Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>are we hearing back today or what?</p>

<p>Letter said today.</p>

<p>If they say that they are going to give a decision on the 15th, they should honor their word.</p>

<p>My son just heard - he was wait listed. I’m sure this has been covered here before, but I’m having trouble finding info on the % of UW-Madison students who are wait listed who ultimately get accepted to UW-Madison. Can anyone shed light on this, and when you might hear? Thanks!!</p>

<p>Ranges widely from 0 to 500+ taken off the waitlist. Last two years were 0.</p>

<p>I’m in!!! Yeahhhh buddy</p>

<p>YESSSSS! I got in! Hopefully it’s their college of engineering</p>

<p>I am a regular decision applicant and was accepted this morning! I received an email! I hope those of you waitlisted or denied admission best of luck in the future.</p>

<p>I got accepted over the weekend and I would like everybody to know "the admission office"does look at the overall application.
I was postponed in DEC and did everything the letter asked me to do.I gave them an additional letter of recommendation from a teacher who was also an UW Alumnus. I wrote a letter to the admission counselor for my high school telling him why I wanted to go to UW.I wrote my personal reasons for going to UW in the little space under the mid year transcript.I am a member of the national honor society,Spanish honor society,Varsity Tennis Player who made state all 4 years,wrote for the school magazine and did Forensics.I had Honor and AP classes.
Y unweighted GPA was 3.66 and my ACT was 25.I did get accepted which proves to me the admissions office looks at the whole picture and not just grades or ACT score.</p>

<p>Congrats Badger123, nice job of working to become accepted! BTW, your stats are certainly nothing to be ashamed of…you should be proud…you earned your admission!!</p>

<p>Thank you so much! Hopefully everything will work out for you guys too.</p>

<p>Does UWM has a definite decision deadline?</p>

<p>Mrpapageorgio I hate to be the skunk at your dinner party but, if your daughter was not accepted as a direct admit then she was rejected. UW is offering her another way of gaining acceptance into the university. The debate isn’t whether she is smart and I can see that you are very proud of her. As an example my son applied to the business school at UW and was not a direct admit. He and I were disappointed because he was accepted to many other business schools and some with scholarship. If you think your daughter shouldn’t be in this special program then go to another university. In my sons case he elected to go to UW as a pre-business and he likes it. Good luck.</p>

<p>@Justwaiting1, I guess I don’t see it quite like that. I think she’s postponed with a unique path to potentially being admitted. Applicants that are denied don’t get a shot until a possible transfer after finishing at least a year at another university.</p>

<p>Regardless, Mrpapageorgio probably won’t be happy with you. He called me the “toughguy from behind my keyboard” yesterday. </p>

<p>I was actually very encouraging (I thought) the first time Mr. Papageorgio posted about his daughter being referred to the CAE, and I hope if she and the other people referred to the CAE want to go to Wisconsin, that it works out for them.</p>

<p>Just waiting, I just know what we are told. We were told that her application was postponed and that her application was referred to CAE. So unless you feel Wisconsin is lying, then she was deferred. Now is it possible that they would have rejected her but for the CAE. Who knows? Some people with her stats get in, some don’t. Her stats are about average for a wisc student. It has nothing to do with being proud of her. The point is that people with the same stats as the average student at Wisc don’t need the hand holding to be required, while other admired through regular admissions need no such requirement.</p>

<p>As far as I can tell, ALL postponed minorities are directed to CAE. In other words, if she were not Hispanic, she would go through regular postponed admissions. If admitted, no requirements. A Hispanic with the same stats…has the requirements. Now I assume that the one benefit is that referred applicants with average stats have a better chance if admission than postponed students in the traditional path. But who knows? What I do know is that numerous people here with similar stats were flat admitted or admitted after being postponed, and they have no requirements.</p>

<p>Some people here are hypersensitive to anything negative about Wisc. No offense, but you offer no facts to back up your assertion. Please post a link that shows people who are referred to CAE are rejected applicants being given a second shot.</p>

<p>As far as your comment about attending another school, she may very well do that. Happy? She was admitted to U of I with a partial scholarship and no conditions, and u of I is every bit as high quality as Madison. But your love it or leave it philosophy does not solve anything, nor does it mean it is not fair to comment about the problem.</p>

<p>Again, I am no expert, and if it turns out that all people referred to CAE are rejected applicants rather than postponed applicants, just link to some proof. Otherwise, I will assume that Wisc was not lying when they said she was postponed.</p>

<p>There are a lot of students deferred, if you are of a certain race and they make you take extra’s when they would have accepted you for regular admissions than that is discrimination IMHO.</p>

<p>And to follow up, just waiting, assume your son applied to Madison and that you are a big donor. Assume that your son had average stats, but no guarantee of admission. Then assume Wisconsin had a special program for kids of large donors. Assume all kids who were deferred big donor kids get directed to that program. Now assume that he got in through that program, and the program makes him go to required kid of donor meetings, etc, and that people who know him would assume he got in just because you are a big donor.</p>

<p>Now would that program be good? If you were in that situation, at a minimum wouldn’t you want your son to have the choice of which path to take…the traditional postponed path or the admitted donor postponed path?</p>

<p>Ironically, the fact that you ASSUME all CAE applicants were denied proves my very point… That there is a stigma attached to it that, as a CAE student, she really is a denied, unqualified student admitted because of race. Heaven forbid parents don’t want their kid viewed in that light.</p>

<p>If you polled UW students my guess is that very few would know about CAE. I assume that any good college accepts minorities that aren’t up to par with regular applicants. I think that its not politically correct to reject you and then accept you into the CAE. program. Ten yearS from now when someone asks your daughter what college did she attend i hope she doesn’t say the UW CAE program!!!</p>

<p>Previous post regarding historic UW-Madison waitlist results:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/12159558-post32.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/12159558-post32.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi everyone.</p>

<p>Just wondering what CAE is? Are they like FIG groups?</p>