Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>The advantage of UW Madison would be that both of those majors are offered on site and are well respected in the professional community (employers). </p>

<p>(In the event you would want to change your major in mid-stream)</p>

<p>Good luck in your decision!</p>

<p>Has anyone’s on-line application status tracker show a link now for mid-year grades? My son’s semester is not completed yet, but I wondered whether this is a general applicable addition or a specific sign that he will not get a decision until they see his specific mid-year grades.</p>



<p>Thanks for the link. I ran across this earlier as well. Great history on football.</p>


<p>It must be for everyone who applied. I as accepted on 1/2 and have the same status indicator. I just entered my first semester HS grades, which were released on Tuesday of this week.</p>

<p>D just got the e-mail. Postponed.
ACT: 28
GPA 91.5
LI Public HS
Great essay/Letters of rec
Many leadership roles
7 AP classes</p>

<p>Already accepted to Pitt and Hofstra Honors.</p>



<p>Weighted GPA: 4.26, Unweighted: 4.00
Rank 1/462
I sent in both these scores:
SAT- 580 CR 790 Math 580 Writing, 1370 CR+Math, 1950 Total
SAT- 630 CR 730 Math 650 Writing, 1360 CR+Math, 2010 Total</p>

<p>All honors courses throughout the years except Physics, only class in which I took as normal…in junior year</p>

<p>AP Euro-4, APUSH-4(hehe), AP BC Calc-5, IB English, IB Spanish (only one year), IB Chemistry…</p>

<p>Senior Year- AP Bio, AP Gov, Multivariable Calc, IB Eng 2, IB Chem 2…</p>

<p>Math Team (11), FCCLA (11,12), Key Club (9,10,11), NHS (10,11,12), Tri-M Honors Society (11,12), Dance Team (10), Lacrosse (11)</p>

<p>Volunteered at a Learning Center (9,10), Language School (10,11,12), Hospital (11)</p>

<p>Also part of a Youth group that does volunteer activities and stuff (8-12)</p>

<p>Part of 2 church orchestras, the advanced orchestra in class, an advanced orchestra (that surpasses the other advanced orchestra) outside of class, a county youth symphony orchestra, and a small chamber group that plays at events that range from charities to banquets…</p>

<p>Wasn’t allowed to read my rec letters, but one was from my counselor (who I barely talk to) and my physics teacher (since the class was regular and everyone else was…a slacker, I stood out a lot, haha.)</p>

<p>My essays were pretty good too. I didn’t really show my interest all that much in my essays…but I did make a point on what I’ll bring to the community (from my ECs, it’s def. gonna be music-related)</p>

<p>Also, I applied December 29th and just received my acceptance notification online today, January 19th.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>


<p>Accepted today after being told numerous times (and started believing it myself not gonna lie…) that I had no chance!! After seeing some of you that got rejected, it leaves me even more confused. I mentally prepared myself for postponement at the best… But I guess the admissions counselors have their reasons.I applied around October 20th.</p>

GPA: Weighted 4.1 Unweighted: 3.8
Test Scores: SAT: 1740 ACT: 23 (dear god…)
Rank: Top 18%
Honors: 4 over my four years, 1 AP</p>

<p>Clearly, these stats, especially for UW’s standards are average, below average in regards to my test scores. And I know this is what everyone says, but clearly I’m being truthful… my essays, letters of rec, and resume/extracurriculars were INCREDIBLE. My essay however, I believe is what made them decide to accept me. It had to be good to to set me apart from the masses of students who got all A’s and who joined clubs and put in their mandatory 25 hours of community service. It’s all about selling yourself, that’s the most valuable skill these days!! Don’t lose hope or be discouraged… if you believe you can, you have a chance. My mind is blown, and quite frankly I don’t even know if I should accept I’m in such shock!! I already confirmed enrollment for another school and had my heart/mind set on going there, Wisco was my reach. But now I’m visiting in Spring and hopefully my decision will be made easier!</p>

<p>so now that im in… Does anyone know how I can become part of the Wisconsin Class of 2016 group on facebook? its a closed group so im assuming you need an invite</p>

<p>wiscobad - I just joined the facebook group the other day, just click ask to join group and someone should accept your request within the day</p>

<p>IL Maggie – thanks so much, that is good to hear that the mid-year grade report is a general requirement. My son’s semester is just ending so he won’t have final grades for a bit longer. </p>

