George Washington University RD 2021

Can someone help me explain to my daughter why she was waitlisted?
She had a 36 ACT, 1570 SAT, 2 800’s on subject tests (Math 2, English).
She is 4th in a class of 400, president of Model UN club, vice president of Marching band and
played varsity lacrosse for 4 years. Looking at admission statistics, we have no clue how she got waitlisted, but she
did. Anyone have any help? Thanks

@jbc1102 , like stated in other threads this is yield protection. For some reason GW did not think that your D would attend and was using it as a safety. What has been recommended elsewhere is that if she really wants to attend to reach out to admissions and let them know

@jbc1102 I’m so sorry, but it is true that your daughter was too good for GW. I’m guessing that they might have suspected from some other source (financial aid application?) that she had applied to a couple of other higher ranked schools that she preferred. Did she apply to Georgetown? GW may have assumed that they would accept her and she would choose to go there. In the end, all GW really needs to do is improve their 75th percentile mark on test scores, and they could do that with just about any SAT score over 1450 or an ACT score over 31. I started seeing the results yesterday and got worried about my son who had a 1550. In the end I assume that they took him because his essay talked about really wanting to stay in DC, where we live. They also genuinely seem to have an interest in taking care of kids from the District, so maybe that was it. If GW was her top choice, I’m sure she feels miserable, but she should know that it wasn’t because she wasn’t good enough. Tell her she’s always welcome to come to DC for summer internships. Many of us are more welcoming than GW was.

Thanks for your responses. She did apply to several other higher ranked school (including Georgetown where she was wait listed also) and was either wait listed or rejected at all of them. She is interested in International Affairs and so GW was also highly ranked on her list and was also her last hope a school of that caliber. The whole private college admission process has been very frustrating to us, because she seemed to have all of the attribute the colleges indicate that they want.

@jbc1102 So sorry! I really do wish US News would drop the yield rate from their scoring system. I understand why it is there. It does give you an idea of which schools students actually view as their “top choice,” but tracking that stat really hurts students like your daughter. I would say that not all schools in GW’s tier seem to be so worried about yield. My twins were rejected at all of the schools they applied to with admission rates of 25% or less (3 schools), but got in at all of the schools they applied to with admission rates between 30% and 50% (4 schools).

@jb1102 Are those ALL of her extracurriculars? If so, it looks a little thin.

Late update, but I got admitted for rd with a presidential scholarship of 30k per year for 5 years of undergrad study. I don’t even know how in the world I was offered that much.

@HonerStudent0 I just provided some of her extra-curricular activities to illustrate my point. She was also vice-president of the debate club and qualified and attended the National Speech and Debate tournament for 3 years, senior editor of the school literary magazine and co-captain of the quiz team and science challenge squad.

@jbc1102 And no, her ECs didn’t look thin even before you posted the last set. I’ve read a number of things that make it clear that schools are looking for quality and passion in ECs, not a list an inch thick and a mile wide.Sadly, it seems like your daughter has become the victim of the US News numbers game (otherwise known as “Tufts Syndrome”). I do definitely think that you should try to contact the GW admissions office and see what they say.

Has anyone had luck appealing FA or Honors college decisions?

@jbc1102…when I look at your Ds stats …It makes absolutely no sense. Would her HS guidance counselor be willing to make the call? Might have more impact than a parent. Good Luck to her.

Waitlisted (SEAS)… 3.99 UW, full IB candidate, 30 ACT, very good essays, lots of unique EC’s. Considering everyone from my school with over a 3.3 GPA has gotten in, I was pretty surprised. Oh well, congrats to all accepted! Northeastern here I come!

Anyone have any financial aid tips? This is my first choice school but the tuition is kinda steep even with the presidential scholarship award…

has anyone received their full financial package including need based aid?

I accessed mine on
Username is your GWID
Password is MonthDayYear. for example january 2, 1993 would translate to 010293

@iwant2die My son received his full package on as well. I is posted under the correct year in the financial aid section.

accepted RD to honors college w/ 3.85 UW GPA, 4.45 W, 30 ACT, IB Candidate

Accepted rd to Elliott school with 18k per year 3.7 uw gpa, 4.4 W, 31 act, president/captain of four ecs at school, 2 study abroad experiences (one for Spanish one for Arabic - the arabic one is highly competitive and fully paid for by the state department), really good recs, pretty good essays

If you weren’t accepted to the women’s leadership program would there still be an indication of that on the portal? I’ve been accepted with 22K merit, but haven’t been able to find a decision one way or the other about women’s leadership

has anyone received their acceptance letter?