Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Has anyone from the Northwest, Seattle area been accepted yet? We are still waiting for our tcu portal to change. Nothing yet?</p>

<p>Sunset123…my daughter is from the Puget Sound area! Her portal has not changed either but she is home schooled and we have not finished her foreign language. The admissions counselor said they would probably wait list her to see her grade, since foreign language is a requirement for admissions. Does that mean they’ve looked at all the Northwest apps, or just the home schooled apps?? I’m sure you’ll hear soon, or you could contact your admissions counselor. Best of luck to you!!</p>

<p>Thanks, no changes again today. We are really anxious to find out something soon, it would be nice to know before Christmas. Good luck to you tlburres.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many days it takes for the status online to change from- An admission decision has been mailed to- Congratulations on your acceptance? Mine changed to the mailing one on Monday and have yet to receive anything in the mail (I live less than 30 minutes from TCU). I’m guessing the delay must be the Christmas rush on the mail system.
So I’m hoping it will change tomorrow.</p>

<p>Do you all think that they have sent out ALL the acceptance letters for the early action group in the previous weeks? Everyone is supposed to have a decision by the end of the month but doesn’t the admissions office close this Thursday unitl Jan? Which means all the deferred or rejections letters would have to be sent out this week, right? I just got my portal updated to “a decision has been sent” on Monday which makes me worry…</p>

<p>It took 3 days for my d’s status to change to congratulations!</p>

<p>cjopm12 - My mytcu page still hasn’t changed status. I’ve been checking everyday this week but there hasn’t been a change. I’m not sure but I really hope it doesn’t mean all the acceptance letters have been sent.</p>

<p>Turns out I have been deferred. This probably means that you have been accepted if your screen says a letter has been sent.</p>

<p>How do you know that you were deferred?</p>

<p>On the MyTCU page I clicked on admission and there was a link that said Deferred Decision. So, unless everyone has this link, with it written out, I would assume that I have been deferred.</p>

<p>If anyone else has this link, accepted or not, let me know. Hope I’m not freaking out about something everyone has.</p>

<p>Happy Holidays and Congrats to everyone!! Has anybody heard about money yet?</p>

<p>My D’s status JUST changed to “decision being mailed” this morning - she submitted app on October 30th. I have not heard of the deferred link that previous poster mentioned. TCU is not D’s first choice, though I really like it…we live in Austin.</p>

<p>good luck everyone!</p>

<p>I got my letter in the Mail today! Good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/tcu/1261061-academic-scholarship-notification.html]Academic[/url”>Academic Scholarship Notification - TCU - College Confidential Forums]Academic[/url</a>]</p>

<p>Looks like people are starting to hear about scholarships!</p>

<p>lvnfw1 - when did your portal change to “a decision has been sent” and when did it change to “congratulations” ?</p>

<p>My status changed to its in the mail on Monday, I received my acceptance packet in the mail on Wednesday, and I my status on My.tcu.edu just changed today. So really, it takes about 3 full days to change online from “an admission decision has been mailed” to “Congratulations on your acceptance”.</p>

<p>Hope this helps, good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks my status changed to accepted today! :)</p>

<p>Did anyone accepted get a postcard in the mail, it was like a personal one talking about visiting this Monday when I have already visited TCU, what I mean by personal is like written in purple pen not a copied postcard. Does this mean anything? My letter just got sent today too.</p>

<p>I called and she said they sent my letter today.</p>