George Washington University Transfer

Well, today is supposedly the day folks. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I am going to call the school Monday if they don’t release my decision today, and tell them I will have to withdraw my application if i don’t hear within a week.

We called today, they are pushing the notification back two weeks. The woman on the phone apologized profusely, said the same thing about freshman yield being higher than expected. While she couldn’t give an exact date, she said they hoped they would be able to release all decisions in two weeks time. She acknowledged all the calls they were getting from us, apologized about eight times.

TWO WEEKS?!? oh my

@ncook47 I really don’t know what to believe at this point. I cannot tell if it’s someone that’s more empathetic to our cause and giving us real information, or if it’s the Head of Admissions telling them to provide this information. I previously pointed this out on the last page, but this situation is starkly different than simply pointing out their arbitrary June/July on their website. They’ve made repeatedly different timelines, each with a new vague descriptor at every turn.

I already have the State Department hounding me to confirm where I’m officially attending in the Spring and Summer and I’m pressed to tell them I’m still waiting to hear from the university. At my job I’m also dangerously close to not being able to provide ample notice of departure (because I don’t know if I’ll be in DC area or attending an out-of-area university), and I need the time to coordinate with the government for my GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon program with GW itself setting a deadline of August 8.

I really wish they could set a deadline and stick to it. If they had told us July 1st or July15th back in the beginning of this cycle, I would have been fine with that because I can plan for that. But when an office has given multiple different deadlines and provides conflicting information, nobody on this thread can amply plan because reliable information is left at the door. Everyone on this thread sympathizes with admissions officers, it’s just the lack of reliability that forces us into knee jerk reactive planning, not proactive as this summer should be intended. At any rate, we don’t know if two weeks is the actual deadline or if it’ll be the end of July. An admissions officer told me that the 29th would be the absolute deadline in the firmest of words, so now hearing two weeks from now is like crying wolf. Which one do we plan for?

With all of this conflicting information, if I were in their position (HoA) I would send an email out to the transfer class acknowledging the different timelines and reiterating the yield rate, and then setting a firm deadline and sticking to that. That way, there is no “lost in translation” and having admissions disseminate different information.

Hey all! I’ve been following this discussion for months now and decided to jump in and make an account.
They’re trying to admit as many of us as they can and that’s what is taking so darn long. The problem is, there isn’t much room left (no pun intended), as there is limited housing options left.

Hopefully they’ll at least release a small round of decisions tonight

Let’s hope the May 31st acceptances decide to attend other university’s!
Thats probably our only hope.
Anyways, best of luck everyone.
I’m hopeful that all of our hard work will come to fruition in the form of an admittance.
If not, the world will keep spinning.

@ratscan As many of us have repeteadly pointed out, the issue is not with taking long, it’s the lack of transparency and inconsistency of deadline pushes. When people need to plan, they rely on information provided by admissions officers to make informed decisions, and the decision-making process is thrown out of a loop when decisions are constantly pushed back and promises are broken. For instance, I told the State Department I would hear back by early July as to which university I’ll be attending as I’ve already received a few offers from them and they need to know which school I’ll be attending in order to confirm I am a ”continuing student.” Since the information is unreliable, I now need to keep an open line with them and press them to wait until I hear later. If they stuck to a single deadline in July and informed us at the beginning of the cycle, I would be hard-pressed to believe that anyone here would be reacting the same way. Again, pointing out the June/July on their website is a moot point because people here have been told different things, including myself. Nobody here doesn’t understand the situation they are in. Please re-read some of the responses I’ve made the past few pages to gain further insight on the general consensus.

Two weeks??!!?!!?! I hope that’s a joke.

@Sadboi99 All I want is a solid deadline they don’t change.

Called GWU a few minutes ago, they said nothing was coming out today for sure. My guess is they’re waiting for the June 2nd deadline to see how many other transfers accept/decline and maybe will go from there?

This whole process has been such a joke

Seriously, @ next year’s transfers reading this, find another dream school. This isn’t worth it.

@jacs5962 I do find it interesting to compare GW with Georgetown that also had a similar situation with their yield rate being much higher. They seemed to have a much better handle on admissions. They even provided me an early read with a reply in two days. Their deadline didn’t move at all and they remained consistent from last year. Georgetown admissions also doesn’t necessarily have a reputation for being the most organized, but yet the differences are very apparent. GW’s issue is that they “promise” dates and move them later. Had they had a static date in June or July (like June 15th) and stuck to it as opposed to a vague June/July, they may have had a better handle on things without having to promise different dates. With a vague timeline the propensity for people to call and ask questions about a specific date is higher.

@dcstorm97 This is apparently the information they were given by head of admissions.

@Andrspr Mine says it’s missing FA documents/supplements, but also will not let me see these missing supplements unless I log into a different portal with credentials that only enrolled students have.

@ncook47 That’s what they told me on Tuesday too. HoA is calling the shots.

@ncook47 I had the same situation. I would call them asap. Over the phone, they told me what documents were missing. It took over two weeks for some of my documents to process into their system after I submitted them and then they said it would be an additional couple weeks for them to be reviewed (this was late May/early June). So if FA is something important to your decision then I would hop on that if you can!:slight_smile:

From their lack of communication it just seems like they have no care at all for the students who put in the time and effort to prepare transfer applications for GW. Other schools have since begun taking transfer students off the waitlists and yet GW hasn’t even sent out all the initial acceptances. I was hoping to hold out depositing with Georgetown till a decision came from GW, just so that I’d know if there was a decision to be made, but it looks like that won’t be feasible. It was definitely not worth it going through the process with GW only to anxiously check my email everyday waiting for a reply. Future transfer perspectives–you might wanna look elsewhere.