George Washington University RD 2021

Last year it did not come out till the 29th (last tuesday of the month)

It says that in GWeb the financial aid site, but it says that for everybody who applied for aid

I am so anxious you guys, I just want to knowwwwww! I wish we knew the exact date they were releasing decisions! From doing research on past release dates it’ll either be this friday or next tuesday, that is my guess

I’m still unsure about what portal you guys are on? does anyone have a direct link, i have found none of these things?

Chiming in from the GWU transfer 2017 thread
Good luck to all of you with the decisions coming out soon for you all!

They said next week for decisions in the email sent out

@Ravenkomskai What email did you receive? I never got one

Lol never mind I just got it

Bleh I’m a little miffed because all the colleges I applied to that “maybe” would’ve released decisions this week got pushed ahhh 8->

PSA: Email sent by GW today. You must create an account on their new portal in order to receive your decision " before the end of the month." Check spam then email them if you did not receive this email.

Because they sent this email, do you think this is an indication that they will be releasing them sooner than expected?

@charcoalatey2021 i got the email about the portal on December 16th and then decisions came out on the 19th- I’m assuming the timing will be similar for regular decision!

It said that decisions will be posted next week though

“before the end of the month” is the key and if @graduating2017 is right and it is similar to the ED release and timing, then I would expect decisions this Friday. who knows though lol

@sirhcgled hm maybe but they did say next week several times in the email

@graduating2017 hey, when you got this email did it say “next week” and then decisions still came only a few days later? that’d be helpful for us RD people guessing here haha

If I didn’t receive this email what should I do?

i’ll copy and past the email i got!

for ED, they were supposed to come out the 16th and then when it didn’t happen everyone was really confused- and then we received an email on the 16th saying
“We anticipate releasing Early Decision I application decisions early next week. The release will occur on our new GW Student Portal, which is replacing the GW Activity Center.
We will email you next week once decisions are released.
Thank You,
GW Undergraduate Admissions”

then i got the email to create the portal, and then on the 19th i got the email saying
“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to know more about you. Your admissions decision is ready on the GW Student Portal. Please log in to view your letter.”

^i received both emails at 6 pm almost on the dot, so yours will probably come then too im assuming

Ah, gotcha. So for RD I’m assuming they’ll follow the same timeline. Thanks for copying/pasting and explaining!