Fall 2013 Transfer Thread

<p>Alright guys, I just got deferred to Blinn TEAM for A&M today. I am a senior.
Applied to ChemE as first major and PetE as backup.
Turned in application on 10/3/2012.</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>Race: Asian
GPA:4.2/5.0 weighted or 3.5/4.0 unweighted
Class Rank: 224/923 at the time of application. Now 186/935.
SAT: 590 CR, 730 Math, 600 Writing. 1320 Composite. Took it three times with the same score every single time.</p>

<p>I go to Seven Lakes High School.
Very competitive Texas school located in Katy, Texas.</p>

<p>Was on the Academic Decathlon team for two years. Both years making top 5 at state.
UIL Academic Math and Number Sense team for three years. Multiple great state runs.
Involved in NHS, SOS (Spartans Out Serving), Mu Alpha Theta, Technology Student Association, Chinese Culture Club, Quizbowl, and Environmental Club.</p>

<p>Classes and grades:</p>

<p>Was in any PreAP and AP classes available to me. Made mostly A’s and B’s, a couple C’s.
My secondary courses are as rigorous as you can ask for.</p>

<p>AP exam scores so far:
World History-3
US History-4
Language and Comp-2
Chinese Language-5</p>

<p>Will be taking more AP exams this coming May.</p>

<p>Courses taking as of right now:</p>

<p>AP Environmental Science
AP Computer Science 1
AP Literature
AP Statistics
AP Calculus BC
AP MacroEconomics/AP Government (one semester each)
Academic Decathlon (season just ended couple days ago, SLHS placed 7th in state)</p>

<p>As many can see, I am very involved and diligent in everything I do. Yet I got deferred to Blinn TEAM. I am quite disappointed in this event and I can only blame myself for this happening. Also, I was CAP-ed from UT. The only regret I have was my Critical Reading score on the SAT. I needed 10 more points and I just could not make the 600 I needed for academic admit. And now I have only myself to hate. Honestly, after three tries of getting the same score, anyone would get discouraged.</p>

<p>I was following this post in hopes of making it, but this was not to be. Good luck to anyone else out there!</p>

<p>Congratulations. I do not think you are going to have too much trouble, eventually, getting into engineering. You seem to be good in math and that is what is most important for engineering. Blinn Team means you will be on the A&M campus where you will have lots of friends from your high school.</p>

<p>Don’t give up! I know it seems discouraging, but it sounds like you will do great and be able to transfer in in no time!</p>

<p>Honestly though, it seems that colleges take into account the race factor the most. Some people say this is not true, but I find it very relevant to this year, especially at my school. Because I’m first generation Asian does not mean I am good at everything and they should not have higher standards just because I am Asian. </p>

<p>My goal ultimately is to get this Blinn program over with and go ahead with A&M. But the 40 hours and 15 hours of Blinn and A&M, respectively will take at least a semester, if not more to finish.</p>

<p>You can apply for a transfer after 24 hours. You will probably already have a number of hours coming in from high school. Talk to an admissions counselor either by phone or at your NSC.</p>

<p>Do all 24 transferable credit hours have to come from the Tables? Or is it the more the better with the tables, but still counting hours from off them such as electives to reach 24? I know some things are required, such as two business Maths in my situation, but those are in the table.</p>

<p>Just a question: how much is it costing you to attend if you are an out of state transfer student?</p>

<p>@David 23-24K I think.</p>

<p>@TheRampant…not bad at all! I also got CAP’d for UT back in 2011…but I chose Blinn TEAM. My advice would be to go for it…if you get credit for Calculus, still take it…because I know of some people who got credit for Cal 1 and 2…but are suffering in Cal 3 now. Also, be sure to take ENDG 105 at A&M out of the way as soon as you can…it will substitute for ENGR 111…and take a COSC course to substitute for ENGR 112…if you get these out of the way and your other CBK’s, you will hit the ground running in upper level when you transfer…also…try to get all these courses done by the spring or summer of your freshman year…that way you can transfer to ChemE and take the upper level courses on time…the first upper level course, CHEN 204, is only offered once a year in the fall. And one more thing…don’t wait for the actual Blinn TEAM program to complete…you can transfer before then as soon as you meet the transfer requirements!</p>

<p>Alright everyone, this is what I have:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
Texas State University, Major in Industrial Engineering, Minoring in Applied Math.
1st choice major at TAMU: Industrial Engineering
2nd choice: Applied Mathematical Sciences</p>

<p>53 credit hours, all being mostly core requirements and some math and IE courses.
Currently enrolled in Calc II, Physics: Mechanics, Chem 1, and Engineering Graphic Design for 15 hours total.</p>

