not doubt that Wisconsin is a very good school, and I definitely have some badger pride, as I live in Wisconsin. That said, I come from a tiny catholic school, and I like the idea of a smaller college. I am not looking at chemistry or pre-med (I don’t deal with pain/blood very well. haha); right now, I am thinking math…either actuarial science or engineering. Like you said, I have to consider what will be the best fit for me, and I was slightly turned off by Madison’s size. Nonetheless, no decisions have been made, and all of the schools to which I applied are still likely options. May I ask how old your son is/what he’s up to now? Thanks for your thoughts!</p>