George Washington University RD 2021

Just received my acceptance letter!

All the best to the rest who haven’t yet received their decisions :slight_smile:

Would you be so kind as to post the admitted student revisit dates please and thank-you!!

Hey guys! I didn’t have access to internet right after decisions were released so I will post my stats now! I was accepted with $20,000 Presidential Scholarship and was offered a home in the Civic House living community! I have a 3.75 UW 4.17 W GPA at an IB school. 32 ACT and good essays! Congrats to all accepted and best of luck to all waitlisted and denied!

Got accepted to their Business school with $25,000 Presidential Scholarship, as well as an invitation to the Women in Leadership Program. I have a 3.98/4.0 UW GPA, 2150 on the old SAT, submitted 2 subject tests (both 700+), and do a wide range of ECs. Congrats to everyone who got accepted!! #RaiseHigh

Is everyone able to access the GW force portal again after viewing the decision from yesterday?

Hey guys. I’m really late to this thread (I had work last night). I was accepted into the Elliot school and honors program with a $25,000 presidential scholarship. Best of luck to everyone going forward as we all choose where to go to school!
34 ACT
4.0 unweighted

Got into Columbia for Poly sci with a $20,000 presidential scholarships and some grants. Applied test optional but have a 3.9 UW GPA and a 4.55 W GPA. Congrats to everyone that got in!

@Pickles312 I’m nearly in the exact same situation. I feel your pain. Very upset.

@Pickles312 - It is impossible to understand the admissions process for many schools. As the parent of identical twins, this has been a real eye opener for us. Knowing our kids, the decisions made at some of the schools simply don’t make sense for us; but at the end of the day, it is what it is, and there’s unfortunately not much we can do about; except believe that all will be well.

Here is an article from the NY Times, please take the time to read it. And please remember, you are far MORE than a college decision. Best of Luck wherever you end up going.

Interesting. I didn’t realize that GWU kept their freshman housing rates artificially low. There are a number of $8500 per year options for freshmen, but those aren’t available to 2nd & 3rd years. The next cheapest housing is at least an additional $2000. And the only option available to 4th years starts at over $15,000.

@candjsdad I’m a parent of a current GW student. Yes that’s true housing costs go up significantly in the second year. I always figured that’s how they keep the fixed tuition plan.

However, the amount paid into the meal plan is reduced by $1,400.00 in sophomore year since the upper classmen dorms have kitchens and they are more likely to cook for themselves (GWorld can be used at Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods for grocery shopping).

Senior year they can finally move off campus!

I just got accepted at GWU with a $15,000 scholarship. Unfortunately, my parents still can’t afford the fees. Is there any other specific scholarship that I could still apply to, who’s deadline hasn’t yet passed?

Please help me out if you have any info regarding how I could still bring down the fees.

32 ACT and a 4.4 Weighted GPA… waitlisted

Congrats to all those that have been accepted! To those who were wait-listed: hang in there, there are plenty of accepted students that will go elsewhere and open a door for you. For those of you where did receive either, there’s always a possibility of transferring to GW after your freshman year if GW is ultimately where you want to be.

With regard to questions about aid: I think the only aid that you hear about in your acceptance letter are scholarships. The other types (Stafford loans, Pell grant, Perkins Loan, etc) will be announced later. I don’t know what the time frame is for that particular aid, but for the most part, the only other non-loan financial aid you’ll possibly receive is the Pell Grant and Federal Work Study.

Does anyone know if all of the scholarship/financial opportunities have been released? I read on their financial aid website that they have Activity Awards for being involved in school organizations. (for example there is apparently one for being editor of the yearbook, which I am) Anybody know if these have been released yet? There’s no information about them on the website. I would love to go here but at this point it’s still too expensive for me even with a $25,000 presidential scholarship.

@akr123456789 I’m not very familiar with those types of awards, but I’d recommend calling the Financial Aid department to ask.

@akr123456789 I got an email last night a few hours after my decision with a link to my financial aid awards. Also feel you on the whole “love this school but also love my wallet” conundrum. I got merit aid and a measly financial award and even with both its still quite expensive.

@akr123456789 Just call or e-mail the financial aid office. I’m sure they will have the information. Now that they have actually sent out acceptances, they have a very strong interest in converting those to actual students.

@mommymetal I did see that, but the kid’s still gotta eat. When my wife was a GW student she offered to get off of the meal plan to save her parents some money, then they quit sending her any food money at all. She was surviving on the $25 a week she got from work study. It did save her folks some money, but it wasn’t exactly the best deal for her.

did anyone get their letter in the mail?