<p>@aspirantasian good luck to you too!! </p>
<p>Well here we go again! Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Did anyone hear back?</p>
<p>last week they were released on Saturday</p>
<p>Another “campus safety alert: armed robbery” email from UWM. Sigh, so anxious for the email from UW</p>
<p>anything tonight?</p>
<p>nothin here…</p>
<p>Yeah, me either…</p>
<p>I think the people that still haven’t heard yet might have a better chance of getting in than people that’ve already been postponed.</p>
<p>How do you figure? @waitwut</p>
<p>Im also curious why you think that @waitwut</p>
<p>@TransferGopher @jimmyboy123 It’s because they typically postpone more people in the beginning to see how the competition will be like. I go to UWM, and I know a good 3-4 people who are transferring. All of them have gotten postponed last week along with a bunch from this forum. When you call them, they give you a reason for the postponement, but as time goes on, I feel as if they postpone enough that they can start accepting with the quota that they face. This is the typical trend I’ve found with past discussion posts, as well-- more of the postponements happen in the beginning. </p>
<p>Adding to what @Masterburrito1 has said, I think that they may go through the pile initially to see who more glaringly deserve the postponement. (Like me, because of my W drop last semester that dropped me to 10 hours.) After that round, they’ll look into the ones that they have to look at more closely and make a decision. Call it a hunch, but if you’re a strong applicant and you haven’t been postponed yet, you should be good.</p>
<p>Just a few questions here… if you haven’t heard back does that mean that you will most likely get either rejected or accepted? Do any of you know if some people have been rejected yet? Do rejections tend to come out towards the end or the beginning of the process? </p>
<p>I think you are less likely to get postponed at this point, I’m not sure if Madison waitlists though.</p>
<p>It’s weird they did nothing last Friday/Saturday…</p>
<p>@BladeRunner16 I agree…I hate it</p>
<p>Hi all, I’m applying for the nutritional science program and I haven’t heard anything from UWM (no postpone)
College gpa: 3.96
Current college credits: 64 after this semester
Ielts: 7.5
Current college: community college in NY
I’m just worried about my chances…
You should get in. Your hours and gpa are both very high.</p>
<p>@waitwut My gpa is 3.15 with a really tough course work and 79 credits . Can you chance me ? + I have internship and tonnes of extracurriculars and I am in the top 10 % of my class. In maths and physics I have 3.6 cumulative.</p>