George Washington University Transfer

ok so does anyone have any kind of hope to receive any decision before june

Yes because one of schools needs a deposit on May 1st and I’m still waiting for 7 more schools

@mishk90 which school needs the deposit on may 1? I am applying to the school of business

@clan123 I meant for one of the schools I applied to, not GW. I don’t think anyone’s heard from GW yet

I have a friend who transferred in and said he received acceptance around the end of April/beginning of May, that was in 2014 though. So hopefully it’s still like that this time around.

Hey guys, so GWU is definitely rolling, but this year is slightly pushed back even still. Here’s what my POC in admissions has said

“Great question! We pushed back our admission deadline this year from March 1 to April 15, so that decision releases will be pushed back as a result as well. Students can expect to hear by June.”

So, expect decisions to start rolling out later in April, and all throughout may. My friend was admitted last year on May 5, and said that day was the biggest wave as well. If you go on reddit there’s already a thread with 10+ comments from transfers, and they ALL found out in late april/mid may.

Well that’s a big extension: March 1 to April 15. That’s 45 extra days.

Hi, I am new to the thread.


University of Texas San Antonio

To–> Elliot School of International Affaris


GPA: 3.63 in the Honors College
Presidents List and Freshman Distinction list each semester
4 semesters of Arabic
–pretty good essays

Congressional Campaign Internship
Head Delegate Model UN
Event Coordinator Arabic Club
Honors College Council

Supplemental Instructor (think of a TA/tutor combo)
Sales Rep
Bow Hunting Guide

Nice, sounds like you have a pretty good chance @estark17

do you think we will hear something this week?


I just got a spring grade request, have anyone heard something about that?

Do you mean a midterm report?

I sent mine in first week of April.

I really hope we get at least one wave of decisions by May 5.

This wait is killing me. I really want to know whether to be slightly depressed all summer or over the moon in excitment lol.

@clan123 Did you turn in your mid-term report with your common app?

yess but I send my application back on February

“We have done an initial review of your file and would like further academic information before we make our final decision. Specifically, we would like for you to send us an updated, official transcript that contains your final spring semester grades”. @gumby39

Ah ok, yeah, so they are just waiting for this semesters grades to determine. So, whenever you finish this semester, send them transcripts again. @clan123

@clan123 Would you mind sharing your stats?

hey, I applied for transfer to GW too! as a history major :slight_smile: I was told last week by admissions that decisions would come out in early june.

im going to put my stats here and if anybody wants to put there too, please do! I’d love to see! im a freshman at fordham in nyc (rly similar ranking, however arbitrary that is, to GW) so Im including hs gpa and activities as well. not sure if I’ll get in but gotta give it a shot anyway! gw is my dream school lol.

college gpa: 3.868 (1st sem, dont know 2nd semester yet)
hs gpa: 4.43 (ranked 23 out of 446, summa cum laude)
-library volunteer for a summer (hs)
-library employee during senior year
-ITS secretary and then VP (hs)
-NHS secretary (hs)
-youth group, so lots of volunteering in that like soup kitchen and homeless shelter (hs)
-improv team (3 yrs)
-babysitter (college)
-my school’s fashion and lifestyle magazine (college)
-JSO (college)