Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>They’re all “regular-sized” letters.</p>

<p>If someone feels so inclined, would you mind posting the text of the admit and defer letters on here??</p>

<p>Someone a couple pages back posted what the defer letter looks like… It just goes on about being pushed back to RD, and that they don’t have to do another application.</p>

<p>Oh wow, I’m really not feeling good about this…
It’s looking like GPA is the main factor, isn’t it?</p>

<p>Dying with anticipation here in Tampa.
Stupid USPS and their not being able to bend space time.</p>

<p>you’ll know if you got deferred, all you get is a small ass letter with a single sheet of paper in it. I knew i was deferred immediately…</p>

<p>btw im from md at a school 15 mins away from gtown, dont know how that affected my decision though, maybe lots of other applicants from my school/area?</p>

<p>donutman, stats please?</p>

<p>no given rank, estimating in top quintile.</p>

<p>school is a public HS with a 400-student IB magnet, so the top ranks of the senior class are all filled with very, very high-performing students.</p>

<p>Got mail here in MD, deferred…
GPA does look like a big factor… Mine was UW3.77, W4.3, top 13% of class. At my school, everyone in the weighted top 10% had a 4.0 and would have taken 10+ AP classes by the time of graduation… So yes it does bother me a bit when I see aceptees with 3.8 who’s ranked top 10 in the class…
With that said, I didn’t send in SAT II scores, that might have been a factor as well. Though I did have a lot of confidence in my ECs and essays.</p>

<p>people from around DC area have a much harder time getting in in comparison to people from elsewhere with equivalent competitiveness</p>

<p>and no SAT II scores could very well have been a factor, seeing as they require 2 and expect 3.</p>

<p>Cinderella037 - I wouldn’t broadcast that. You’re not supposed to apply to Georgetown EA if you applied somewhere else ED.</p>

<p>I haven’t sent my SAT IIs either. although, georgetown promises that they will still give your application the same consideration they would if you sent them in, since we are applying early action. This is my hope, anyway</p>

<p>Cinderella, you aren’t allowed to apply to ED schools concurrently with Georgetown EA according to [Georgetown</a> University- Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Georgetown”> If either school found out, whether through a recommendation, interview, or other factor, that could’ve impacted your admissions decisions.</p>

<p>I’m just curious, out of the people who have heard back, what race did you put down? And what about ECs?</p>

<p>well, gpa is definetly not as big a factor as i would have hoped, not sure what my gpa is on a 4.0 scale but</p>

<p>its 90.5 unweighted…93.5 weighted
ive taken all the honors and ap course i could have taken through high school</p>

<p>class rank: 10th out of 87 (top 11-12%)</p>

<p>pre senior year

<p>this year
ap physics c
ap calc bc
ap comsci
ap econ</p>

<p>2150 sat (1460 cr+m) 770 math 690 cr 690 wr
800 math II 800 chem 700 ushistory</p>

<p>one of my gtown essay was pretty good, kinda bs’d the second one
ive done a fair amount of extracurriculars over my high school career, worked over the summer as a counselor the past 2 years</p>

<p>maybe ill get in rd when they see my curriculum this year?</p>

<p>oh yea…im white…</p>

<p>reporting from massachusetts. no letter yet!</p>

<p>Cinderella, were you aware of this restriction of GT EA?</p>

<p>if so, you are a fool.
if not, then contact both school immediately and disclose this. say that you were unaware of georgetown’s restriction and regret the error.</p>

<p>I live about 20 minutes from Georgetown and I still havent gotten a letter</p>

<p>shut up pj2010, nobody cares</p>

<p>anyone know if rank or GPA matters more?</p>