Fall 2013 Transfer Thread

<p>@nivy12. I am sorry about that. Keep that attitude, you will be fine. Do not worry, after submitting your spring grades, you will definitely get in. Wish you best of luck.</p>

<p>Thank you, orgtega. I hope you get in as well.</p>

<p>Sorry about my post on those program being FULL earlier people, I didn’t know they have different category for transfer and freshman; I just thought … full is full. lol</p>

<p>@Nivy Sorry to hear the bad news man. May I ask when did you apply and send documents? I applied 1/8 and send transcript/docs on 1/11 trying to estimate my judgement day. Keep your grades up and stay positive. I will be going to Texas Tech if I’m rejected from A&M PetE for Fall 2013, however, I would probably reapply for spring if Tech doesn’t make me forget about A&M.</p>

<p>Nivy… we shall see… if not, looks like another fall semester at good 'ol Blinn, lol.</p>

<p>I moved to step 5 last night and registered for NSC!! Good luck to everyone else still waiting and Gig 'Em!!!</p>

<p>@TAMU15, congrats! What was your major btw?
@Mfoty83, I hear ya man. Good ol’ Blinndergarten as they say. Haha
@SobeGreenTea972, I applied 1/30, turned in my docs the same day. AIS moved to step 3 2/1. It turns out they already had my Blinn transcript and it was processed 1/3. Tech is pretty good! Let’s all hope for the best. If TAMU doesn’t work out for you, why not try for Master’s?</p>

<p>@nivy I am Agribusiness but through the college of ag and life sciences instead of mays. I had a 3.12 GPA.</p>

<p>Sounds really good! When did you apply and submit your docs?</p>

<p>I applied on the second and sent everything the 3rd</p>

<p>wow. Looks like they processed your app pretty fast.</p>

<p>@nivy … i want my first ring to be an Aggie Ring though lol… i might considered Masters after like 2-4 years after bachelor… need a lil break from school to actually work and gain experience.</p>

<p>That’s the spirit! You know, I am waiting for the day after a few months when all of us engineering transfers will finally be accepted…that shall be the day. The sigh of relief…I can’t wait! Just a bit ago…I was reading my email conversation with the nuke advisor…my hopes have been restored.</p>

<p>Finally moved to step 3 today! They received my first 3 transcripts on 1/18, and my 4th one on 1/30.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when/how we find out about transfer scholarships?</p>

<p>I moved to step 3 on the 20th, FINALLY. I had everything sent in by the end of January and it was so frustrating. I am really nervous now that so many people have been accepted. Here are my stats</p>

<p>I am applying to Agriculture and Life Science - Animal Science
My gpa is a 3.46
I have 26 transferrable hours at the moment and after this spring semester then I will have 37 transferrable hours.
I am transferring from Oklahoma State University</p>

<p>Do my chances seem bright!?</p>

<p>@Ramaiz, you could email admissions and/or scholarships and financial aid…
@CandyA, 3.46 looks like a pretty decent GPA for Animal Science…I wouldn’t worry if I were you :slight_smile: Do you have the Math and Chemistry courses out of the way?</p>

<p>@nivy12 I have math done and I am in Chem 1 this semester. Thats the only thing I am really worried about is not having done chem 1 last semseter but my school wouldn’t let me.</p>

<p>Finally made it to step 3! Now to wait… again</p>

<p>@CandyA, are you on the science track or the industry track?</p>

<p>@nivy12 technically the science track but when I applied it doesn’t ask you specify. Basically I have no idea! Haha</p>