Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>Anyone know of anyone that has heard recently. I guess we are going to have to be patient until the bitter end of Jan.</p>

<p>Still waiting since 10/04!
OOS Illinois</p>

<p>10 days…</p>

<p>I don’t think that anyone from my daugher’s high school has heard yet, and they all applied at various times. My daughter applied 10/26 and we are OOS from Illinois. I just wonder if the admissions counselor for Northern Illinois just hasn’t gotten to her high school yet? It is so frustrating to have to wait for an answer, especially since this is probably my daughter’s first choice school.</p>

<p>It looks like there are a lot of us in the “waiting boat”. I guess now the question is why have some already heard, if so many have not? Is it all random? We live in the PNW so not many kids out here applying to Madison.</p>

<p>Getting super anxious/impatient</p>

<p>Just found out tonight I was accepted.</p>

3.55 unweighted
27 ACT
3 APs
4 year sports and pretty good ECs
Strong essay, great rec letters</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Accepted Instate (tonight too!)! We probably have the same admissions person…</p>

4.0 cum, unweighted
26 ACT
2 year sports, won State Department scholarship to go abroad to China
Great recs, essay, etc.
7 APs</p>

<p>Yay! I’m so stoked lol. Good luck to the rest of the applicants!</p>

<p>My son just got accepted. In state. Act 27. 3.8 GPA
He is in the top 8% of his class. 4 Ap classes and all honors classes.
He applied 11/1</p>

<p>Accepted today!</p>

<p>3.74 uw gpa, 28 act, good EC’s, good essays and letter of rec.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of those accepted so far. Still waiting here in the PNW. What does it say on the portal once accepted?</p>

<p>Also waiting in the PNW, pawsnfeet. I think I am finally resigned to the fact that we won’t hear until the 31st…</p>

<p>Another PNW wants to become a Badger. Surprised. I hope we have the geographic diversity card in our favor. I check every day and no change.</p>

<p>Me too! It won’t be too much longer now. :)</p>

<p>First they sent me an email saying an admission decision was posted on myUW and told me to check it out. I freaked out at first because I wondered why they didn’t come straight out and say whether I was accepted or not. Anyway, I checked and instead of the message “Your materials are being reviewed…etc” it said “Congratulations, you have been accepted…” Also, in notifications you can see an official “web” version of the acceptance letter. A couple more links are added such as, accept/decline admission and an option to send in a self-reported mid year report.</p>

<p>@TheSonambulist…thanks for letting me know. I hope my D sees those very same words, but to minimize disappointment, we are anticipating a denial, but a surprise would be welcome!</p>

<p>I just checked my D’s status and this is what it said:</p>

<p>We have postponed a decision on your application.
For more information, view your online decision letter available on the Notifications page.</p>

<p>I have not been able to open up the letter and she has not received an email from them.</p>

<p>Check your statuses!!</p>

<p>Accepted!!! Finally!</p>

<p>Postponed :’( Hoping to get in during Regular Decision, UW is my top choice! Applied French Major, 4.4 GPA, 29 ACT, tons of extra cirriculars (Out of State- Illinois)</p>

<p>did any of the people who have found out they were accepted apply AFTER 11/1?</p>