Fall 2014 transfers?

<p>Basically, there was nothing yesterday. I don’t know a single person who had heard back. And yeah, I’m starting to think that Madison’s going to drag this out until literally the last weeks of the month. </p>

<p>@Masterburrito1‌ I think you might be right, but I hope you’re wrong. </p>

<p>Just got postponed. What a random occurence. I thought after not getting my decision last night, I wasn’t gonna get in until next Friday or another Friday after that. And a postponement at that. I was only considering either admission or denial but I’m glad I still have a chance.
Does anyone have any info on being postponed? Is it the same as the normal waitlist? In the letter, it specifically talks about sending my grades in this semester. Is there a baseline and you’re in or does it depend on space?
Needless to say I’m gonna call the office first thing Monday morning. In the meantime, I’ll try to see what I can dig up. Thanks guys and good luck.</p>

<p>I was postponed as well. I know of a few people last semester who were postponed and then later accepted but i’m sure it just depends on the year. It’s better than being rejected I guess! </p>

<p>just got postponed too… … @waitwut yeah, please report back what you end up finding out. I’ll probably try and call as well if i can find time in my day</p>

<p>just got in, applied for computer engineering</p>

<p>gpa 3.65
major theology/classical language
student government class representative for two years
worked for school IT department for two years
culture club president
a good recommendation letter
a good personal statement
good luck for all of you</p>

<p>I just got postponed as well… From what I’ve heard that’s more good than bad. </p>

<p>@deyishi May I know when did you submit your application and when were your documents officially received? I applied for computer engineering as well but haven’t gotten a decision yet.</p>

<p>I just got postponed.</p>

<p>I got a 3.8-3.9GPA, cumulative. I got a great personal statement and a great record.</p>

<p>The sucky thing is that I’m taking around 17 credits this semester, and I have HORRIBLE professors that give 50’s as their average grades. I’m gonna get above a B (which is incredible), but I’m not going to get NEARLY as high of a GPA as my other semesters. I have no idea what they’ll say… this majorly sucks. </p>

<p>Do the postponements have a date that they will for sure hear back by?</p>

<p>@rybi23‌ I think that date goes all the way into May… @Masterburrito1‌ that is completely nuts to think that you got postponed with stats like yours…kinda makes me worried for myself…</p>

<p>my cumulative GPA is currently a 4.0 with 17 credits and I should be able to finish this semester with keeping that 4.0 and having 32 credits total. I was waitlisted as well and told to send in my grades after this semester, think I still have a chance at getting in and will i hear back before i even send in my grades from this spring semester?</p>

<p>I think it’s doubtful you’ll here back before the end of the semester because I’m pretty sure the only reason they waitlist is to see how you do after this semester.</p>

<p>That’s shocking me even more that you @Aymoney44‌ got waitlisted as well…this just doesn’t sound good at all.</p>

<p>I got waitlisted at the university of twin cities as well, however i think you are right i feel that they only waitlist you to see how the rest of your semester plays out to make sure you don’t just slack off because you got accepted.</p>

<p>Is there a difference between waitlisted and postponed?</p>

<p>There is but we’re just talking about postponements and waitlist as the same thing.</p>

<p>I guess the only thing I’m curious about is if they’ll accept me if I bring a 3.75 for my Spring semester. My average GPA per semester is a 3.9 (cumulative is around 3.8-3.9). And my spring GPA would be a bit lower than that (predicted to be about 3.75)… so I’m curious to see if they’ll let that slide or just reject me due to my GPA sinking. I was honestly hoping that I’d just be accepted so that I wouldn’t have to deal with that, but honestly, judging from the fact that my Computer Science class is but damn near impossible to ace (average is a 52ish, and I think I’ll pull off near an 85), and considering the fact that I’m going to have B’s in most of my other classes, I’m scared as hell for their decision. Do you guys think that they’ll let people above say… a 3.4 slide, or would you think they’d pay closer attention to your trends?</p>

<p>So another thing I found online from previous madison posts is that postponement means that they can give you an admissions letter at any time, but they want to see how you do against the next batches of students who apply before they do so. This sort of makes sense, considering how we were probably the first batch of people to apply, and most of us had gotten postponed. My only question is if they will make this decision at any TIME or if they’ll let us know AFTER we submit in Spring 2014 grades… It seems a lot of accounts contradict. </p>

<p>HS: 3.33
Fall college: 4.0

<p>Accepted last night</p>