Fall 2013 Transfer Thread

<p>stats: 69 credits
Finished Calc I,II and III
finished physics I and II
finished Chem 1 currently doing chem II
GPA: 3.43
Major: 1st major is Electrical engineering
2nd major is Biomedical engineering</p>

<p>Did anyone hear anything today? I was really hoping I would get my decision today. The suspense is really starting to get to me!</p>

<p>Hi everyone, I just noticed that on my HOWDY I only have my first major (Petroleum ENG) appeared although I did apply Chemical Engineering as my second major. Any clues ?
Endless waiting process is painful!!!</p>

<p>@drexel wow you’re stats is identical to mine. I’m 3.46 with 66 credits taking cal 3… done with chem 1&2, physics 1&2, applied for PetE though. Under review…</p>

<p>Do you have a school that you got accepted to yet?</p>

<p>@SobeGreen good luck and i got accepted to Texas Tech, UT Dallas and UT Arlington. A&M was my first choice so we gonna have to wait and see how the spring review goes.</p>

<p>Is that on your AIS? Check your Howdy…</p>

<p>After my 1st major was rejected, my second major appeared as both 1st and 2nd choice on AIS and I was accepted in Howdy.</p>

<p>Just wanted to let the transfer students who are still waiting know that not that many acceptances have been sent out after the first big wave. I think there is a total of 5 NSCs. The first and second ones filled up around the same time I was admitted and the last three were <5% full. I just checked today and the number of seats taken is about the same in the last 3 conferences so there are still a lot of letters to be sent. Good luck!</p>

<p>@chadblake, how do you go check the seat count for NSC sections?</p>

<p>Congrats to all the transfers that have received their acceptance letters so far!</p>

<p>It seems as though all the PetE transfers have been kept on ice. Im curious to know when the department will start rolling out decisions. Admissions say, depending on the department, it could be as late as the end of April. </p>

<p>@orgtega Your howdy account only displays your first choice major under the “Manage Applications” link, (in our case PetE). AIS should show your first and second choices. From what Ive read/heard, your major in howdy/manage apps will change if you are being reviewed for your second choice and have been denied your first choice.</p>

<p>Thank you JJoseph514.
I do not know why it takes so long for Petroleum Department to release their decisions. I am still on step three…Hopefully everything is fine.</p>

<p>Hi. I need help here. In Howdy, A&M received my official transcript,high school transcript, letter of recommendation, and essay, but the scary thing is, I’m still in step 2!The only thing I haven’t turned in is the Proof of vaccination against bacterial meningitis. Can I still submit the proof without jeopardizing my chances of getting in TAMU?</p>

<p>@aokikazo…the proof of vaccination is only required after you have been given admission so u can submit even after u get the admission and it would not have any affect on your chances of getting in tamu…</p>

<p>Thank you @immanjil.</p>

<p>My howdy account says WHOOP! You have been ADMITTED… Does that mean I’ve been admitted to my primary school choice?</p>

<p>Primary college choice***</p>

<p>Did you Howdy update over the weekend?? And just look next to where it says you’re admitted and it’ll say the major/program.</p>

<p>Not sure when it updated but I saw it yesterday… on program it says BAC-BUAD?</p>

<p>I believe that’s business administration.</p>


<p>What were your two choices?</p>

<p>Oh and congrats! when did you submit your application? it tells ya on AIS, just curious how long it took you.</p>

<p>Hello everyone! Not sure who remembers me, but I posted a while back about some questions in the review process. I just got accepted to the College of Engineering, first choice major of Industrial Engineering, and thought I’d post some answers to the questions I asked in hopes of helping anyone else with a similar problem.</p>

<p>Firstly, it seems, for those of you who are missing some credits that are “required” for admission, you may be able to get in without them. If you are currently enrolled in courses that are listed as required for admission (like calculus I and II, Chem I and II, or Physics I and II), then you should be able to make it in to your desired major with a decent GPA. Even if those credits are missing entirely, you still may have a chance. I for one was told that I’d be rejected by an advisor as the Prospective Student Center for a lack of credits, but as I said, I’ve been accepted anyway. I am currently enrolled in Calculus II and Physics I, going to be lacking Physics II credit. Since decisions are made based off of your competitive GPA, hours accumulated, and degree specific courses taken, where you lack in one you can make up for in another, as in my case. My GPA is a 4.0, with 53 hours of core requirements and a few IE courses.</p>

<p>Also, for anyone curious, it took 3 weeks and 2 days to find out my admission decision after I was moved to step 3. </p>

<p>If anyone has anymore questions, don’t hesitate to ask. The whole transferring process can be pretty stressful, and I’d like to help anyone that I can because I know I wish someone had been able to do the same for me.</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone!!!</p>