Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>How about from MN?</p>

<p>NJ had 170 enrolling students, and MN had 20…Good luck! :)</p>

<p>New York? or Long Island specifically, if there’s data for that.</p>

<p>New York had 201, sorry no info on Long Island specifically.</p>

<p>How many students enrolled from Florida? When do you think letters will arrive here, monday or tuesday?</p>

<p>hm, anyone from kansas?</p>

<p>munlover28: thanks this is so helpful! Texas?</p>

<p>what about MA?</p>

<p>Florida: 66
Kansas: 7
Texas: 61
Massachusetts: 90</p>

<p>No problem guys! I’ve been wistfully looking at the cover of this pamphlet for months (which has a picture of the campus lol) and totally forgot about the interesting stats until now. I hope this helps everyone! </p>

<p>It also has the characteristics of enrolling students (as in how many do a particular EC) so if anyone wants to know that info for a particular thing, I’d be happy to share that as well.</p>

<p>in terms of when letters arrive in the mail, even if you live closer to DC your mail might come later. It depends on the post…i usually always get my mail late -__-</p>

<p>Also, do you by chance have breakdowns of the entering class by ethnicity? or of the student body as a whole?</p>

<p>oh! can you post how many people do model UN</p>

<p>where did this pamphlet come from??
how many do mock trial?</p>

<p>61 from texas? $hittttt i have zero chance now</p>

<p>how many do debate?</p>

<p>How were the stats for international students? for lets say students in pakistan if they show it?</p>

<p>Minority Background: </p>

<p>African American: 6%
Asian American: 9%
Hispanic: 5%
Native American: 1%</p>

<p>MUN: 164 :slight_smile:
Debate: 164
Mock Trial: Not Listed</p>

<p>And I got this packet when I went to a joint information session with Georgetown/Duke/Penn/Harvard.</p>

<p>Hey mun, do you have the stats for sc???</p>

<p>The International Stats are listed by region. I’m not sure what region Pakistan is classified under (either Asia if they go by traditional definitions or the Middle East if they go by the G8) but here are both of their stats:</p>

<p>Asia: 39
Middle East: 10</p>

<p>And SC: 8
CT: 74</p>

<p>How about Connecticut?</p>

<p>hey guys!
i have been reading this thread constantly for the past few weeks, soo i thought it would be time to finally join!
i know most of you have GPAs on a 4.0 scale, but does anyone know what a 96.88 would be on this scale?? i’m a little confused as to where i stand. also, my school doesn’t rank… is this going to hurt me?
P.S., does it annoy anyone else that georgetown only counts m+cr?? my 2 part is a 1500, has anyone been accepted with under that so far?</p>