<p>I’m late on the Calc II, physics, and chemistry because I thought it would be a better idea to get basics out of the way so that I could then focus on my IE courses.</p>

<p>The big problem for me apparently is that I don’t have much of a chance because I don’t actually HAVE the credits for Calc II and Mechanics, since I am currently ENROLLED in them. That’s according to one of the academic advisors in the PSC on A&M’s campus, anyway. Apparently, not even resubmitting the final spring transcript would be enough to overturn a rejection, and so it looks like I’m banking on either taking one more semester here at Texas State or going for that Applied Mathematics Major, something I might be able to get away with because it seems the College of Science is one of the few colleges that considers second choice majors.</p>

<p>With the similar coursework in Applied Math, I might be able to get back into IE when I get there after the semester passes (transfers are not allowed change of majors for a certain amount of time after transferring). However, the same advisor warned me that A&M does NOT approve of transfer students worming their way into their desired majors using that method.</p>

<p>Also, for what it’s worth, I was accepted to A&M in High School due to the top 10% rule but did not accept the invitation. However, apparently this also means nothing (according to the advisor) and does not help nor hinder my attempt to transfer. Ironically, had I been at a community college for the past 2 years, even if I was on academic probation and lacking any necessary credits, I would still be entitled to an automatic transfer because of Senate Bill 175. Anyone else think there is some sort of flaw with the admission process? </p>

<p>So what do y’all think? Do I have a decent chance, or am I stuck? Anyone with a similar problem? From what I can see, I seem to be the only one stuck in this awkward situation. I assumed that if the credits would be a problem, then I could be admitted and then take the courses there. That is not how transferring to A&M works anymore apparently, with the dissolution of the general studies program?</p>

<p>I was bumped up to Step 3 today. Anyone know how long until Step 4?</p>

<p>Thanks everybody, and good luck!!!</p>

<p>Got my decision back this week for transfer. Rejected…took about 6 weeks for decision.</p>

<p>Stats: 3.0 GPA on 45 credits at Blinn.
1st choice: International Studies 2nd choice: History</p>

<p>I screwed up though because I found out just now the Liberal Arts College does NOT consider 2nd choice majors.</p>

<p>My GPA is lower because I was on a pre-med track at first. Sucked and I made horrible grades.</p>

<p>Though I don’t think TAMU ever got the letter of rec my prof wrote me and another prof hasn’t sent his out yet…I think I will make an appointment with an advisor to see if anything can be done. GPA should be up to 3.25 at the end of this semester.</p>

<p>Anyone have any clue on space at end of Spring for my major? What should I put down as 2nd choice?</p>

<p>@jwilliams5362, your gpa is perfect…but I have a feeling the only obstacle you will encounter is the lack of courses…worst case scenario…you could always apply for transfer in fall for spring 2014…by the end of this fall…you’ll have your calculus, physics and chemistry courses out of the way…but hope for the best nonetheless!
@Bynumite…there is always next semester! keep your chin up :slight_smile: and you should definitely talk about your letter of rec with the advisor…my letter of rec wasn’t processed until after around I got my decision…but luckily for me…it wasn’t a complete rejection…spring review.</p>

<p>Actually, they also told me I’m in for Spring Review. Would they let me switch my first choice major if they said that History would have much more open spots than Int. Studies?</p>

<p>If I don’t get in, I will complete my last two classes for core curriculum at Blinn in summer then apply under SB 175 (guaranteed admission w/ Top 10% in HS). GPA should be up to 3.30 by then as well.</p>

<p>THanks nivy. I dunno, here’s hoping… just stuck waiting around. Transferring over the winter holidays would be very complicated, but I’d do it if that’s what it took. Anyway, anyone out there that could tell me how long step 3 takes to move to step 4?</p>

<p>From the time my son got his “admitted” notice it took about a week … but felt like a month. I suspect it all depends on what major you are in. Hang tight it will happen!!!</p>

<p>let’s face it! if you are still waitin like me. we are all going to be rejected!</p>

<p>Any idea on what it means if under the Manage Applications tab it no longer shows my app for transfer Fall 2013? But on AIS it still shows i’m on step 3…</p>

<p>@derekbwarren, the same thing happened to me. it means that you’re about to receive your decision soon. it’s either going to be spring review or it means that you have been rejected. I am hopeful that the latter is not the case…what major did you apply to? and your stats?</p>

<p>Good luck to you guys both. I’m still under review for PetE. Admitted or not… they need to hurry, I do not want to pay a nonrefundable fee and down payment to Texas Tech if I’m miraculously accepted to A&M.</p>

<p>Checked Howdy and it says I’ve been admitted! Still on Step 3, but I guess that will change soon? Good luck to those of you waiting still.</p>