<p>Congrats again – it is a fabulous school!</p>

<p>Son just got into Madison – now we have to weigh versus Purdue’s computer science program. Still waiting on UT Austin and Georgia Tech (deferred). Ugh, I hate this process. I am more impatient than my son, which makes me a dysfunctional helicopter parent.</p>

<p>ComputerDad – I have followed your postings – we are in a similar position. The UW computer science program graduates only 40 people a year, so my son was concerned that the focus would be more on graduate teaching. The Purdue program seems very good, but we are going to Scholars Day but have no offer yet for monies.</p>

<p>UW graduates about 70-80 undergrad majors per year and has the same number of undergrad and grad students enrolled in the major–200 each. You do not usually become an official CS major until late soph or junior year so most are upperclassmen.</p>

<p>nuum83: The schools you mentioned all are large, support big graduate programs, and have excellent reputations in CS. Leaving out Fin Aid as a factor (and who can, really?), I suspect the biggest difference will not be quality of CS education but mission and location: GT’s tech focus will mean there will be lots of similarly minded students around (no English or Pharmacy majors) – your S can decide (if he gets the chance) if this is good or bad. For Purdue and UT location will be a major differentiator. Austin is surprisingly similar to Madison but still Texas-flavored. Four years in West Lafayette will be a different experience altogether.</p>

<p>Good luck to him with his decision.</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback!</p>

<p>Great comp sci (son added it to his honors math). You can also get a certificate in comp sci with fewer courses- his original plan. This shows up on your record for employers to see. UW has no minors, but has some certificate programs to show knowledge. Therefore there will also be students who get that. Plus, there is a good math department as well, including some crosslisted courses with comp sci. If finances are not an issue I would go with the Madison campus over Purdue for a midwestern choice.</p>

<p>My son had diligently completed all of the application requirements, met every deadline, developed multiple ready-to-activate contingency plans should UW-Madison reject his application to their fine institution, and waited patiently for UW-Madison’s determination when the e-mail arrived late last night notifying him that a letter from Adele C. Brumfield – Director of Admissions and Recruitment was finally waiting for him (days past the January 15th deadline for applying to many other back up schools – thanks Adele). We open the electronic letter and it SAYS!!??!! “After a thorough review of your application for admission to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Committee on Admissions is unable to make a final decision on your file and has postponed your application. You will receive a final decision by March 15, 2012.” Wow. Thanks Adele.</p>

<p>So, not only did you have your staff make recruiting trips to twice as many high schools as in the past – despite already being inundated with applications (and while facing draconian budget cuts by Degree-less Governor Walker), but you can’t respond to the applications you do receive?</p>

<p>Can anyone shed some light on this, or provide some sort of balm for a trouble family?</p>

<p>I recently finished reading Andrew Ferguson’s book titled “CRAZY U – One Dad’s Crash Course in Getting His Kid Into College.” He chronicles his son’s journey of applying to schools in this age where college’s contort themselves in every way imaginable to move up in the US News’ college rankings - while publically railing against them. UW - I really hope you are the exception, but read on… Andrew’s son anxiously awaits a decision from what he would only refer to as “Big State University” (likely the University of Virginia, but don’t hold me to it). When the big moment finally arrives his son gets a similar letter. The family reads the letter over and over trying to gleam some sense from it, and Andrew and his son attempt to rationalize that this wasn’t some cruel tease by Big State University. No, his wife concludes “This is cruel no matter what”.</p>

<p>I remember reading this and being proud that I was a UW-Madison Alum – a Wisconsin Idea Institution – a University which would never resort to practices things such as these. Thanks again Adele.</p>

<p>With those stats you just might be able to get into Harvard-on-the-Hudson (aka Dutchess Community College).</p>

<p>@BadgerBacker: It doesn’t necessarily mean they couldn’t fully review your son’s application, it just means your son’s decision is postponed to the next notification date. They want to see how he compares to the pool of applicants who will apply by the second notification deadline, or Feb. 1st. Also, your son probably should have applied to those other back up schools rather than waiting for UW’s decision. Wish your son all the best though!</p>

<p>Just got in :smiley: </p>

<p>International Student,
SAT I: 2130, 2160; superscore: 2220 (760 M, 700 CR, 760 W)
SAT II: 700 Biology, 690 Math Level IIC
School doesn’t use GPA; IB diploma… predicted 38. </p>

<p>My first US acceptance!!! :smiley: Whooooot!!</p>