Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>I just got my email last night, admitted!</p>

<p>I applied on October, 16th, had the “your app is being reviewed, we may request additional materials” message for a little over a week probably, and heard back on November 4th. </p>

<p>Some stats for those interested:
Out-of-State from VA
Sat: 2210
Class Rank: Top 15%
UW GPA: 3.95
W GPA: 4.52
5 AP’s total : English 11, English 12, Psychology, French V, and Calculus AB.
EC’s: Volunteer at local SPCA, Book club, HS Lit Mag Editor, French Club, etc.
Hobbies: Creative Writing and Filmmaking<br>
3 Teacher Recs
Essays that emphasized that it was my top choice
Double legacy plus a grandparent who attended</p>

<p>I was surprised at how fast they reviewed mine. I think 6-8 weeks is the average wait time. Anyway, hope this helps for people who are curious about admission. Good luck, everyone! I know how tense waiting can be!</p>

<p>BTW, it’s probably a bit early, but does anyone know a good place to meet other admitted students and find a roommate? I’ve heard there are sites made for that. Any recommendations?</p>

<p>What time did your email arrive? Do they send emails and notifications over the weekend? Congrats to you!</p>

<p>Still waiting for my decision. I hope they can’t see how many times you check your status, or mine will probably be very embarrassing.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if when reviewing the application, do they wait for the transcript to be matched to the application? Or do they review an application in the order that they received it and match the transcript from there? I had all of my materials in and mailed by mid-October and my status still says the transcript has not been matched. My guidance counselor called and was assured that it was fine, but I am just nervous that I will be waiting until late January to hear</p>

<p>My D’s status also says “HS transcript not confirmed”. It was sent out by snail mail about a week ago. I’m assuming that it takes time to sort through all of the mail that they receive.</p>

<p>Just checked my son’s email and he received a decision-he is admitted! Applied around October 19th, received the email tonight, on a Sunday, how odd! First college acceptance for him…he is excited and this week we visit the campus. Out of state, from California.
I hope you all soon get good news as well!</p>

<p>Rousse54 if you do not mind sharing what were your sons stats?</p>

<p>Sure… My son’s stats were the following:
Out of state from California
ACT 32
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.22 W
Class rank: 10/550
SAT Ii: Chemistry 740, US History 740, Biology 800
AP’s: Chemistry, Biology, English Comp, US History all 5’s
Taking 7 AP’s in all, lots of honor classes
Good EC’S
Good teacher recommendations
Majoring in genetics</p>

<p>Good luck to you all! I hope you all get good news soon!</p>

<p>Al I can say is those getting admitted have some very impressive stats. Congrats.
I did the big Seattle College Fair this weekend. Interest in UW was probably double last year and most had done some research and had very specific question. About half were interested in biosciences. Also many in engineering and then all sorts of things. Three girls asked if we had facilities to board their horses and an equestrian team. I actually knew that one. (Yes and yes).</p>

<p>Does anyone know the percentage of those who apply for the first notification date who get deferred to the second notification date?</p>

<p>Does anyone apply for chemical engineering? Have u heard any about the admission??</p>

<p>You only apply for admission to the university as a whole, your proposed major/school/college has no bearing on your acceptance. </p>

<p>Students interested in an engineering major will need to meet some prerequsites at UW and then get into the College of Engineering. The default placement will be Letters and Sciences for most entering students. Education, Business and some other schools/colleges also have admissions criteria to be met at UW before entering them. The math and science you need for your engineering courses will be through L&S, plus any intro engineering classes for entering students will be available. You can easily find the information on the UW website under the academic school/college that interests you.</p>

<p>Letting UW know a major only helps for SOAR- assigning an appropriate advisor next summer (those without a major/honors will get general cross college advisors instead of one specific to the proposed field of study).</p>

<p>Heyy guys, this is erica and hannah (we share an account) we’re both high school seniors from PA and this is our first post on CC woo! Anyway, we are obsessed with college (as I’m sure a number of seniors are) and we’re also anxiously awaiting our acceptances to uw and we legit check this thread between 9-15 times a day…so everyone keep writing!! Elmers I’m sorry! Best of luck and metzmom all is good, did you appeal your child’s rejection? </p>

<p>Just some background info: Hannah applied early decision to syracuse’s music management program (very prestigious only accepts 10 people and is in Newhouse communication school) and erica’s top choices are uw madison (if accepted) and tulane (already accepted and was given a scholarship). Additionally, we are both insomniacs so everyone post at all times throughout the day!</p>

<p>My S just found out yesterday he was accepted. There seems to be a pre-signal of acceptance. He and his friends who got accepted received prior (hours or days before) an email from UW Madison explaining how to apply for scholarships and the criteria for strong applicants. After getting this email, though the email says it is not connected to admissions, so far from what we hear, an acceptance notification comes their way.</p>

<p>**** correction!</p>

<p>Heyy guys, this is erica and hannah (we share an account) we’re both high school seniors from PA and this is our first post on CC woo! Anyway, we are obsessed with college (as I’m sure a number of seniors are) and we’re also anxiously awaiting our acceptances to uw and we legit check this thread between 9-15 times a day…so everyone keep writing!! Elmers I’m sorry! Best of luck and metzmom all is good, did you appeal your child’s rejection? </p>

<p>Just some background info: Hannah applied early decision to syracuse’s music management program (very prestigious only accepts 25 people) and erica’s top choices are uw madison (if accepted) and tulane (already accepted and was given a scholarship). Additionally, we are both insomniacs so everyone post at all times throughout the day!</p>

<p>Has anyone received an admission decision who has David O’Connor as their Admissions Counselor? If so, when did you apply?</p>

<p>Youngest son accepted to UW today. He’s pumped. Madison was at the very top of his list. He was a little bit apprehensive after seeing the stats of some of the kids that have been postponed. Best of luck to everyone awaiting their decisions and to those postponed students who have Bucky as their first choice.</p>

<p>Daughter was accepted yesterday! Pretty fast turn around, as her application was complete on October 28th. We are excited!</p>

<p>Big10padre and collegesearchmom, would you mind sharing your children’s stats? Also do you know how long their app said “…may request additional materials”</p>

<p>3.94 uw gpa. 31 act (10 on writing) Lots of sports and music extra-curriculars. Plain old public high school. </p>

<p>The “may request additional materials message” appeared when her app was complete on October 28th. </p>

<p>Good luck to all! The waiting is hard.</p>


<p>My Stats:
3.76 UW 3.96 W
28 ACT
2020 on last SAT (610 M, 670 CR, 740 W)</p>

<p>Wrote one of the best essays of my life. Okay recommendations, but not many EC’s. </p>

<p>My full stats are [here.](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-maryland-college-park/1233283-chance-person-no-confidence.html”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-maryland-college-park/1233283-chance-person-no-confidence.html&lt;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>My heart was thumping but I’m so happy right now! I don’t know if this is my top school though :stuck_out_tongue: Probably second, depends.</p>