<p>[I think I'm going to cry. I spent half an hour typing up a post, then another half an hour editing it, and then the forum wouldn't post it and I lost it. <em>sigh</em> What follows below is a condensed version of the first post.]</p>
<p>Some of you know me as Rowan (and will therefore not be too terribly surprised by what follows).</p>
<p>That aside, let's get into it.</p>
<p>1) My grandfather is dying. After his recent release from the hospital (for pneumonia), he has been declining and the doctors have taken him off of nearly all his medications. To quote the doctor, "If you're going to have a stroke, we want it to be a big one," which everyone takes to mean that if he has a stroke, it'll be kinder for it to be fatal.</p>
<p>2) My mother stays at home to take care of him. He needs constant attention so that he doesn't hurt himself, or get lost, or let a problem go by unannounced (he's a "tough guy," harkening from his military days, meaning that he won't ever admit something's wrong). </p>
<p>3) My brother is being homeschooled by my mother. He scared us all by failing two years of high school, despite what help we tried to give him, and nearly turning to drugs. He helps around the house and the yard, doing what my mother can't.</p>
<p>4) My dad works out of the house and is often gone for 4 or more months at a time. Therefore, my mother handles all household issues, including bills, yard work, and all official correspondance between various agencies, as well as acting secretary to my dad for his traveling and scheduling and whatnot.</p>
<p>5) Lake Arrowhead (where I live) is quickly deteriorating. Check the news for the past year: federal disaster (the fires), flooding with washed out roads, an Aryan supremacy group beginning, feuding (country club is overusing water, despite the fact that there's a drought and the rest of the community has cut back), drought, and all manner of other problems.</p>
<p>6) My mother has colitis. She has lost 50 pounds in the last 6 months. The form she has is incurable (so far) and is kept in check by managing stress (which is getting to be way too much; see all the above) and regulating diet.</p>
<p>7) I am attending uni 400 miles away and costing them a lot of money in the process.</p>
<p>Having recently spoken with my mother, I have fully realized what a burden all of this is. In my part, I could quit going to UCSC (and move out of my apartment with my boyfriend -- it's a relationship that I believe could survive something like this), attend the local community college and live at home, and thus free up substantial expenses (approximately 10% of my dad's income) and also be there to help lighten my mother's load. </p>
<p>Realizing that this stress load is literally killing my mother makes this obvious, but I wonder if maybe there's another way.</p>
<p>If there was some sort of relief program (NOT a nursing home or social services; my mother wants to be with my grandfather (her father) when he passes, like she couldn't be with her mother), this would all be a lot easier. I know of no such program, and I am certainly going to look into STARTING one if nothing exists. But I haven't had the time to check in the middle of attending classes. Does such a program exist?</p>
<p>I am basically appealing for advice. Anything and everything is greatly appreciated. If, somehow, the above wasn't enough, I'd be more than happy to provide more details upon request (probably privately). I am at the end of my own tolerance of this. I am very close to my family (though we fight, as all families invariably do), and I can't take this for much longer.</p>
<p>-- undecided (and oh, isn't that true!) / rowan</p>