Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>kaiiitwyn: well what area of texas are you?</p>

<p>so we all know that the first wave of letters has been sent out, so if anybody has any information on the next group that is sent, please post on this!</p>

<p>I sent my application in on August 20th, so that’s probably why I heard back right away. It will probably take longer if you applied later.</p>

<p>I sent my app in October 28 and got my letter December 9 in So. Cal.
Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Woke up Sunday morning to “Congratulations on your admission, Zach!” on his MyTCU page!!! Woooohooooo!!! Nothing in the mail yet, but we are in Iowa so it may take a bit longer. So excited!!</p>

<p>I live in Kansas City and my MYTCU page changed yesterday to “congrats on your admission”. I still haven’t gotten the envelope though, even though it said that my decision had been sent to my house as of last Wednesday. I guess the process is just slow. Hopefully it will come soon. :)</p>

<p>I got in! MyTCU page changed to Congratulations Sunday morning! I am so excited!</p>

<p>Just got in! MyTCU page was updated with a Congratulations! I am SO out of my mind with excitement.
Congratulations to everyone else who got in, good luck to those of you still waiting!</p>

<p>claysmith: I live in Houston!</p>

<p>Congratulations y’all!!! :slight_smile: Is TCU everyone’s first choice?!</p>

<p>claysmith: The next batch of letters has been sent. I got mine this afternoon.</p>

<p>how did you guys find out so early!? mine still says that they are reviewing my app</p>

<p>I’ve noticed that the first people to send in their applications were the first to hear back. When did you apply?</p>

<p>late october, like a week before the deadline</p>

<p>same here as of today.</p>

<p>Has anyone been denied acceptance?</p>

<p>I posted about it saying they were reviewing my app, but it just changed to they have sent it!
good luck everyone!</p>

<p>my sons just changed today from reviewing to in the mail. He sent his info in on Oct.30th hope to get good news, Good luck to you!</p>

<p>My TCU status still says that they are reviewing my application. I received the holiday postcard today. It’s the one that says “You can get a jump on what life is like as a Horned Frog by visiting us in 2012.” I am hoping this is a good sign! I don’t mind being patient if it all works out in the end :). Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted!</p>

<p>Thank you! Y’all that have had a status change on your TCU account, you will probably hear in a few days! :]</p>

<p>Just checked the my.TCU web site and my son is in!!! Very excited!