Fall 2013 Transfer Thread

<p>I must have barely beat the rush getting everything submitted because I moved to step 3 in a little over a week. Now I am getting sick and tired of seeing Step 3 YOU ARE HERE when I check AIS.</p>

<p>I’ve seen older transfer threads where people started receiving decisions in late February…which means we still have another month minimum… Booo</p>

<p>At least this thread is starting to pick up! Everyone new who joins should add their major and stats! Good luck everyone</p>

<p>@SobeGreenTea972, He sent his app in on 1/6 and they got it on 1/10 I believe. Transcripts etc. sent few days later. A buddy of his sent his stuff in on 1/2 and he got bumped to #3 on a Friday and my S got bumped to 3 on Friday a week later. Looks loke Friday may be the update day at least for now.</p>

<p>Been following this thread for a couple days now and have decided to post. </p>

<p>I’ve applied to the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M for the fall of 2013 and am currently still on step 2. </p>

<p>Stats: (CC)
3.5 on 49 hrs
Of those 49, 16 are CBK with a 3.9
For the spring I’m taking 18 hrs, 11 of which are CBK.
Phi Theta Kappa member
Oodles of volunteer/service hrs</p>

<p>I went to the transfer day in November and talked with an advisor who encouraged me to email the assistant dean (he was out of town for the holiday) with my stats because he makes the final call on admissions decisions for the college. The responses I got were positive, although with looming overtones that if I didn’t do well on my upcoming courses my potential acceptance may be revoked. </p>


<p>I was feeling pretty good about admission, but after reading this thread I am not only quite happy that I am not in engineering but I’m worried that my stats just aren’t that good enough for a fall acceptance.</p>

<p>Well, I was reading the treads about Texas A&M for already 3 months and I finally decided to jump in and tell something about myself. Hopefully we can use this tread to inform and help each other with some problems. </p>

<p>So to make this short, I applied on somewhere around January 8 as a transfer student for the Fall 2013. They processed all the documents on January 15 and they received my college transcript on January 18 (since then I’m at the Step 3). </p>

<p>I applied to Mays Business School, major accounting or finance.
My GPA at my community college is 4.0 and I currently have 54 credit hours. In May I am going to have 64. I don’t think that anybody wants to see all my classes that I took so far, but I am going mention that at the end of this Spring semester I will complete my Table requirements for the Mays Business School. </p>

<p>This semester I am taking Microeconomics, Physics II ( I know it is pretty unusual for business majors, but hey I like math lol), Public Speaking and Managerial Accounting. And after this I will complete my basics requirements.</p>

<p>I am the member of the PTK,made the Dean’s List and also volunteer with VITA(volunteers tax Preparers for low income families). I also have some extracurricular work and awards from High School but I don’t think it plays a big role for the transfer students. </p>

<p>When they are going to let us know the decision, only they know, it can be within 2-3 weeks from the documents processed or 2-3 months. But as the 90% of the people here, i’m very NERVOUS !!!
Good luck to everyone, and I am looking forward to everybody’s respond. Super Bowl night!!!</p>

<p>I also read some threads where they start giving some acceptance letters by the end of February. does anyone know if you completed all your CBK to transfer, is a 2.0 all you need to avoid getting your acceptance revoked?</p>

<p>For engineering you cannot have a grade worse than “C” in the semester prior to enrollment. I have also heard the same 2.0 rule as you said. I don’t think TAMU will accept “D’s” anyway for transfer so if you have all C’s or better this semester your acceptance will not be revoked. Unless @sparklenator has heard something different?</p>

<p>According to the BIMS prospective transfer page, and from what I’ve been told by BIMS advisors, you cannot have a grade below “B” on CBK coursework coming from a community college. A 2.0 would not be good enough/would be grounds for revoking an acceptance. (Again, this is just what I’ve found from A&M’s BIMS program website and told by their advisors/assistant dean.) </p>

<p>I strongly recommend going to your specific college’s/program’s website and searching for answers there. Calling the department wouldn’t be a bad idea either. They’re usually pretty nice!</p>

<p>Also, from what I’ve read on (again, BIMS) their website, processing takes approximately 2-3 weeks and some people do find out sooner than others. It all depends on when A&M receives ALL of your information/documents/etc that they will begin to process it. Best of luck!</p>

<p>thanks sparklenator, yea like you said it may be different grades required for the major you apply to. i read on the tamu website on what you need after being admitted is a 2.0 but again it may be different for every college. Good Luck to all</p>

<p>Just checked howdy and I have the my record and my finances tabs. I hope this is a good sign. Does anyone else have these tabs as well?</p>

<p>@chadblake what do you mean by “finances tab” ???
I checked my profile on the financial aid portal and it still says that they didn’t receive my FAFSA. But I sent my FAFSA almost 8-10 days ago…Code of school is correct, and FAFSA sent me an email saying that they processed my application to the colleges I selected. So I don’t know why does it take so long?!</p>

<p>Prior to tonight when I logged into howdy, I had two tabs, “Home” and “Applicant”. Now I have the original two tabs with two new tabs, “My Record” and “My Finances”. Under these tabs I can buy parking passes and pay tuition but I’m still on step 3…</p>

<p>Looks promising! They wouldn’t give you access to purchase a parking permit or even pay tuition if you had no reason to park a car there, let alone give them your money! Sweeeeeeeet</p>

<p>That’s good man!!! I think that is a good sign! I don’t have those 2 tabs, just "home’’ and ‘‘applicant.’’ And I am still on the step 3 as well. When did you apply ?</p>

<p>I’ve been reading older threads and haven’t seen anyone get denied after seeing these tabs! Hope it’s a good sign. </p>

<p>I applied 1/1 and sent everything in as soon as I could. Ill keep everyone posted if something changes.</p>

<p>@chadblake - Did you end up sending your final HS transcript in already? Or are you waiting until confirmed acceptance? Online it says that we’re supposed to send them in with all of our other documents/transcripts/etc, but on AIS it says we don’t until/if we’re accepted. What are your thoughts/actions?</p>

<p>crossed fingers</p>

<p>I haven’t sent it in yet. I figured I could just send it if I am accepted. I emailed an advisor and he said they prefer to have it but will not affect your application. I will just send my hs transcript, final college transcript and meningitis stuff together.</p>

<p>@Sparklenator I think it doesn’t matter, because when you are applying as the transfer student, you probably spent more than a year at community college or somewhere else. So the only HS transcript you have is the final transcript. It’s not like a college transcript, where you have to send most recent transcript and then when you are accepted you have to send them the final one.
I sent my final HS transcript and I have both check marks for the both section(the one when you are applying for admission and the one when you are admitted).</p>

<p>UPDATE: So 2/1/13 I moved to step 2… and today I moved to step 3… (applied 1/7, sent docs 1/11)</p>

<p>Man, if I don’t get accepted, this will be the most heartbreaking feeling ever, but have no one to blame but myself. Wish everyone best of luck. Nerve-racking as he11.</p>

<p>I applied on 1/6/13 to the school of Agriculture and Life Science- Entomology
its not a very common major so im not sure how hard it is to get into</p>

<p>Hours Earned- 30
Hours In Progress - 16</p>

<p>GPA at Lone Star Collage 3.25
GPA at Blinn College (current school) 3.6</p>

<p>i made it to step 3 about a week after i applied and i have been stuck since…im getting impatient arggg</p>