Fall 2014 transfers?

<p>does anybody know if they ever have actually waited until the last possible day to give decisions back?</p>

<p>Do they ever send decisions on weekdays other than friday?</p>

<p>Last year for my freshman decision I got it on March 27 which was a Wednesday. Their deadline for decisions were end of March. So they send them out on days other than Friday. Currently waiting on Transfer Decision, all materials in last week of January, applied to college of letters and science. Will have 30 credits at the end of this semester.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard back, or have the slightest idea of when rejection or acceptance letters are being sent out?</p>

<p>@gettinnervous‌ I can say that it’ll be either this saturday, sunday, or Friday with almost 100% confidence. Within the next 7 days, for sure. The deadline for them is the “end of April.” </p>

<p>They’ve only sent out postponements, correct? Or is anyone aware of someone that got accepted/denied?</p>

<p>@jimmyboy123 People have gotten accepted, but I haven’t heard from anyone about getting denied.</p>

<p>@andyworks When did people get accepted?</p>

<p>I knew some friends that got accepted about 2 weeks ago.</p>

<p>I’m being cautiously optimistic about UW since it’s my first choice and holding off on committing to one of my other transfer schools for the fall (U of I, UIC, and DePaul). Last year I was denied during spring break (before April) so hopefully waiting it out until the end could result in a positive outcome; also I haven’t been postponed either.</p>

<p>Did anyone get accepted in COE?</p>

<p>Hey everyone! I found this discussion yesterday and was so excited to hear about people in the same boat as me. I suppose I’ll share my story too!</p>

<p>HS Gpa: Cum around 3.0-3.1. case of senioritis killed my Gpa.
UW College: GPA 3.6
transfered to UWM: Current GPA 3.6 again. in 3 semesters my gpa was always between a 3.61 & 3.62.
Ive worked a lot, been in too many clubs to list, and have hundreds of volunteer hours.
Major: Poly Sci, looking to combine with Journalism.
Did not submit ACT.</p>

<p>Here’s a short summary of my life situation. I applied to UW Madison for Fall of 2013 - rejected. I applied Spring of 2014 - rejected. I applied Fall of 2014 - postponed on April 5th like most of you. I don’t like giving up and I think if you work hard you can earn what you deserve. The day I got my postponement letter I set it as the background of my MacBook. Haha. Good motivation, right?! I’ve never tried to appeal my decision but this time with out a doubt I will if they try to reject me. Almost everyone I talk to says “oh yeah its sooo easy to transfer just get a 3.0 and you’re good” well uhm no apparently not. Friends and family think its my skin color that didn’t help me. I choose not to believe that but now that the “UW not fair” website is going around it might be significant to note. This past semester my classes were literally chosen just to look good for Madison. I’m in classes i never would have taken. You could say I put all my eggs in one basket for this one. Also, my friend who had maybe a 3.5-3.6 in HS and now has a 3.3 at a UW College got postponed as well. Another friend of mine at UWM had a 3.7 in HS and a 3.0 now, her application is still being reviewed.</p>

<p>I love the city, I love the campus, I love what it means to be a badger.
I wish everyone of you the best of luck, they should just accept us all already!!</p>

<p>@collegegirlxxx You deserve to be a badger more than any one of us here ! All the very best :)</p>

<p>I agree with aspirantasian. Anyone applying for the second time should get accepted!</p>

<p>@collegegirlxxx You deserve it. All the very best everyone. I believe today r tomorrow they are gonna send out bunch of decisions.</p>

<p>Do they send out decisions on saturdays or sundays? </p>

I’m in a similar situation. I’ve been postponed on my 2nd try. Have you heard about how to get in after being postponed?</p>

<p>I got rejected, my stats are on the first page. I will be attending the University of Minnesota next year. </p>

<p>good thing I didnt wait on wisco. Just denied 3.6 GPA, 51 Credits. Hope others got better news and goodluck on your future college career!</p>

<p>Accepted, international with 3.82 and around 40 credits, applied for Comp Eng :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Sorry to hear about the denials, all the best in wherever you go!</p>