Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>I would think so. I know they had some issues last year, so hopefully this year will be a quicker turnaround.</p>

<p>Does it matter when you send your application in and when your file is complete? I might be confused or jumping to conclusions but based on the ‘rolling admission’ policy I assumed the decisions and notifications would be on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. As Nova88 said, just trying to stay positive here. :)</p>

<p>More than half of the decisions will be no decision-postponed. Accepts and rejects will come faster.</p>

<p>Not first come, first served when getting the final answer. Applications evaluated in the order received, but, as stated above, many may be postponed. Clear admits and rejections won’t be left in limbo for months once admissions has had time to get to their application. The middle group may need to wait with a “postponed” decision. This allows UW to wait for clear admits and similar applicants to come in by the Feb 1st deadline without denying students who could make the cut. There will be top students who have applied to other schools but decide in January they better have a safety.</p>

<p>Rolling admissions means letting students know their status as decisions are made instead of making everyone wait until March. Unfortunately for some the status will remain nebulous- but will warn them to have other choices while there is still time to apply elsewhere. A balancing act to admit students and guess how many accepted students will actually attend UW as freshmen. A few years ago more attended than expected- too many freshmen leads to disappointments in dorm availability for some (they won’t crowd students) as well as class availability problems.</p>

<p>Thanks, that makes sense and clears it up.</p>

<p>does anyone apply for engineering major?</p>

<p>I have a friend who did</p>

<p>Did he/she get any response yet?</p>

<p>Does not matter. You don’t really apply to Eng until enrolled. You start in Pre-Eng and then apply for soph year. Need grades to get into some areas.</p>

<p>He hasn’t heard a response, the only difference is that he has “Engineering” in his student center account</p>



<p>Now, hold on a minute. Every time I come to this forum, I seen plenty of people deemed “clear rejects” by the patrons, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chance me thread in this forum where someone was said to be a clear admit. What gives? What constitutes a “clear admit”?</p>

<p>A clear admit is someone who gets accepted by UW as soon as their application has been complete and reviewed, a rejected applicant gets their denial from UW. This has nothing to do with chances on CC. Most students fall somewhere in the middle- good enough unless too many better students also apply by the deadline. UW decides who will definitely be accepted- I’m sure they have enough experience to know which stats et al are in their top percentiles of applicants.</p>

<p>Here are the stats for Emelers’ classmate who was admitted already:</p>

<p>He’s valedictorian, 4.0 all for years of HS, 35 on the ACT, AP Calc AB, Psych, APUSH, AP Euro and Bio all 5’s, in more AP classes this year.</p>

<p>I think just about everyone on CC would concur that this is a clear admit.</p>

<p>Got my email tonight. Rejected. =/ Good luck to others!!</p>

<p>Emelers, I am so sorry to hear that. If I may ask, how long did you have the “may request additional materials” status?</p>

<p>Less than a week-not long at all.</p>

<p>Mind summarizing your stats? Helps with all those chance me’s. Thanks</p>

<p>Emelers what is the reason?</p>

<p>Emelers, I am so very sorry to hear that. :frowning: No word yet on my S, still seeing that same message as of this morning. What other schools did you apply to?</p>

<p>I’m sorry too Emelers. Good luck with your other schools. For those who have received a decision (good or bad) are you from Wisconsin or out of state?</p>