Fall 2013 Transfer Thread

<p>Thanks Nivy12 and Raymax… I’m going to hold out for another week at least and see what happens.</p>

<p>Thanks Nivy12. Now we are just waiting for more tabs and links to appear so we can continue on and get all setup for real. Still on Step 3 with no other changes. No matter what step you are on it is still nerve racking … lol</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as @fullbacker. “Manage applications” says I’ve been accepted. Just waiting on AIS now!</p>

<p>Way to go TAMU15 … looks like things are starting to Rock n Roll around here!!! I’m guessing no more changes/updates over the weekend but we will see.</p>

<p>You guys have probably already seen this but FYI:
Transfer Applicants: (Fall or Spring): Deans are sent an updated
list of completed applications each Monday. They try to make
decisions during the week and send those decisions to us
throughout the week. Decisions are entered as soon as possible.
Once the decision letter is printed, you should roll to Step 4, where
you will be able to see that a decision has been made. When the
letter is mailed, you should be able to view your decision online.
Decisions have already started going out. Transfer applicants may
get an admission decision as soon as two weeks after their application
goes to Step 3 or as late as the end of November for Fall applicants and
the end of April for Spring applicants. Other than that, we do not have a
time line when transfer applicants will get a decision.</p>

<p>So me and your S should be good to go?</p>

<p>Man I sure hope so TAMU15 and I really believe we are. It will just be a relief to see it all progress to the end and become official. I did notice this morning (Sat) that two more tabs (My Records and Finances) appeared on Howdy so that is a very good sign that things are progressing. Still on Step 3 though. Gig Em!!</p>

<p>Checked howdy today and found out I was accepted</p>

<p>Congrats @shawn200890! As for the rest of us waiting to hear back, I know the suspense is building, but all in good time! Hopefully it will all be worth the wait. :)</p>

<p>Way to go Shawn200890 … that is great news!!</p>

<p>Anyone know what days during the week AIS usually updates?</p>

<p>AIS updates whenever you’re accepted. But for documents ETC. it typically updates on Fridays.</p>

<p>Checked Manage Applications today and also got accepted for Bioenvironmental Sciences BESC.</p>

<p>“Application Status: WHOOP! You have been ADMITTED Level : Undergraduate Major: BESC Program: BS-BESC”</p>

<p>Congrats sartis!!! It is good to hear some more great news. It was starting to get kind of quite on here the last couple of days. So are you also still on step 3? Seems like it stays on 3 forever … lol</p>

<p>Thanks a lot! Yes it’s still stuck on Step 3. </p>

<p>I know some other folks in here were thinking about sending in their transcripts multiple times since they weren’t being updated on AIS. To those individuals: don’t fret. Even if you hand your transcripts to them, it might take 4 weeks for it to be reflected on AIS. I requested a transcript from an out-of-state institution to be sent to A&M, plus I handed one in to my local A&M office, and I also mailed one in personally because AIS never updated that they had received any of them. I worried so much that A&M now has 3 copies of the same transcript. (oops)</p>

<p>They mention that they receive a LOT of transcripts, and as I can imagine it can take time to process them all, so they request all over the website not to send in multiple copies. What they fail to remember, however, is that they have some VERY EAGER applicants that just want to ensure the admissions office receives all of their paperwork in a timely manner. So can they blame us?</p>

<p>I was accepted and even on Howdy today when I click accept admission it sends me to AIS and has me still on Step 3. I called the office of admissions about it, and they said I was admitted I would just have to give the system some time since my letter of admission was to be mailed out this week.</p>

<p>Congrats for all those admits. @sartis… Thanks for that insight. It’s right where I’m sitting right now with the transcripts. Hopefully I’ll hear something soon through Howdy. Again, congrats to everyone!</p>

<p>Accepted to Mays Business School.
3.85 GPA / 61 hrs
All Indicators done</p>

<p>@CAmerican, congratulations!
I called admissions today and they said that a decision has been made. Still on Step 3 though. I’m hoping for the best and the worst I am expecting is review after Spring grades.</p>

<p>My manage application now says I’ve been accepted!</p>