Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>3.5 GPA, 32 ACT, Captain of debate team and forensics, ranked top in the state for both, 5 yrs of German, all honors and ap classes since freshman yr. German club, international club, varsity tennis, volunteer and animal shelter and elderly home, cashiered since soph yr. Also applied to Marquette, my first choice, and Whitewater, to which I am already accepted. I’m thinking of applying to U Chicago as well. They didn’t tell me anything other than “they have too many qualified applicants to choose from”</p>

<p>Wow, Emelers, it really shocks me that you were rejected with those stats, your course rigor and your ECs. Is that 3.5 GPA unweighted academic? I’m thinking that my D’s chances aren’t looking very good.</p>

<p>Ouch. Feel badly for you. I would have chanced you for at least a postpone. Good luck–there are plenty of good schools out there. Might also look at Indiana U-very nice and underrated.</p>

<p>sorry you weren’t accepted. There had to be something in your application data that wasn’t to their liking. In your essays did you express that you really wanted to attend UW in some way?? I remember that one admission person at university of Maryland said that some applicants had other universities mentioned in their essay. When I applied to Graduated schools 25 years ago I applied to NYU business. I thought that I was a shoe in, I had high grades high GMAT scores 8 years of work experience in leadership roles in one of the best companies. I was turned down because I wrote a lousy essay. At the time I thought I was Harvard material my essay reflected that point. When my kids applied to schools I made sure that this would never hapen again, I read all their essay and made them rewrite many parts.</p>

<p>Emelers, are you from Wisconsin? Your stats, ECs and rigor show you will do well wherever you go! I second Barrons suggestion, IU-Bloomington is a great school to think about too, gorgeous campus, or Purdue (if engineering) and both a bit warmer than Madison :slight_smile: Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>I thought my essays were good, my English teacher gave me a bit of feedback. Admittedly, some of it I chose not to incorporate because I felt confident in my essay as a personal reflection of me. I am from WI, I live in Milwaukee and lived in Madison when I was younger. Thanks for the well wishes guys! =)</p>

<p>Also, thanks for the suggestions, I’ll take a look.</p>

<p>Emelers, may I ask…do you have family that attended UW Madison?</p>

<p>I’m adopted, and I’m the first in either my biological family or my adoptive family to attend college at all.</p>

<p>Also UMInn on the tuition reciprocity deal.</p>

<p>Yes, Emelers, sorry to hear that. The fact that you had mostly better stats than I did leaves means that my odds are slim.</p>

<p>They still haven’t gotten to me though, apparently. I’m wondering if I turned everything in correctly. On the Student Center page, it lists three things that I turned in: Application fee on 9/7/11, test scores on 9/7/11, and HS transcript on 9/20/11. </p>

<p>Am I missing something?</p>

<p>Wiscongene - I think everything’s in for you. My page says the same thing. What’s your status? Mine’s the one saying “Your application is being reviewed by an admissions counselor and they may ask for more materials etc etc etc”</p>

<p>^Yea, that’s the one.</p>

<p>Alright yep I think you’re good. I just emailed my admissions counselor to make sure everything was in and ask if there was anything else I could/should do and I expressed my interest so much it’s sad. Hopefully we’ll all back soon! I’m going insane waiting.</p>

<p>Emelers, really sorry. I’d think you’d be a clear admit. Your ACT is in the top quartile. Maybe your gpa is just a tenth or two low.</p>

<p>If you’re really set on Madison, you may consider trying to transfer after a year or two at another college. I know of one who was rejected, but transferred this fall from the U of MN/Duluth. She moved into a dorm or floor full of other transfers (Tripp, maybe?). So she had an orientation experience similar to one that an incoming freshman would have. Her dad told me she loves it there.</p>

<p>I know another who did two years at UW Riverfalls and transferred this fall and got accepted into the Mechanical Engineering program.</p>

<p>I don’t know what you are planning to study–but my daughter and I went to a presentation at the U of M Twin Cities for the College of Biological Sciences. I was really impressed–and it would have been a good choice for my daughter, if she hadn’t been accepted to Madison.</p>

<p>Again, sorry. But you have stellar stats and ecs. You have the ability to do well where ever you go.</p>

<p>I still didnt get the status saying that my application is being reviewed :frowning:
What should i do? Seems like everyone has got that status changed</p>

<p>Ugh. I have that sinking feeling that it will be a long and grueling wait…</p>

<p>Just checked online and my son received notification. He is in! Hope you all have good news!!</p>

<p>Ambergirl, Congrats to your son! Do you mind sharing some basic info, are you in Wisconsin or Out of State? When did he apply? How long did he have the message on the UW site indicating they “may ask for more information…” Etc? Thanks!</p>

<p>Just got my email- I’m in!</p>

<p>Out-of-state (from Texas), 2170 SAT, 3.9 WGPA, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, part-time job, etc. Go Badgers!</p>