Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>It’s good to know I’m not the only one haha. I’m sure we will get in haha</p>

<p>I also have low stats… 3.1 UW, upward trend from senior year since I have been struggling with a personality conflict that I overcame in summer before senior year. </p>

<p>1820 SAT</p>

<p>Diverse, strong extracurriculars with unique, highly-praised essays. </p>

<p>I had a dream of getting into Wisc last night. I also had a dream of getting into NYU before I got rejected, so I feel like the same thing is going to happen haha</p>

<p>Good luck to you all!!!</p>

<p>Hey everyone, I was google searching the decision notification dates for UW–Madison to see if they had already started sending acceptances and I ended up here, so I made an account basically so I can follow this thread haha. It’s really interesting to see who’s heard back and when they received their decision—I’m still waiting for my email and it’s nice to know that some of you are as well.</p>

<p>Thounder, Deathliga, and ehguscn, I hope we all get in. I hope that UW Madison looks at our potentials, not the cover.</p>

<p>Did all of you apply by the Feb. 1st deadline?</p>

<p>I applied by mid Nov.</p>

<p>@ariyuq Yes, I believe I submitted my app on the last day of January.</p>

<p>Just got accepted. I honestly didn’t think that I would get in so it was a pleasant surprise checking the portal.</p>

<p>@DntThnkUKnwHenry Did you just check? 8:45 pm est now</p>

<p>@rsh5932 When did you apply? I applied the last day of January and I still haven’t heard back yet.</p>

<p>@cwest87 I applied by mid Nov. Still haven’t heard back either… This waiting is driving me nuts. I know a lot of intl. applicants who haven’t received any notification yet and they are assuming that they are rejected. Ugh, I really want to go to Madison!</p>

<p>@rsh5932 I checked it about an hour ago. They had sent an email saying to check the portal for my admissions decision.</p>

<p>@DntThnkUKnwHenry Dang… I still haven’t gotten anything yet… Anyway, congratulations!! I’m really jealous… May I ask your stats?</p>

<p>I’m sure you’ll hear something soon (hopefully admission!), they said all decisions would be out by end of March.
ACT: 32
GPA: 3.89
E.C. 2 varsity sports, 3 clubs (all four years)
AP- have only taken two tests English Lang (4), Chem (3), currently taking AP Physics, AP English Lit, AP Psychology, AP Spanish, AP American Gov and Politics.
Hispanic (first gen), In-State, originally “postponed”</p>

<p>I applied by the Feb. 1st deadline too. I think it’s safe to say that decisions will be out by the end of this week. So anxious!</p>

<p>@DntThnkUKnwHenry congratulations! :D</p>

<p>My teacher seemed to miss out my grade 9 transcript. My grade 9 transcript is so bad though. But my grade 11 and grade 12 is better especially with my 4A grades I obtained for my Advanced Subsidiary Level (British curriculum). Predicted 4A* grades. It’s just my SAT grade pulling me down. :S</p>

<p>And congrats to everyone who got accepted!!</p>

<p>Could anyone chance me please on the chances for Wisconsin?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1478026-chance-university-wisconsin-madison.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1478026-chance-university-wisconsin-madison.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>also applied by the deadline… still waiting… gosh just send me the rejection quick…</p>

<p>@Deathliga I think you got more than a decent chance of getting in… My stats are inferior compare to yours :(</p>

<p>@ mynameisted Yea that’s exactly how I feel these days… Since my stats aren’t really outstanding…</p>

<p>@rsh5932 I know right… Especially when there is no definite notification date… uncertainty can kill ppl…anyway hope for the best mate…</p>

<p>Yeah I’m really hoping all of us who are like borderline of getting in do actually get in. And I agree with everyone that they wait is killing me!!!</p>