George Washington University RD 2021

I don’t see where the enrollment status is listed- what are you all clicking to see that . I am in GWeb. I see Financial Aid Menu and when I click on any of the menu items I do not see expected enrollment status . Uh oh

to restate my previous post

Open finaid from gw force portal
Click finaid menu
Click my award info
Award by aid year
Select year
See tabs

I just called and all they said is that they can’t give a definitive time or date, but that it’ll come out before April 1.

@hopefulfso they just told me the same thing. I also asked if we would get an email the morning of and they said no, which is the opposite of what they told me yesterday

Sorry for multiple posts, my phone was glitching

Also when I click on Any items in Personal information menu, it does not have any addresses or any info listed for my son when I click the “view” options anyone else?

Also when I click on Any items in Personal information menu, it does not have any addresses or any info listed for my son when I click the “view” options anyone else?

I’m not impressed by Admissions so far. This seems ridiculous, and the fact that they still can’t say WHEN they are going to release decisions (it’s March 29, nor March 1st) tells me they don’t really have it together.

I said this about Northeastern…it is cruel…plain and simple. These are still children, they deserve better. Post a date/time that decisions will be sent.

BU posted a date and time, and stuck to it, and should be commended.

If all schools did that, the stress would be so much easier for these kids to handle. I can’t imagine how any of them study or keep up with their school work, when they have this on their minds.

you guys make me laugh with your overreactions. I’m a senior and I promise it’s not a big deal that there isn’t a date. It’s a practice in patience. Everyone relax. We’ll know within the next 48 hours either way.

@sirhcgled - perhaps for you it is easy…not for most. And this isn’t just for one school…I feel as though my kids have been living on edge, checking emails/portals continuously since EA in December.

I don’t know any other industry where the completion date can be a moving target. Set a date, publish that date and then stick to it. None of this before Dec 15th, or before April 15…Admissions can do better. And should.

@flute1298 I just tend to take comfort in the fact that I know the decision is already made and I can’t change it. Knowing won’t change what they decided, it’ll just change what I know. It’s pretty calming, actually. I love the build up to decisions, and I’m a senior too.

So do we know if they will email us the morning of?

@flute1298 While I appreciate your frustration, I don’t think we have received any conflicting messages from GW. While people on here speculate as to when decisions will come out, the admissions office has never waivered from its “no later than April 1” position (at least as far as I have seen). And when you look at past years, it has always been very close to April 1. So while many of us would love to know the answer, and we can all wish it would come sooner, I don’t think there has been a failure of communication from GW on this point.

Recieved an email stating decision would be out “beginning” of this week. I am ready for this week to be over and move on to the excitement of committing to a school.


It’s “cruel” of a large University that has to go through 10’s of thousands of applications to not have a date set in stone for when notifications come out? I’m sorry, but your statement reflects a criticism of modern parenting that wants to protect and shelter “children” from everything. These students are mere months away from potentially interning in an extremely stressful environment on the Hill; from living hundreds to thousands of miles away from home; and, in general, making many decisions that will carry with them for the rest of their lives. There is absolutely nothing wrong with some “stress” over wondering if they got in to a certain school.

Further, with respect to your comment about other industries’ deadlines, I assure you that there are plenty with “soft” deadlines. STEM fields, for example, will worry more about quality research and analysis than meeting a deadline set forth by management types.

In the end, I agree that it would be nice if there was an actual deadline that schools could stick to. However, lets not jump off the deep end calling the opposite scenario “cruel” and demand that the lives of 18 year-olds need to be stress free (which is definitely a disservice to them preparing for the “real world.”

^ @NHuffer said exactly what I was trying to say with my comment. It’s not cruel, it’s life. Patience.

literally everyone needs to chill out. this is part of life. i know it’s hard because i’m waiting too, but taking our frustration out on each other and the school doesn’t help anyone. it’ll come out when it comes out.

This thread alone had over 400 posts…mostly all from kids stressing out about WHEN decisions will be posted. This is after all…their future…they have a right to be stressed. Look through other threads for schools, all posted by kids stressing out over the “WHEN” for results…the numbers are staggering. This is not about “pampering”; it is about accountability.

I stand by my first comment…
BU did the humane thing. They posted a date…sent out an email a week early to confirm that date/time and stuck to it. They had over 60K applications, if they can do it, every other school can/should do it.

There is no need to post rude replies.