Fall 2014 transfers?

<p>@Aymoney44‌ I’m in the same boat as you man. Finished with a 4.0 my last semester and I completed 16 credit hours. Looking the same way for this semester as well. All my material was processed on Feb 2 and I have yet to get any notifications from Madison.</p>

<p>Just curious, but are most of you transferring in from community colleges or other universities?</p>

<p>In-state university, part of the UW system</p>

<p>same, In-state UWM</p>

<p>Community college, TX</p>

<p>From what I’ve seen, it seems likely that the people that were accepted had a couple years of college experience and the people that were postponed, like me, had only a semester or two already done. Hopefully they just want to see us finish this semester strong and we will be admitted.
Also, I had a W drop last semester which dropped me down to 10 hours. So I guess that solidified my postponement.</p>

<p>Wow, that sucks if they are just giving admission to people who have a couple years of college experience already and postponing the ones who haven’t been in college long. This is only my second semester of college and I haven’t heard anything back yet so to hear that really makes me nervous. Congrats to those who have been admitted so far though and to the ones who have been postponed, just finish off your second semester strong and keep hope alive! That’s all we really can do at this point. And who would’ve known that they send out admission decisions on Saturdays? I’m surprised </p>

<p>@LexiMoJ‌ It appears that the opposite is mostly prevalent. I’m a second-year student, and I’ve had a 4.0 Freshman year first semester. I was accepted immediately when I applied for a transfer last year. My GPA sunk to around a 3.8-3.9 by Fall semester Sophomore year, and those were the grades I had submitted in. Because of that, I got postponed. It’s also worth mentioning that I had two Withdrawls (one from Spring 2013, and one from Fall 2013). This probably also contributed to it. Also, I had used the personal statement I had from last year on accident; I had recently realized this, but that statement is pretty amazing. Overall, it seems that there’s more involved in this than simple GPA, and ultimately, it comes down to the judgement of one person. Honestly, I think if you’re in your second semester of Freshman year an have above a 3.5 GPA, you will have no problem being accepted initially. Admissions also claimed that they do not look at withdrawals at all, but I think that plays a huge part into it. Also, statistically, there were far more postpones initially than there are for people who get their admissions later (I had noticed this with 2013 admissions, as well). I think this might be to see how everyone else does. But ultimately, it’s a holistic review. </p>

<p>For anyone who’s been postponed, after speaking to Admissions, the councilor had informed me that anyone who earns a B or better in all of their classes will, most-likely, get in. B-'s are acceptable, and any C’s makes them rather skeptical. Also, they care on what class you get those grades in (for instance, if you get it in a Math class, it would affect you more than a Communications 101 class). </p>

That is amazing news. All the more reason to really finish this semester off strong.</p>

<p>@waitwut‌ Yeah, if you finish it strong, consider yourself in. You can always get more recommendations and update your personal statements if you’d like, too.</p>

I called the office today, and the guy was very careful not to say anything about most likely getting in with at least B’s or A’s, or any other ‘most likely’ scenarios. He just said do well.
I hope whoever you talked to was being more straightforward (and correct).</p>

<p>@waitwut I insisted that the counceler take a look at my grades. She was able to tell me that I got wait-listed because of a class withdrawal and was able to tell me what I should get based on my grades. She’s the lady counselor. Talk to her. </p>

<p>She said that the standards they apply are the same for all transfers though. So unless we have smarter applicants this year, B’s or better should lock you in. That’s kind of what they look for according to her.</p>

Good to know. I had a W drop last semester, so I’m in the same boat.</p>

<p>Hi everyone has anyone heard from the college of engineering ? I applied in for mechanical engineering .
My stats :
College gpa : 3.15(weighted)
tonnes of extra curriculars
High school gpa in US standards : 3.8 or 3.9
100+community service hours
Also I have a relatively difficult course pattern with high passing marks . 65 is the passing marks for my college.
I will be having a total of 79 credits after the completition of my present semester and have applied as a junior transfer. Now i know my gpa is on the lower side still Can anyone chance me ? It would be great.</p>

<p>Idk anything about the college of engineering applicants, but omg someone on the same boat as me! International transfer and my TOEFL / extracurriculars are around there too. I think we’ll just have to wait and see because we come from different education systems so it is probably a little different for us as far as comparing grades to other applicants. Also as a junior applicant (I’m thinking of senior and super senior cuz I have over 100 ) there’s a lot harder classes so I am hoping they are counting that in as well. </p>

<p>@wiscogirlintokyo hope we get a positive result. Bdw what is your college gpa ? </p>

<p>@aspirantasian‌ 3.22 I think. 3.2 something. I’m really scared because I have random bad grades since I’m taking everything in Japanese which I’m not efficient in… Let me know when u get ur result! I will too, it’s just that my high school records was received at the end of January so I am probably not going to hear back until the very end. </p>

<p>@Wiscogirlintokyo Our stats seriously are similar . All the very best . Yea will surely tell if I get accepted! By the way my application was complete in early march.</p>