Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>Daughter accepted!
28 ACT
boatload of ecs!</p>

<p>Applied 10/31 found out tonight and for those of you still waiting…I feel your pain, hang in there!!</p>

<p>On Wisconsin!!</p>

<p>Accepted tonight!!!</p>

<p>^3anddone…I am sorry your S did not hear good news from UW. I am expecting similar news for my D, but am still in the hopeful stage. I hope your S has, or will have, some good college options. Would you mind posting his stats and if you are in-state or oos. Thank you.</p>

<p>Accepted tonight!
In state
3.6 uw gpa
27 act
Lots of EC’s such as NHS, Sports, etc.
4 year 3-sport athlete
Very well written essays
2 Very solid recommendations</p>

<p>My D got accepted last night around 7pm. 33ACT, 3.8UWGPA, OK essay and activities, IS.
Applied 9/17 and good luck for everyone waiting.</p>

<p>Lucky74 are you in state? What are your stats</p>

<p>This is ridiculous! My D was accepted to all her schools (University of Michigan, University of Illinois, Ohio State, Indiana, Purdue, Clemson). She has received merit scholarship at some based on her GPA and ACT. She is also a recruited athlete at some of the mentioned schools. I can’t believe she hasn’t heard from admissions yet. Very frustrating!</p>

<p>I guess when they say they will send decisions by 1/31…in some cases they really drag it out to the last nail biting days. Although we are not really expecting an acceptance in our house, due to being oos and borderline stats, it has been so long since my D has heard from any of the schools on her list, that any news would be welcome at this point…ok, an acceptance would be more welcome than a denial, but end the agonizing wait…please!!!</p>

<p>Accepted and Attending for engineering</p>

<p>4.0 GPA
29 ACT
Ranked 3rd or 2nd
Good Essays
Great EC’s</p>

<p>Madison has been my dream school since 6th grade. Now just need to determine what kind of engineering :P</p>

<p>@Rroninator: congrats, you’ll love it here. Don’t agonize over the type of engineering yet. You’ve got the pre-req stuff in front of you at least a year or 2, then you need to apply to the school of engineering for your major. Some areas are more competitive than others.</p>

<p>Will the type of engineering determine my freshman classes though? Like chemE will require chemistry vs. CompE requiring programming</p>

<p>I’m not sure, they’ll let you know at SOAR. I think first semester is pretty generic, but it would somewhat depend on placement tests, AP credits, etc. My advice is to go into SOAR with some ideas, but don’t firm plans. Take the advice they offer. If you really need to know answers to curriculum questions, go to Engineering School advisors. You’ll be fine. Have fun your senior year because you’ll be working your butt off next fall!</p>

<p>@Roninator: sorry- last post from me on this one: From the website:</p>

<p>■At least 24 credits overall (can be AP or transfer credits)
■Communication Skills A (a campus-wide General Education requirement)
■Calculus-based Mechanics Physics (EMA 201 or Physics 201/207/247)
■General Chemistry: either Chem 109 or Chem 103 and 104 (students planning to take advanced chemistry courses are encouraged to take Chem 109)
■An introduction to Engineering course (can be waived for transfer students)
■Two semesters of Calculus (Math 221 and 222)
■At least 17 credits in the calculus, statistics, chemistry, physics, computer science, and statics courses required for an engineering degree; at least a 2.5 average in these courses
■At least a 2.0 average in all other courses </p>

<p>As I mentioned in last post, check with SOAR advisor for details. IMHO- A/P is important. While you want an early SOAR session, you won’t have A/P scores for Sr. year, so you have to make some assumptions about how you did. Save the drama and anxiety for June SOAR date till A/P scores arrive in July.</p>

<p>Good luck…it’s fun!</p>

<p>Got accepted tues night (Jan 15) so excited! I’m definitely going there!
Applied september 20…
4.4 weighted
3.7 uw
27 act
oh and I’m out of state.</p>

<p>my application was under review since October 30. Got accepted Tues, Jan 15 (:</p>

<p>Kevelyn18 are you out of state?</p>

<p>Wow I was really surprised I was accepted.
1910 SAT
4.33 GPA
top 1% class rank (3 out of 498)
No ECs
100+ volunteer hours
400+ work hours</p>

<p>Considering that early notification is the end of this month, there has not been a lot of acceptance/rejection postings on this board. Does this mean that more kids are getting rejected as we get closer to the decision deadline and don’t want to post, or is UW just a quiet school on CC?</p>

<p>Also, what does the rejection say on the web portal?</p>

<p>Daughter was accepted on 1/15.
In state
30 ACT
3.68 GPA uw
Top 15%
Excellent letters of recommendation & essays
Plenty of EC’s</p>

<p>Good luck to those still waiting to hear!</p>

<p>Aliciaforsyth no, I’m a sconnie. About forty five minutes north of gb.</p>