Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>My buddy didn’t hear until around Christmas and he was out of state. Not sure he had the best stats though.</p>

<p>Anyone else hear recently?</p>

<p>I have a feeling the OOS kids typically hear later?</p>

<p>How about Minnesota kids? I sent my application in a month ago and my transcript got there 10/9. Any idea of when I will hear? I’m DYING to know!!!</p>

<p>Should I be good? </p>

<p>33 ACT
4.0 GPA</p>

<p>If anyone hears from the admissions counselor Roxanne Allison please let me know! My status has changed and I’m anxiously awaiting my decision!</p>

Everything received by 10/6
Status Changed: Around 10/28
ACT: 29
GPA: Weighted 4.44 Unweighted 3.8
Top 4%

<p>Anyone else hear?</p>

<p>Any OOS people hear?! I wonder when they are going to start releasing decisions…</p>


<p>I have been told that a SUBSTANTIAL number of decisions will be released tonight. Check your decisions!</p>

<p>Well, good luck to everyone then!
Aaronyah- Isn’t it a little late to see decisions tonight? Do they really sent them out this late?</p>

<p>By a credible source? I’m really hoping i hear tonight…you have no idea how anxious I am. My application was complete around 10/02.</p>

<p>Hey markis… my application was marked complete On Oct 2 also. Are you OOS? I am.</p>

<p>yes, I’m OOS</p>

<p>Did anyone hear anything?</p>

<p>Anyone hear anything?!?!?</p>

<p>I didn’t…</p>

<p>Just got in! OOS :slight_smile: SO excited!</p>

<p>Just got accepted! I am OOS</p>

<p>Congrats!!! What are your stats, if you don’t mind sharing.</p>