Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>Thank you!
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.8 UW/4.1 W
I think my essays and ECs are pretty good although I don’t have outstanding leadership for ECs.</p>

<p>What does it mean if it doesn’t say I have a counselor yet? Is it possible they haven’t started reviewing my app (even though I sent it in mid-September)??</p>

<p>Acceptedd!! OOS! So happy Wisco was one of my top choices! I have a 3.8 unweighted, 1950 SAT, 6 AP classes by graduation, tons of ECs, great essays and recs. congrats to everyone that has been accepted and good look to all those waiting to hear!! Go Badgers!</p>

<p>Congrats!!!When did you apply?</p>

<p>Thanks! :slight_smile:
4.0 unweighted, tons of leadership and xtra curriculars, pretty good essays, one recommendation letter, applied in September</p>

<p>Did you get an e-mail telling you to check My UW, or did you just check the status and saw? Congrats to all accepted!!</p>

<p>I received an email</p>

<p>Who are your admission counselors? It can be easily looked up by your area.</p>

<p>I got an email, which told me to check my application status! I wouldn’t bother checking before you get an email! It just makes you more anxious!</p>

<p>@xollege2013…it never listed who was my counselor, so don’t worry!</p>

<p>I don’t think it says who my counselor is. Either that or I’m looking in the wrong place.</p>

<p>When did the people who got accepted apply?</p>

<p>Accepted OOS. I applied mid September, so pretty early.</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter when you got your application in by, because. There are different admissions counselors who make the decision for every area, so depending on your counselor depends when you will find out. [Meet</a> Your Counselor - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/]Meet”>Counselors and Advisors – Office of Admissions and Recruitment – UW–Madison). Go here to Find out who your admissions counselor is</p>

<p>My application was considered “complete” on oct 16th! I got an email this morning telling me to check my UW portal but I saw on facebook that one of my friends got in last night so I checked for fun and saw I was accepted! I guess the emails are delayed so keep checking! My admissions officer is Rebecca Callan :slight_smile: GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATS</p>

<p>Has anyone from Florida found out yet? I applied September 5th and everything was complete by October. I hope an OOS decision doesn’t take too long!</p>

<p>Anyone hear from NY?</p>

<p>I’m from new york and heard back on friday!! :)</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from Alec Widerski yet? I’m from ny and i sent my app in about a month ago</p>

<p>My application was complete 10/13 and my official high school transcript was updated in the UW system on 10/26. Any thoughts on when I should be hearing back about a decision?</p>